I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 419 The Old Daoist Came to Exterminate the Five Dou Rice Sect

Chapter 419 The Old Daoist Came to Exterminate the Five Dou Rice Sect
Chapter 410 Nine

Get up the next day.

Ye Qing and the others set off immediately.

The people of Nanzheng Palace re-searched their residence as usual.

See if anything is left on purpose.

For example, bamboo slips or brocade silk with characters.

In order to prevent Ye Qing and others from communicating with Anzi who was placed in Hanzhong by the imperial court.

After a careful search, nothing was issued.

So they all left.

Wait for someone to leave completely.

Only then jumped down from Ye Qing's beam was an old man in Taoist robes, silver-white hair, and kindly wrinkled face.

"A few first-grade boys, why are they so careless in their work?"

This person is none other than Zhang Sanfeng of the sixth rank.

Zhang Sanfeng opened the door and walked out.

Because he was wearing a simple Taoist robe, and he was placed there in addition to his age.

The people in Baozhong City thought he was an elder of the Five Dou Rice Sect.

They saluted him one after another, and even when they left the city, the guards greeted him and asked him if he needed horses!
"It's even better, I have to go to Leigong Mountain to do some urgent work!"

Zhang Sanfeng didn't expect the people in Hanzhong to be so simple.

He took the horse and rode off north.

After he left, the soldiers guarding the city murmured, "Do you know who this fairy is?"

"I haven't seen it before, but this fairy elder is so old, and he is still full of energy and energy. He must be a master and should have the strength of the third rank or above!"

"It's probably an unborn elder! Otherwise, Zensheng is so polite to us, just like other immortal elders in Zaisha, without any hostility or overbearing."

"Hey, it would be great if all the elders of the Five Dou Rice Sect were like him, but it's a pity..."

"Be careful!"

Another voice whispered a reminder.

But it was still overheard by the guard who took the initiative to send the horse to Zhang Sanfeng just now.

The guard put away the bright smiling face just now, pointed at these people with a cold face and shouted:
"You're a motherfucker who gets whipped by me, and dares to talk about divine religion. I'm tired of it..."

All the soldiers guarding the city and the people who passed by shivered, and their backs were as cold as deep winter.


It is said that after Ye Qing and others left the city, Ye Qing got off his horse from time to time to play in the mountains and valleys, and was not in a hurry to go to Leigong Mountain.

"Your Highness, if this continues, we may not be able to reach Leigong Mountain before dark!"

Zhang Lu walked over a little impatiently.

He didn't want to be camping out there.

Because the accommodation conditions in Leigong Mountain are much better.

And there are many women on the mountain.

All are martial arts.

These women play more vigorously.

"It's okay! If we don't arrive, we will camp at night." Ye Qing said:

"Look how beautiful this scenery is, it's rare to see it in life, it's a pity to miss it, enjoy life, live in the moment, we should release our nature to the fullest, play when we want, eat when we want, drink when we want!"


Zhang Lu and a group of Hanzhong generals suddenly had strange expressions.

Ye Qing went on to say:

"If the prince is in a hurry to go to Leigong Mountain, then you go first, don't wait for us, we can take care of ourselves."

I am special!
It was you who said you were going, and it was you who said you were going in a hurry.

Now suddenly said no hurry.

You are playing with us!
Mostly trying to cheat.

Zhang Lu thought for a while and said:

"Your Highness, if you are not in a hurry, then I am not in a hurry, I'd better stay with you!"

"Okay! You can do whatever you want, I won't force you." Ye Qing said noncommittally.

Although Bu Xiaofan didn't know what Ye Qing was doing.

But thinking about it, Ken's reasoning has something to do with what he said last night.

So she didn't urge her anymore, and tried her best to cooperate with Ye Qing.


Thunder Mountain!
It's time to close!

The figure of the old fairy appeared in front of the gate of Wudou Mijiao Mountain!
Although they are both Taoist robes, Zhang Sanfeng's is more simple and old-fashioned.

Compared with the gorgeousness of five buckets of rice, it is not at the same level.

"Who are you?"

Guarding the mountain gate are two first-class warriors.

At first, the two also thought that Zhang Sanfeng was a member of the sect.

However, after careful examination, it was discovered that Zhang Sanfeng was not a member of the sect.

Because there are countless elders in this religion.

They know each other.

"Expert Wudang Zhang Sanfeng!"

Zhang Sanfeng said truthfully.

Also made a Taoist gift.

"Wudang Mountain! You are from Chuyue Kingdom!"

The two guarding Sanshan were shocked.


Zhang Sanfeng shook his head.

But the two didn't believe it, so they hurriedly showed their weapons vigilantly, and made a defensive posture:
"You...what are you going to do?"

"The old Taoist wants to... kill five buckets of rice!"

The old Taoist wanted to destroy five buckets of rice!

A very plain sentence, but like rolling thunder, hit the hearts of the two of them directly.

Kill them five buckets of rice!

Just rely on you alone?

It's a joke.

Although the two knew that they couldn't beat Zhang Sanfeng, they could call for help.

So the two started to retreat, then retreated into the gate, parted left and right, and closed the mountain gate.

Hurry up to the peg.

Then he turned towards the main hall of the mountain gate, sank into his dantian, and then shouted:
"It's not good, people from Wudang Mountain of Chuyue Kingdom killed my Five Dou Rice Sect!"


The entire noisy Five Dou Rice Church was instantly quiet.

This time is just the time to prepare dinner and enjoy delicious food.

Someone dared to call and provoke Wudoumi.

"Let's go, I want to see who is blind and dares to come here to make trouble!"

"Looks like a Chuyue native from Wudang Mountain!"

"Then they deserve to die even more. We Hanzhong didn't go to trouble the Chuyue people, but they dared to come to the mountain gate of our sect."

"Fuck the bastard of Wudang Mountain!"

At this moment, the five buckets of rice people were like a common enemy, and they rushed down the mountain with weapons.

Soon they arrived in front of the mountain gate. Before the door was opened, someone asked the two guards of the mountain gate: "How many people have come to the Wudang Gate of Chuyue Kingdom?"

"It doesn't matter how many he comes, as many as we come, we will kill as many as possible!"

"Exactly! Waste so many words! One of them will definitely kill them!"

Before the two guards of the mountain gate could reply, the impatient Wu Dou Mi Sect members pushed them away, and then reopened the heavy bronze gate.


Countless roars and murderous aura filled the sky, and they rushed out with the rush of the crowd.

But after rushing out, everyone taught by Wudoumi was dumbfounded!

old man!

Silver hair, nearly sixty years old.

Also wearing Taoist robes.

With a smile in his mouth, he remained calm and looked at them like an elder.

Everyone stopped abruptly, bumping into their arms one by one.

"You... who are you? People from Chuyue Kingdom!"

It is impossible for such an old man to come to challenge.

someone asked.

Zhang Sanfeng laughed tirelessly and said, "Veteran Wudang Zhang Sanfeng!"

"Wudang...you are the Chuyue people who came to provoke our Five Dou Rice Sect!" The weapons that everyone was about to put down were tightened again.

Then he looked at Zhang Sanfeng again.

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and said: "No! I'm just here to destroy your five-doumi cult!"

"What! It's your brazen words!"

When the people of Wu Dou Mijiao heard this, they were instantly annoyed.

Immediately surrounded Zhang Sanfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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