I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 423 You should be glad that you are still alive because of me

Chapter 423 You should be glad that you are still alive because of me
"My lord, what are you doing here?"

Ye Qing asked with a cold face.

Zhang Lu mentioned Ye Qing and said, "Did you send people to attack our Five Dou Rice Sect? Did you let people kill my disciples?"

"The prince must be drunk! How could he have such a ridiculous idea." Ye Qing pointed to the tent where he and others lived:
"Look carefully, which one is missing here? I have been under the supervision of your army, what have I done, don't you see clearly and know clearly?"

"Hmph, you think we don't know that the one who went to attack Leigong Mountain secretly followed you when you entered Hanzhong, and was not with you!" said one of Zhang Lu's subordinates.

After listening, Ye Qing looked up to the sky and laughed loudly:
"This is why there is no excuse for the crime. It turns out that people in Hanzhong like to talk nonsense and make up nonsense.

There are only two roads to enter Hanzhong. I think both roads are guarded by heavy soldiers from Hanzhong. Don’t you know if anyone followed quietly.

It is simply unreasonable to wrong the king by doing such a lowly thing. It is insulting to the gentlemen and the morality of the family. "

"You...!" Zhang Lu was angry.

"What are you! Let me ask you, what is the strongest strength of my masters in Xiaoyao Mansion? How strong is the person who killed the five buckets of rice?" Ye Qing asked loudly:

"Or maybe there is someone who looks similar to this in my Xiaoyao Mansion."


Asked by Ye Qing.

It seems that there is really nothing wrong with it.

Both valleys are guarded by heavy soldiers from Hanzhong.

There are countless masters sitting in town.

Ordinary warriors can't get in.

But... this Zhang Sanfeng is not an ordinary person.

It is the supreme being above the seventh rank.

It's still easy to get in.

So Zhang Lu still had a gloomy face.

His eyes were still red, staring at Ye Qing:

"This Zhang Sanfeng is the seventh-rank supreme powerhouse, it's easy to get in, you can't argue!"

"Hahaha, son, the brain is a good thing, but you don't have one!" Ye Qing sneered and said:

"Seventh Rank Supreme, please ask your conscience, is there such a person in my Da Zhou?

Even if there are, they all have my first and last name, and they can be looked up anywhere.

Besides, such a person can listen to my command, don't you think highly of me? "

There are only a few of the Da Zhou who surpassed the fifth rank.

There are six factions.

Royal has it too.

But they didn't make any moves, and stayed on their own one-third of an acre of land.

There are names, surnames and numbers.

I have searched all over Dazhou, but I have never heard of Zhang Sanfeng.

Could it be... is he really from the Chuyue Kingdom?

Zhang Lu and the others were somewhat autistic.

Zhang Sanfeng also kept saying it was Wudang, but he didn't say it was Da Zhou.

It cannot be concealed.

It's really not kind to forcefully pin Ye Qing on the head.

And if it is the supreme master of the imperial court, I am afraid that instead of dispatching one person, he will directly kill him.

Yijing began to clean up Hanzhong County.

There has been no movement in Guanzhong.

Ye Zhen didn't go too far, and he didn't reveal his plan to fight Hanzhong to take back Hanzhong County.

Zhang Lu was dumbfounded by the question.

There was nothing to say, but his subordinates still reported great doubts.

One of them stood up and said, "Ye Qing, who else could it be if you didn't do it?"

"How do I know this? You can ask the people of Chuyue Kingdom." Ye Qing shrugged his shoulders and didn't look at him directly.

The man said again: "If it wasn't for you, Zhang Sanfeng wouldn't have had the chance to fight against the teacher if our army had arrived at Leigong Mountain. It was you who were delaying the time. Even if you and him are not subordinate, you are still in a cooperative relationship!"

"Joke, do I, Ye Qing, need to cooperate with others to accomplish great things?" Ye Qing snorted and said:

"You should be lucky, if I hadn't been greedy for mountains and rivers, playing in river valleys and mountains, I just missed that Zhang Sanfeng.

I'm afraid it may not be the case that Shizi and you will be killed by him.

I suspect that this person not only wants to kill the people of the Five Dou Rice Sect, but also wants to kill me and you, the eldest son. "

Thinking hard!
Ye Qing's words seemed to open another direction for everyone.

Swooping down and pouring in like a flood.

"Think about it, if you and I die at the same time, what terrible things will happen!" Ye Qing dropped a sentence, and then said to his opponent:
"Let's go! Come with me, let's meet this Zhang Sanfeng, I'll come to see how strong he is.

It's not like we haven't killed people above rank five! "

Ye Qing got angry when he said that, he got on the Overlord's Panlong Halberd, and pushed away the people from Nanzheng Palace to go north.

At this moment, Lu Bu and the others urged anxiously:
"My lord, don't be impulsive. This Zhang Sanfeng kills people without blinking an eye. One person can slaughter a mountain gate. We can't go there!"

"Oh Mitofo, my lord, the evil of this thief is far beyond the strength of all of us, it's better to avoid the edge for now!"

Bu Xiaofan also stood up and stood up to stop him: "Ye Qing can't go, now we don't have Shi Potian, and if we fight against a master like Zhang Sanfeng, we don't even have a first-level hope, if we go, we'll be courting death!"

"Get out of the way, no one is trying to persuade me today, you are all a bunch of ghosts who are afraid of death, what can Zhang Sanfeng be arrogant about, isn't he good at martial arts?

I, Ye Qing, specialize in martial arts, and I have never been afraid of others in my life.

What happened to Qipin, Qipin also has a head, two shoulders and two legs.

Stab a knife and still bleed! "Ye Qing raised his halberd and pointed to the sky, raised his arms and shouted:
"I carry a martial artist on my back and practice one way, which is against the sky.

If you are afraid of this, afraid of that, greedy for life and afraid of death, then what kind of martial arts are you practicing, what kind of luck in the world, why not go home earlier to farm and die at home! "

"Those who are courageous, and those who are kind, follow this king, who will punish all evil and sins on behalf of justice!" Ye Qing jumped on his black-headed horse.

The long halberd pointed and said: "Lu Bu, Li Yuanfang, Kong Jianer and others all follow me, let's meet Zhang Sanfeng for a while!"


Lu Bu and the others were also infected by Ye Qing's words, and instead of admonishing them, they mounted their horses one after another.

Bu Xiaofan said: "Duowa, let's go, and we will also help His Highness!"

"It's Miss!" Dowa woke up from deep shock and admiration, and followed.

And the disciples of the Five Dou Rice Sect who had just fled down the mountain were also inspired and woke up by scolding.

Influenced by Diqing!

Cultivation is to go against the sky.

Everyone has gone from second-rate to first-rate, and has been through all kinds of hardships step by step to achieve their current strength.

Which day is not wrestling with the sky.

The reason why the strong are strong is because there is a desire to be strong in their chest.

It is because there is a trace of fighting for strength without timidity, it is that unyielding will.

Looking at Yi Jing's disciples and generals, Zhang Lu realized that he was a step behind.

What Ye Qing did should be done by him.

Crisis crisis!

There is danger, but there is also opportunity.

He simply missed an opportunity to perform.

He missed the opportunity to gather the morale of the army, and also missed the opportunity to show his charm to the disciples of the Five Dou Rice Sect.

Zhang Lu really wanted to slap himself at the moment.
"It's gone, what should we do now?"

A general asked, with a longing in his words, and an undisguised excitement in his heart.

As if willing to plunge into the tragic fight in the next moment.

(End of this chapter)

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