I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 420 Zhang Sanfeng Bloodbathed the Hall

Chapter 420 Zhang Sanfeng Bloodbathed the Hall

"Old man, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Old man, you are courting death!"

"Old man, squat down and beg for mercy immediately, but I will spare you!"

Zhang Bangfeng stroked his beard and laughed loudly: "Children, let's go, tell your adults to come out, the old way will not bully the great-great-grandchildren!"

This time, the five buckets of rice people were completely raped.


I've never seen such a bully.

Others call people grandchildren when they curse.

He jumped straight to the great-great-grandson.

Too much!

"Old man, you're going to die, you're going to die in an ugly way!" A second-rank expert who was considered to be the leader had a ferocious face, and the hand holding the sword was about to stab him.

The old god Zhang Shanfeng said with a smile: "The old Taoist is telling the truth. The old Taoist is a hundred years old today. If he takes action against you dolls, he will really bully people!"



They are over a hundred years old, and they don't have five buckets of rice for 100 years.

He is an old man who dares to say that he is about a hundred years old.

Then your cultivation base will not reach the sky.

Who are you kidding?

They also want to use their five buckets of rice to fool us.

"Kill him, Hugh is talking nonsense!"

Everyone just felt that their IQ was humiliated.

They swung their swords and stabbed over.

Zhang Sanfeng leaped high to the top of the wall of the Five Bucket of Rice Mountain Gate.

Then with a loud laugh, the figure disappeared there and flew into the mountain gate.

"Oops, this old man is so relaxed, he has entered the mountain gate, hurry up!"

"Damn it, he should have been killed a long time ago!"

People from the Five Dou Rice Sect went back to the mountain gate one after another and chased after them.

But their martial arts are not as deep and brilliant as Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng had the idea of ​​letting these juniors die.

Ye Qing's goal is to destroy the Five Dou Rice Sect. He just needs to kill their high-level officials and burn down the sect's mountain gate.

So Zhang Sanfeng flew directly to the main hall.

The main hall door slammed shut.


The high-ranking Wudoumi in the main hall have just gathered.

He was shocked when someone broke into him suddenly.

After seeing Zhang Sanfeng clearly, they all started to drink loudly.

Zhang Sanfeng swept towards the people in the hall.

"Very good, seventy percent of them are here."

After speaking, Zhang Sanfeng's figure moved, and Ti Yunzong made a move, and he arrived beside a fourth-rank master with a dexterous body.

"So fast!"

This fourth-rank master hadn't reacted yet, and Zhang Sanfeng's palm was hit by Yijing.

There are a total of 36 strokes in the cotton palm. The technique is mainly based on the palm. It moves like cotton, and the movements are continuous. The palm technique runs in a circle.

The seemingly light palm hit weakly.

But one contact.

Infinite power is coming.

In a hurry, the fourth-rank master was sent flying and hit the pillar of the hall heavily.

Then he vomited three grades of blood, and died after losing his breath.

How domineering!
Killed a fourth-rank martial artist with one palm.

This old man can still be supreme.

But at this time, Yijing has no chance to think about it for the people of Wu Dou Mijiao.

Ye Qing and Zhang Sanfeng either didn't give the command to kill, but if they did, it would be a massacre.

His soft palms are in continuous movements, and his figure is still like running water, like splashing ink and holding a pen.

The figure jumped up and down flexibly.

Hit the last set of soft palms.

All those in the hall who didn't come to dodge in a hurry, only came in a hurry to let out a scream, and all of them died with a palm.

The elders and deacons of the Five Dou Rice Sect in the hall hid in horror.

After Zhang Sanfeng stopped at the seat where the head should have been.

The entire hall was in a mess.

Twelve corpses lay on the ground.

"You... who are you?"

The man with five buckets of rice kept searching for the names of the world's masters in his mind.

But I couldn't find anyone like Zhang Sanfeng.

It is impossible to have a big week.

Wudang Gate!
It seems that it is not enough.

Because Wudang Sect is a big step weaker than the Great Saturday Sect.

There is only one master of the five realms in the door.

There are also many other high-quality masters.

Where dare to come to five buckets of rice to play wild.

People who can kill people at the fourth-rank level with a single shot must not have the strength of seventh-rank or higher.

Such a supreme being, I'm afraid Da Zhou can't afford it.

"Expert Wudang Zhang Sanfeng!"

Zhang Sanfeng flicked his sleeves.

He looked at each other with high spirits and the people of the Five Dou Rice Sect.

"Wudang! Impossible. You don't have such a strong person. If you dare to act or not, what kind of a hero are you?"

"That's right! Being disrespectful, you still want to fool us!"

"Hahaha, how many times does it take the old man to believe it!" Zhang Sanfeng shook his head and said:

"The old man is more than 100 years old and has eaten more salt than you great-grandchildren, so he doesn't know that you are delaying time.

I think it's time for your head and the fifth-rank realm to arrive! "

When everyone heard the five buckets of rice, their colors changed.

One is angry, a hundred years old, if you don't brag, you will die.

He also called us great-grandchildren, the old thief should show some face!

The old man actually saw through their plan, he really is a mature person.

Don't wait for them to think about something else.

Zhang Sanfeng stomped his foot, and a sword jumped up from the ground.

Zhang Sanfeng grabbed it, and then moved towards the nearest enemy to kill.

Everyone from the Five Dou Rice Sect shouted, "Back off, don't disperse!"

These fourth-rank and third-rank masters of the Five Dou Rice Sect all retreated a little, relying on each other to prevent Zhang Sanfeng from attacking.

But Zhang Sanfenghao didn't care.

After lightly stepping on the ground, he uttered a small sentence: "Tai Chi swordsmanship!"

Zhang Sanfeng was in the air, waving the sword in his hand.

There are 54 Taiji swordsmanship, dancing freely and freely like flowing clouds and flowing water.

I saw his left, right, front and back, full of sword lights and residual sword shadows.

A gossip Pisces figure also emerged along with the increase of residual swords.

Everyone in the Five Dou Rice Sect was shocked.

There was a buzzing sound in the brain.

"This is Qishan Pavilion's mind-dharma array!"

"Not good! It's a sword formation! Disperse!"

A well-informed fourth-rank elder shouted, then rushed out of the door frame and slammed it out.

Holding the sword in the void, carving formations with the sword, this precipice is a trick that only the old and immortal Qishan Pavilion can play.

"go with!"

Zhang Sanfeng landed gracefully, like a dancing young woman landing lightly, very brisk.
And the sword in Zhang Sanfeng's hand is constantly changing, one life is two, two is three, three is ten thousand swords.

All the swords pierced through.

"Puff puff……"

White light flashed.

Then blood mist floated up one after another.

Then one by one, the figures slammed into the door frame behind.

Then it flew out and fell on the bluestone slab or the white marble railing.

Those disciples of the Five Dou Rice Sect at the middle and lower levels who had just chased over and wanted to rush stopped one after another.

Then, as if they had seen a ghost, they collectively showed horrified expressions!

Each eye stares as wide as possible.

Looking into the hall, the hall was full of corpses, except for Zhang Sanfeng, who was in Taoist robe and silver hair.

There is no one left alive.

Seventy percent of the elders and eighty percent of the deacons are all dead.

Killed by an old man.

And time is too fast.

"This... this...!"

This group of first-class, first-rank, and second-rank five-doumi disciples looked terrified and moved their throats.

The body leans back unnaturally.

The legs also move back slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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