Chapter 421
Strong enough to suffocate!

So many elders and deacons.

It was killed in an instant.

What the hell is this monster.

"Who! Dare to come to my five buckets of rice to make trouble!"

The next moment, eleven warriors jumped down from the tiles on the temple.

One of them is Zhang Shan, the head teacher of the Five Dou Rice Sect, with a fifth-grade strength.

The others are four in the fourth-rank realm and six in the third-rank realm.

There is also a fifth grade.

However, the clothes are different from the usual Taoist robes of the Five Dou Rice Sect.

This person is a black Taoist robe.

Between eyebrows and the head teacher Zhang Shan believed.

"That's... Elder Hei who died in 20 years!"

Someone recognized Zi, a special fifth-rank expert.

Because he is another legend of the Five Dou Rice Sect.

The talent is as high as the head teacher.

And they are still brothers, because the foreign trade is exactly the same.

So in order to avoid being mistaken, he wore a black Taoist robe.

However, it is said that 20 years ago, he died because of a martial arts competition.

There is only a fourth-rank realm.

I didn't expect to be alive.

And it's the same strength as the master.

The people of Wu Dou Mijiao were overjoyed.

They don't care why the black elder Zhang Shui is not dead.

Instead, it became frenzied.

One teaches two five grades.

It is enough to compete against the warriors of the sixth and seventh ranks.

It turned out that their five buckets of rice had already caught up with the six major factions.

They are proud.

They are excited.

"Here comes the grandchildren." Zhang Sanfeng held his sword upside down behind him, and stroked his beard:
"My lord's guess is right. The five buckets of rice are indeed hiding their strength, and an extra fifth grade appears in a short while. I don't know what surprises there will be in the future!"

Zhang Shan and Zhang Shui were so angry that they were half dead!
Look at each other.

Nod your head, then rush into the hall with your sword in hand!

One green and one gray, attack left and right.

Kill Zhang Sanfeng!

Zhang Sanfeng's face didn't change, he was still calm, and he swung his sword to strike him.

The three swords swung back and forth.

There was a golden sound, and the flames flew.

The three figures changed respectively, and the people standing outside the hall did not dare to go in, and could only see countless afterimages.

After about ten strokes.

Zhang Sanfeng stood on the head seat.

Zhang Shui and Zhang Shan stood five steps apart holding their swords!

The two turned their backs to the crowd of the Five Dou Rice Sect.

His brows were all wrinkled into Sichuan characters.

Sorrow welled up in my heart.

The old man in front of him is too strong.

Neither of his two fights could injure the opponent in the slightest. The opponent's swordsmanship is too well-known and impenetrable, so it can't break the defense at all.

And they can feel that this person is more than capable.

It was just a warm-up start.

The opponent hasn't made a killer move yet, and hasn't tried his best yet.

Seven products!

Only the supreme of the seventh rank has such ability.

"Could it be...he is really a hundred years old!"

This is absurd!
Even if a martial artist has a long lifespan, it is amazing to be seven or eighty years old.

And most people will die at fifty or sixty.

Either he was injured all over his body, or he was backlashed by his own martial arts, or he was replaced by a new generation of strong men.

Hujiang is the shadow of swords and blood.

Those who come out to mix will have to pay back.

I have never heard of anyone who lived to be a hundred years old.

Yes, and the force is still so strong.

"Bu Nine Deaths!"

The two made eye contact, then quickly backed away.

Straight out of the hall.

Afterwards, he brought nine third-rank and fourth-rank masters to the platform of His Highness.

Then the nine people each stood in a position.

Zhang Shui and Zhang Shui are in the middle.

Zhang Sanfeng walked out slowly.

Immortal style, elegant and free and easy.

Looking harmless to humans and animals, he is simply a lovely grandfather.

But no one dared to belittle him, or even approach him.

The other disciples of the Five Dou Rice Sect retreated far away.

In this battle, they were unable to intervene.

It can only be a waste that can be killed in seconds with a single sword.

