I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 417 The Terror of the Five Dou Rice Sect

Chapter 417

"I believe you a ghost!"

Bu Xiaofan gave him a blank look.

Bu Xiaofan knew that this was what Ye Qing told Nanzheng Palace.

Inside and outside the post house are people from the Zhang family.

You have to play charades when speaking here, and listen backwards.

"Hey Hey!"

Ye Qing just smirked and didn't say much.

Take a night off.

The next day, it was still brought by Zhang Lu himself.

Everyone went to Wu Dou Rice Sect.

Zhang Lu sent two thousand soldiers and horses to accompany the team.

It was more grand and eye-catching than Zhang Qiu's trip.

"Your Highness, the Five Dou Rice Religion is in Baozhong. It is located on Leigong Mountain, overlooking Ji Valley to the south, and Duanxie Road and Baoshui to the north.

Thanks to the good fortune of the sky and the devil's ax of the earth, no Xiaoxiaoxiao Xiaoxie can stay near Leigong Mountain. "Master Zhang Lu introduced.

Ye Qing already knew this.

Zhang Lu was telling him not to think about playing Xiegu.

Don't even think about escaping Hanzhong from here.

No one can enter Hanzhong from here.

It turns out that from Guanzhong to Hanzhong, apart from the main road Ziwu Valley, there is also a remote path called Xiegu.

The northern section of Xiegu is called Xielu, which runs down the Baoshui River, and the southern section is called Jigu.

It is collectively called Xiegu, also known as Baoxie Road.

This path is basically useless.

And it doesn't trim either.

Along the way, there are towering trees, countless thorns, cut-off gullies, fierce water, no bridges and no roads.

The army could not move forward at all.

So not famous.

In addition, the Zhang family in Hanzhong County deliberately blocked the news in this regard, so ordinary people didn't even know that there was such a small road that could still enter Hanzhong.

However, although the road is small, martial arts masters and people from the rivers and lakes can still pass in small groups.

So this is why the Five Dou Rice Sect is set up on Leigong Mountain, a small hill between the oblique road and the Ji Valley.

Its original purpose was to seal off the Xiegu, to keep the Zhang family optimistic about this road.

To serve the Zhang family's grand strategy in Hanzhong.

That's why Zhang Lu warned Ye Qing.

Don't play tricks here.

Because the calculation was wrong.

"Sounds so powerful, then I'm going to gamble on the glory of his teacher." Ye Qing clasped his hands and said:

"Do you know, my son? I have been in love with these sects for six lifetimes."

"For example, Taihua Mountain, I went to them and they disappeared; Baibo Valley, I went to them and they disappeared; Xiaolongmen... don't mention it, they dared to say that they would join me. You said they are the six great factions, How can it be so casual.

I wasn't ready, they surrendered, it's really boring! "Ye Qing shook his head and sighed:

"The Five Dou Rice Sect is a bit inferior to the Six Sects. Will they be like Xiaolong, who saw me and then cried like hell, begging me to accept them!"

Hearing Ye Qing's words, Zhang Lu almost didn't laugh out loud.

The people of Nanzheng Palace who followed Zhang Lu also laughed.

Ye Qing is talking nonsense.

Is it really stupid or pretending to be stupid.

The Five Dou Rice Sect is the Zhang family's private sect.

The head teacher is a direct descendant of the Zhang family.

The backbones are also the children of the Zhang family, and the masters of the sect are also the disciples taught by the Zhang family.

How could Wudoumi be your pug like Xiaolongmen.

The Five Dou Rice Sect is not as famous as the Six Sects.

The background is not so deep, and the time when the sect was founded was even more short, not even 100 years.

But it has long since become a behemoth.

With the support of the Zhang family, Wudoumi has already absorbed all the talents in Hanzhong.

Regardless of whether it is old, medium or light, the base is huge and the quality is very high.

Otherwise, the generals in Hanzhong would not have so many masters.

Because most of them are taught from Wudoumi.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, this kind of thing is impossible to happen." Zhang Lu's confidant answered for Zhang Lu confidently and confidently.

Seeing the sneering faces of the generals in Hanzhong, Ye Qing also said with a smile: "It won't happen, you can guarantee it!"

"Of course, there is no guarantee. Your Highness can rest assured that no one will bother His Highness with begging."

"Exactly! This kind of thing won't happen in 1 years!"

"Your Highness, don't worry, I can assure you that if something like this happens, I'll do whatever I want!"

"If it happens, I will eat dirt!"

"Then I'll eat stones..."

"Very good, I hope you can remember what you said!" Ye Qing suddenly smiled wickedly.

But in the eyes of Zhang Lu and other Chinese and Chinese warriors, this is stupid.

Bu Xiaofan touched his chin.

Contemplating endlessly.

Whenever Ye Qing wants to bet and show this kind of expression, it is when others suffer.

What method does this guy want to use to subdue Wudoumi.

There really isn't even a shred of possibility.

Even Dowa, who was serving Bu Xiaofan on the side, showed complicated expressions.

"Miss, you really agree with His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang's words." Dowa said:

"The importance and loyalty of the Five Dou Rice Religion to the family is much higher than you and His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang imagined."

Bu Xiaofan looked at Dowa and motioned him to continue talking.

Then the woman said again: "Furthermore, the energy of the Five Dou Rice Sect is so great, to say something disrespectful, maybe Miss, you Qishan Pavilion plus Xiaolongmen can't compare to it!"

Bu Xiaofan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Two six major factions are no better than one five bucket of rice.

This is not alarmist.

Duo Wa said: "Miss, do you know why the people in Hanzhong obey the Nanzheng County Palace so much?

It all depends on Wudoumi, the backbone of Wudoumi has absorbed the talents of the entire Hanzhong County, and there are countless talented people like crucian carp crossing the river. "

"The Five Dou of Rice Sect not only absorbs these talents to form its backbone, but its foundation is all the common people in Hanzhong. Everyone can become a member of the church by paying five Dou of rice. They can get its protection and serve them at the same time.

So you are here, Nanzheng Palace said, none of the people in the entire county dared to talk to you, but instead helped Wangdou Mijiao to monitor you.

If someone contacts you quietly, it is easy to be discovered and reported by the lowest-level congregation. "

I knew that Wudou Mijiao is powerful.

Didn't expect it to be this powerful.

Not only control the people in the Jianghu, but also dominate the Jianghu in Jiangzhong County.

Even the folks are circled.

This approach is overbearing and very practical.

No wonder the Zhang family can firmly control Hanzhong County.

Not only geographically, but also psychologically, people in Hanzhong County were separated from people in other regions of Dazhou.

"In this way, you people living in Hanzhong... are too miserable!"

Bu Xiaofan suddenly sympathized with Dowa.

People like Dowa have no future.

Except for the Zhang family and the talents gathered by the Zhang family.

The whole of Hanzhong has no future.

They are all under the double slavery of the One-Five Dou Rice Sect.

Live in a world of fantasy and oppression.

"So miss, we can only live for the Zhang family, all our struggle and efforts are only for the Zhang family." Dowa sighed, then wiped her face and said:
"However, I will live for myself in the future. If I follow you, I may still have no future. Maybe I will die tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but at least it has been wonderful."

(End of this chapter)

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