I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 422 Shocked Zhang Lu and the others

Chapter 422 Shocked Zhang Lu and the others
Zhang Sanfeng couldn't be killed even in the narrow-death battle, and his two brothers couldn't beat him.

So Zhang Shui wanted to escape immediately.

20 years ago, he chose to hide for the sake of the overall situation.

Live like a mouse.

You can't be in front of others.

It was hard to be forced into this world.

I haven't stood here for a while, how can I die.

He still has a bright future.

He can control Hanzhong and is one of the most powerful people in Hanzhong.

He can't die!

But he was fast, Zhang Sanfeng had expected him.

Kicking the handle of the knife, the knife flew straight to Zhang Shui's back.

Zhang Shui dodges.

At this time, a strong wind came from behind.

He bowed his head again.

But the fist also followed.

A blow to his spine.

Zhang Shui collapsed.

Before landing, Zhang Sanfeng punched again with the other hand.

Zhang Shui's body flew out.

Hit hard on the stairs.

Rolling the wheel while spitting blood.

Until it stopped on the ground, there was no sound at all.

At this time, Zhang Shan took the opportunity to escape to the back mountain.

Zhang Sanfeng ran after him.

When the news was in front of Wudoumi's middle and low-level disciples, there was still a sentence that echoed for a long time.

"The children of the great-great-grandchildren, disperse on their own, stay here, do evil, and get rid of them all!"

Everyone was stunned by Yi Mumu in front of him.

Basically, the elders and deacons were all killed by an old man named Zhang Sanfeng.

Even the black elder of the fifth rank died under his fist.

The leader ran away in fright, and I'm afraid he couldn't escape the ending of death.

The Five Dou Rice Sect was wiped out once.

All the upper echelons are dead.

We also...

"Let's go! When the old man comes back, if he starts killing, he won't be able to leave even if he wants to!"

Some unsteady minds immediately ran away.

The decline of the Five Dou Rice Sect is inevitable.

Get down early.

Save your life, no matter if you go directly to Zhang Qiu or enter the army in Hanzhong, you need to be alive.

Right now, no one can clean up the mess in Leigong Mountain.

"Let's go, this old man is a ruthless person. He said that if he doesn't kill us now, it doesn't mean that he won't kill us in the future..."

With a whimper, most of the disciples went down the mountain one after another to flee for their lives. Just as the words were said, the tree fell and the monkeys scattered.


After the curtain falls, camp and rest!
There is still half a day away from Leigong Mountain!

The morning star has not set yet!

The sound of howling ghosts and wolves came from Suying's camp.

All those who were still in the dream were awakened.

"What happened!"

Lu Bu, Li Yuanfang and others stepped up to the high place one after another to check the direction of the intersection.

And Zhang Lu's tent.

Ye Qing stood out of the tent and looked far away, then looked north, there was a fire.

Although it was vague, Ye Qing probably knew where it was.

"Lei Gongshan, it seems that Zhang Sanfeng has succeeded in his previous experience. Old Zhang and Xiao Zhang are perfectly crushed!"

Bu Xiaofan and Dowa also got out of the tent, and followed Ye Qing's gaze to the north.

Duo Wa said doubtfully: "That's the direction of Leigong Mountain, no, it's Leigong Mountain, Leigong Mountain is on fire!"

Bu Xiaofan's delicate body trembled slightly upon hearing this.

Something happened to the Five Dou Rice Sect?
Could it be that Ye Qing sent someone to do it.

This efficiency is too fast.

But when will he get in touch with that fifth-grade master.

And ordered by the command.

Bu Xiaofan really couldn't figure it out.

So he withdrew his gaze from afar and cast it on Ye Qing's face.

Ye Qing turned around, smiled and said, "What are you looking at, haven't you seen such a pretty face?"

"Boring!" Bu Xiaofan gave a blank look, and then went back to his tent.

As for Zhang Lu, there was an angry roar!

"This is impossible! Impossible! The majestic Five Dou Mijiao Mountain Gate was destroyed by one person, this is impossible!"

"Pull it out and chop it up. Anyone who dares to spread rumors and slander the Five Dou Rice Sect will be killed by me!"

"My son, this is true, this is true, they are all dead, the elders are all dead, and the deacon is also dead. That old man has strong martial arts skills, and his strength is not above the seventh rank!"

"My lord, we didn't lie to you. All the fellow disciples on the mountain have gone down the mountain, and everyone has fled. Don't go to Leigong Mountain, my lord. It's dangerous there!"

Zhang Lu was still angry and wanted to drive people away. His confidant walked in and said, "My lord, something is wrong. There was a fire on Leigong Mountain, and a large number of disciples from the sect ran down the mountain."

Hearing this, Zhang Lu pushed everyone away and left the tent.

Look north.

Sure enough, I saw the flames of Leigong Mountain.

And on the main road outside, Wudoumi Sect disciples looked dazed and embarrassed.

"My lord, we're done teaching Wudoumi, it's over, the elders and deacons were killed by an old man!"

A group of strong people who are looked up to by others.

At this moment, they were crying like tears one by one.

Zhang Lu's eyes turned red instantly.

Shaking hands into fists, he said, "Tell me one by one, and explain the situation to me carefully."

A group of Wudoumijiao people who fled down the mountain told the truth from beginning to end.

And not even Zhang Sanfeng's original words were omitted.

After listening, Zhang Lu and the civil and military generals were all even more dumbfounded.

It is true that one person exterminated one religion.

And he's an old man.

I can't beat the other two five-rank masters.

Even a narrow escape can't do anything to the other party.

And let this Zhang Sanfeng give a move to kill nine people in seconds.

The elder in black robe was also killed, and the head teacher Zhang Shan didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

No matter how it sounds, it sounds like a fantasy.

It's ridiculous!
But it is impossible for so many people to lie at the same time.

"Zhang Sanfeng, is he a devil?"

"Wudang Mountain, Chuyue Kingdom, I will never end with you!"

Zhang Lu was like a volcano erupting, roaring, angry and unwilling.

"My lord, could this be done by Chang'an? You must know that Wudang Sect doesn't have such strength at all!"

A civil servant reminded:

"What's the benefit of Chuyue Kingdom doing this? If they really want to attack me in Hanzhong, they should go directly to the palace."

"Hmm!" Zhang Lu snorted.

The confidant said again: "This is too coincidental. Ye Qing is going to Leigong Mountain, and something happened to our Five Dou Rice Sect. Could it be that the old man from Chang'an followed here?"

Zhang Lu's face darkened, and his brows were almost squeezed together.

"Your Majesty, Ye Qing's people must have done it. This matter must have something to do with him!"

"That's right, he must have done it, otherwise he must have premeditated what he said before he came here!"

"Yes, it must be him. He might have arrived at Leigong Mountain today, but he stopped and walked on the road, deliberately delaying time!"

"My lord, I'm going to kill him now!"

Zhang Lu's civil and military personnel screamed one after another, each of them was emotional, and their eyes were red.

He drew his sword aggressively and headed towards Ye Qing.

Zhang Lu also gritted his teeth and said, "Follow me, I will interrogate him myself!"

Zhang Lu also felt that his subordinates were right.

Abnormally, there are demons.

Ye Qing is a little weird today.

This account must be settled on Ye Qing's head.

He didn't do it, and only he did it.

The angry Chinese and Chinese soldiers rushed towards Ye Qing.

Countless masters surrounded the tents of Ye Qing and others.

"Is Ye Qing you!"

Walking over, Zhang Lu lost all hypocrisy and directly shouted his name angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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