Seventh-rank Supreme, a sword qi can kill someone.

"Heh Ke, Nine Deaths! It's interesting." Zhang Sanfeng's eyes shrank slightly, and then he chopped off his feet.

Make a move from the ladder.

A few go straight and jump.

The next moment is the best step before a long time.

Then he jumped up and jumped straight into the middle of the array.

Zhang Shan and Zhang Shui held their swords at shoulder level.

Knee lowered slightly.

Then he started to take small steps around Zhang Sanfeng.

Ten steps later, the nine people in the outer circle also began to point their weapons at Zhang Sanfeng, and Tong Zeng began to move around.

Sanfeng stood on the spot, proudly raised his chest, and remained motionless.

With the sword behind him, the old god was watching the front, his ears moved slightly, listening and checking the enemies around him!
At the same time, Zhang Shan and Zhang Shui exchanged eyes in the air and nodded slightly.

The other nine people also glanced at their left and right companions.

At almost the same time, the 11 people stretched out their belts with the free hand.

Hands clasped lightly.


Zhang Shan and Zhang Shui roared at the same time.

The four people outside also shouted at the same time: "A narrow escape—change!"

Then eleven people shook Zhang Sanfeng's hands on their waists.

I saw eleven yellow talismans flying past.

Some turned into smoke!
Some turned into dust.

Some turned into hidden weapons.

Some turned into a girdle.

Some turned into ropes!
Some turned into fragrance!
In short, Zhang Sanfeng's position was shrouded in smoke and covered by wind and dust.

One belt after another passed through, and each rope was looped through, restricting Zhang Sanfeng's moving space tightly.

The fragrance is intoxicating, and if you smell it, you will fall down.

At this time, Zhang Shan and Zhang Shui's swift and fierce long swords stabbed Sanfeng in the Central Plains.

Zhang Sanfeng blocked with a sword in one hand, and attacked with his bare hands in the other.

Wudang Nine Suns Kung Fu, created according to the remnants of Nine Suns, learning this kung fu method, the essence of practice, is the highest internal strength of Wudang School.

Zhang Sanfeng's unique technique is also a must practice for body protection and self-defense.

It is not a serious problem to use your hands to transform a sword into a sword.

Instead, he stepped into the sword scroll and directly destroyed the opponent's weapon with his deep inner strength.

Zhang Shan backed away in shock.

Zhang Shui got nothing after two sword strikes.

At this time, nine people from the periphery gathered together.

The weapons attacked Zhang Sanfeng's left, right, front, back, top, middle and bottom.

Seeing that it is about to touch his body.

At this time, Sanfeng's long sword flew out, killing You Ze's enemy with a single blow.

The nine-man formation was broken.

Then use both hands to perform Tai Chi.

Then his eyes opened, and a cold front shot out.

Arms outstretched.

Just hear a bang.

That rope, that bundle of cloth, everything was broken.

The smoke and dust rushed in all directions.

The eight people who rushed up all let out a scream and flew backwards for more than 20 steps.

Then he vomited blood, and none of the dead or wounded had the strength to fight.

"Inner strength is infinite, how is this possible!"

"Ninth rank ascension genius has the breath!"

Li Shan and Li Shui were incomparably shocked.

Just now, they were somewhat affected.

Zhang Sanfeng's internal strength is far superior to ordinary people, at least the thickness of six or seven fifth-rank masters.

How could this old man have so many.

Obviously only a sixth grade.

That's right, real strength can't fool them.

They knew Zhang Sanfeng's true strength by now.

But this old man is a bit strange.

Could it be that there are three or four dantians?
"It's a pity that the seven disciples of the old way are not here, otherwise the real martial arts seven-section formation can destroy your mountain gate with one move!" Sanfeng sighed with regret, and then slowly walked towards Zhang Shui in the black robe:

"If you died 20 years ago, why are you still alive?"

Hearing this, Zhang Shui shrank his pupils, turned and fled!
(End of this chapter)

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