Chapter 418 Promise You to Destroy the Five Dou Rice Sect

Arrived in Baozhong City!
Ye Qing forced to rest here for the night before heading into the mountains.

Zhang Lu and the others had no objection either.

Because there is still a whole day's journey to Leigong Mountain, if you don't rest in Baozhong City for a night, you will have to sleep in the mountains in the middle of the night.

After dinner, Ye Qing closed the door.

"Five Dou Rice Sect, since I'm here, you should disappear!"

Ye Qing wasn't just joking with Zhang Lu and the civil and military men of Hanzhong County.

The praise slope guarded by the Five Dou Rice Sect is too important.

Only by destroying the praise ramp can the continuous flow of masters in Guanzhong penetrate.

It is also possible to increase the dispersion of the Zhang family's soldiers and horses, so that they are no longer concentrated in the Meridian Valley.

This makes wars happen in the future, and there is an extra combat intention and opportunity.


Just when Ye Qing was thinking about the Five Dou Rice Sect.

There was a knock on the door outside the room.


"Knowingly asking!"

As soon as the words fell, the door was pushed open.

Apart from Bu Xiaofan, he was not the second choice.

Ye Qing restrained his expression and said lightly: "Knowing that I will ask, but still knocking on the door!"

"This is to show respect for you, what if you are an exhibitionist!"

Bu Xiaofan closed the door, and winked at Lu Bu and Li Yuanfang outside the door.

Lu Bu carried his back and walked five steps.

Li Yuanfang climbed onto the tile beams of the roof twice.

The night gave him black eyes, which he used to watch the surroundings.

"What do you want to say? Being so mysterious, I didn't know that I thought you were going to talk to me..."

In the middle of Ye Qing's teasing, Bu Xiaofan looked at him with phoenix eyes.

Ye Qing immediately stopped talking.

It seems that the little beauty has something serious to do, and it's important to keep things light.

"I came here for one thing. The Five Dou Rice Sect must be destroyed! If it is not destroyed, it will be a disaster for Hanzhong. Shock." Bu Xiaofan sat down and looked up at Ye Qing.

Ye Qing said: "Why do you suddenly have such a sense of justice? It's as if the six sects are going to besiege the Mingjiao Guangmingding!"

"Hmm!" Bu Xiaofan's eyes showed confusion.

Ye Qing said: "It's nothing, you continue!"

"Although I don't know where your confidence comes from, and I don't know why you suddenly trust you so much, but I think you must have a way to destroy the Five Dou Rice Sect." Bu Xiaofan said to himself:

"The five buckets of rice in the Zhang family gathered all the talents in Hanzhong County, and at the same time enslaved all the people.

If this religion is not eradicated, the Zhang family will not collapse, and the people here will be enslaved by the sect for generations and become their profit-making tools, living a life of walking dead. "

Ye Qing touched the bridge of his nose.

When did this girl have so much confidence in me?

Seeing her looking up again, Ye Qing turned his face aside and sighed:
"It's so difficult, we only brought a few capable men into Hanzhong this time.

Among the strongest is Li Yuanfang.

And he is only good at assassination, and only Lu Bu is a second rank who is tough on the front, so it is impossible to be the opponent of the Five Dou Rice Sect! "

"Then you also transferred Shi Potian back to Chang'an, you must have a new sharp sword." Bu Xiaofan still couldn't figure this out.

Along the way, he didn't find peerless masters emerging from Ye Qing's side.

It seems that after leaving Chang'an, Ye Qing's aura disappeared.

become extremely common.

Except for a hippie smile all day long, there is no charm exuding.

"My good big sister, Shi Potian is only a fifth-rank master, and there are five-rank masters in the Wudou Mijiao, and there are no more than fifteen fourth-rank masters.

I heard that there are more than 30 people in the third grade, more than 50 people in the second grade, and even more than a hundred people in the first grade.

Are you sure Shi Potian can overthrow them all by himself. "Ye Qing looked like he was about to cry.

"Ah... so many!"

Bu Xiaofan frowned, he didn't expect Wudoumi to have so many backbones.

This strength is just like what Dowa said, Yijing is enough to be the combination of Qishan Pavilion and Xiaolongmen.

"This is only on the surface, and how much is hidden in the dark, we don't know." Ye Qing said:

"And among the army in Hanzhong, there are quite a few powerful generals. Otherwise, why do you think the court has not taken action for a long time, and the former emperors can only turn a blind eye and close their eyes, allowing them to grow wildly!"

After Bu Xiaofan listened, his heart became heavier.

The Zhang family is in the hands of the military, government, and religion.

Holding too much energy.

It is already a veritable country within a country.

With Ye Qing and himself waiting for a few people, they wanted to stir up a big wave.

The odds are too low.

"Ding! Master, please accept Bu Xiaofan's request, go to Wudoumi to check in, and destroy Wudoumijiao, you can get [-] Mohist mechanism birds (wooden kites) in "Qin Shi Mingyue"!"

The Mohist mechanism bird!
It turned out to be this thing.

It is said that only the Mohists have the ability to make organ birds.The organ bird can carry about 6 people, weighs about 165 kilograms, and can fly.

Belonging to the ancient "open-top aircraft".

"That's good stuff!"

Ye Qing was overjoyed.

Originally, he was teasing Bu Xiaofan, but he didn't expect to get a mission from her.

This woman is simply his lucky star.

"Why are you laughing? You think what I said is funny. Forget it. This matter is too embarrassing for you. It's almost impossible. Don't take any risks." Bu Xiaofan was about to get up and leave go.

Ye Qing put one hand on her shoulder.

Looking down at her.

Two people face each other in four pairs.

"You really want to destroy the Five Dou Rice Sect, as long as you speak again, there will be no Five Dou Rice Sect in Leigong Mountain tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!"

Bu Xiaofan looked at each other for a long time, how could he bear Ye Qing's bold and tender eyes.

Withdraw your eyes and lower your head.

"This is too risky!"

"Not big!"

"This can't be done!"

"can be completed!"

"You don't have subordinates who have surpassed the fifth rank, so you can't beat it!"


Bu Xiaofan suddenly raised his head again, meeting Ye Qing's eyes.

He could see confidence, resoluteness, and affirmation in Ye Qing's eyes.


Ye Qing spat out a word.

His eyes didn't move half a minute.

The faces are getting closer and closer.

"Okay! Then you can help me destroy the five buckets of rice."

After speaking, Bu Xiaofan gently pushed Ye Qing, then got up and ran towards the door.

"Okay, I promise you, I will do it!"

The corners of Ye Qing's mouth rose slightly, and when he stepped on Xiaofan's door, he said again:

"So... I have returned one of your favors!"

Bu Xiaofan stopped holding the hand behind the door just now, and turned his face away.

Ye Qing said with a hippie smile, "I still owe you one!"

"Hmph, it's almost there!"

Bu Xiaofan turned his face away, suddenly feeling a little sweet in his heart.

He secretly yelled that you have a conscience, then opened the door, and then left.

However, the slight redness on the face caused Lu Bu and others to diverge their thinking and develop rich associations.

Ye Qing closed the door, then whispered: "Where is Zhang Sanfeng!"

The next moment, a sound sounded from the wide beams on the top of the beam:
"Grassman Zhang Sanfeng, pay homage to the lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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