I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 424 Acquiring 2 Mohist Mechanism Birds

Chapter 424 Obtaining [-] Mohist Mechanism Birds
All eyes were on Zhang Lu.

Most of the people revealed eagerness.


No one wants to be a coward!
The Xiaoyao Wang from Guanzhong all have this kind of courage and courage.

We are Hanzhong people.

His home was taken away by someone.

We haven't had the courage to take it back yet.

Still afraid to face the enemy who came to kill him.

How ridiculous this is.

This is a naked provocation against Nanzheng Palace.

Zhang Lu hesitated for a while.

His face was tangled, and his eyes were complicated.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and said, "Go, follow up, the army will move out and surround and kill Zhang Sanfeng!"

For nothing else, even if it is to monitor and control Ye Qing, he should go.

Otherwise, Ye Qing took the opportunity and ran away.

How can I explain to my father.


"Ye Qing, people from Nanzheng Palace are here!"

Bu Xiaofan turned to the back and murmured, "It's still a bit bloody, and there is still a bit of fighting spirit!"

Ye Qing turned around and took a look: "It's just because I'm afraid that I'll take the opportunity to run back to Guanzhong from the reward ramp! I've lingered for so long because I'm afraid that Zhang Sanfeng will kill him!"

"Your Highness, you are really not afraid!" Dowa interrupted and asked.

Ye Qing didn't even look back, he just looked up to the sky and laughed loudly:
"It's a lie not to be afraid. No one in this world dares to die unless he wants to die!"

Dowa was confused for a while.

Bu Xiaofan said: "Don't ask so many questions, hurry up, we can't let people from Nanzheng Palace catch up, we must arrive at Leigong Mountain in advance!"

Bu Xiaofan knew that this Sanfeng must belong to Ye Qing.

Maybe he is still on the mountain now, and will contact Ye Qing in private.

Press to schedule new tasks.

Or leave any useful information.

After three hours.

When everyone arrived at Leigong Mountain, the fire on the mountain had not been extinguished.

Ashes fell all over the sky.

On the downside are wisps of carbonized black flocs like powder.

The smell of burning smoke in the air hurts the nose and hurts the throat.

"Wet the silk scarf with water and cover your mouth and nose!" After Ye Qing ordered, he said to Bu Xiaofan:

"You two don't go up."

"No!" Bu Xiaofan said:
"I want to follow you, with me here, I know all the dangers around me!"

Looking at her stubborn eyes, Ye Qing just smiled.

Don't force it!

There was no danger in the first place, but the fire had not yet burned out, and there was a piece of scorched earth. 1
Not much to see.

Soon everyone entered the mountain gate of the Five Dou Rice Sect.

It was found that Wu Dou Mijiao was cultivated bigger than Baibo Valley.

Judging by the buildings that were burned or still burning.

The original five buckets of rice were very large.

The flat land is very suitable for garrisoning troops.

The north side wall is built higher, and there is a fortress.

Obviously to guard against people from the north.

This is not only a mountain gate, but also a military fortress.

It's just that now it's all turned into scorched earth and raging fire.

In the end it will be a ruin.

If Nanzheng Palace wants to be rebuilt, it will take a lot of financial, material, manpower and time.

Invisibly weakened the soft power of Nanzheng Palace.

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for successfully checking in at the Five Dou Rice Sect, and successfully destroying the Five Dou Rice Sect. You will be rewarded with twenty Mohist mechanism birds (wooden kites)."

"Hey hey hey! It's done!"

Ye Qing was overjoyed.

Twenty Mohist mechanism birds, this is a treasure!

It will be of great use in the future!
"I didn't expect that such a powerful Five Dou Rice Sect would be turned into ruins overnight.

So many masters were all killed! "

Dova feels that everything is unreal.

The five buckets of rice that were once so powerful that they were unattainable turned out to be a thing of the past.

Suddenly, an idea popped into Dowa's mind.

Could the Nanzheng Mansion, which is a tyrant in Hanzhong, behemoth like a star in the sky, suddenly collapse overnight?

From then on, it fell from the altar, and then disappeared like this ruin.

"Where's Zhang Sanfeng! When Zhang Sanfeng comes out, I'm going to have a decisive battle with you. Isn't it difficult for you to fight? Now let's see if we can kill all of us!"

Zhang Lu's voice came from down the mountain.

People from Nanzheng Palace rushed forward one after another.

Then watch your surroundings.

All the people in Xiaoyao Mansion cast contemptuous glances over them.

If Zhang Sanfeng was still there, they would definitely be the first to be attacked.

This is obviously knowing that there is no danger on the mountain, so he dared to do this.

But it doesn't matter.

You can't wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep.

"Your Majesty is so brave, he scared Zhang Sanfeng away as soon as he came. It's amazing!" Ye Qing teased, then turned around and ignored Zhang Lu, and continued to walk deep.

After walking a dozen steps, he stopped again.

Mouth read:

"It's a pity, before it was burned down, it must have been beautiful and magnificent.

If it were me, people would burn it down, occupy the land directly, and be the head of the house myself, so that even the money for construction would be saved.

It can be seen that this Zhang Sanfeng is not a frugal person, it is too wasteful! "


Bu Xiaofan burst out laughing.

Even Dowa seldom smiled.

He covered his mouth lightly.

I didn't expect His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang to be so ungrateful.

You are stabbing Zhang Lu and the others in their hearts.

"Search! Find Zhang Sanfeng for me, and put out this fire!" Zhang Lu said angrily:
"In the future, I will rebuild this place, make it more magnificent and magnificent, and reshape the Five Dou Rice Church even stronger!

Don't worry, as long as the Nanzheng Palace is not destroyed, the Five Dou Rice Sect will still be there.

And it will be stronger than before. When I go back, I will ask my father to allocate money, food, materials, and manpower to rebuild the mountain gate! "

"Ten thousand years for the son! Ten thousand years for Hanzhong! Ten thousand years for the palace!"

Zhang Lu's people cheered and shouted.

Those frightened disciples of the Five Dou Rice Sect were also extremely excited.

This is the county king they will pledge allegiance to in the future.

Sure enough, bold and bold enough.

"Hey, you're good at learning. You can sell what you learn now. You're quite smart." The corners of Ye Qing's mouth slightly raised as he looked at Zhang Lu who was in high spirits, revealing an imperceptible evil smile:

"Unfortunately, this time, you are afraid that you will be beaten out of shit by Zhang Qiu!"

Do you know how much it will cost to rebuild and reshape five buckets of rice?
Even better than before.

With the current capabilities of Hanzhong County, if such a huge sum of money is to be allocated, it may greatly affect the advancement of other aspects.

Boy, you know what you've been bragging about is going to come true.

It can’t be realized, hey, wait for the bullshit to blow you up.

Zhang Lu didn't know that he had dug a hole for himself invisibly.

Or Ye Qing dug a new hole for him in Nanzheng Palace.

This pit is enough to make Nanzheng Palace lose its stability, revealing a big flaw.


Nan Zheng!

The news of Leigong Mountain came back!
The whole city is boiling.

The Five Dou Rice Sect was destroyed.

The elders and deacons were all killed.

Even the fifth-rank master Zhang Shui who died 20 years ago and then reappeared was easily beheaded.

This is simply appalling.

This news is enough to blow up the entire Hanzhong.

In an old folk house in a small alley in the city.

Several figures gathered here.

"King Xiaoyao is powerful. Since he came in, he has been silent and unmoved. As a result, when he made a move, he was shocked!"

"Yeah, I'm really ashamed, I've been sent here for so many years, but I haven't done anything, and I haven't even sent out a few valuable news.

Look at Xiaoyaohou, who came in blatantly and broke the biggest sword of the Zhang family as soon as he made a move. "

"His Royal Highness's abilities needless to say, as long as he visits Taihuamen and Baibogu in person, what kind of nonsense are the six major sects, the first sect, it's just passing by." Another old man sighed and said:

"What worries me the most is that His Highness hasn't contacted us since he came in, and we don't even know how to cooperate with him.

Not to mention completing another task assigned by His Majesty! "

(End of this chapter)

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