I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 425 Leaving Customs and Leaving Hanzhong

Chapter 425 Leaving Customs and Leaving Hanzhong
Hearing this, everyone frowned.

If Ye Qing doesn't contact them, they won't be able to gain trust with Ye Qing.

It is also impossible to implement the second set of plans.

"Maybe His Highness is afraid of being exposed. After all, it is not easy for us to lurk. Within two thousand steps around him, there are experts lurking all the time.

Once a stranger approaches, he will be checked. "One person analyzed.

Everyone nodded.

"That's right, Your Highness is so tender and cautious. He didn't move at first. This sudden attack must be to disturb the sight of Nanzheng Palace. It will be much more convenient for us to contact him next."

"Everyone, we only know that His Majesty has two plans, but who knows how many plans His Majesty and Xiaoyao Wang have.

Perhaps our batch is not the only ones lurking, nor are there only two or three batches.

Maybe this time His Highness comes, we will never be able to use it, so we have to be patient as usual! "

After everyone heard this, they all revealed it.

At the same time, I was a little lost and a little helpless.

They also want to complete the task early, and then they can return to Chang'an as soon as possible!

After so much consumption, they are all trying to take root in Hanzhong.

From now on, I will be an out-and-out Hanzhong native.

Maybe, if the next king comes to power, they may be forgotten.

In this life, I will never be able to return to my hometown, nor will I be able to see my wife and children.


Nanzheng Palace!

People are old and refined, and they have cultivated for a long time, the old fox Zhang Qiu who is calm when things change, and is cold when things happen.

After listening to his subordinate's report, he also threw the case away.

He pulled out the sword from the shelf, and angrily threw it on the neck of the person who reported it.

"Say, it's not true! It's not true!"

"The dignified Five Dou Rice Sect, two of the fifth-rank, fifteen of the fourth-rank, and more than 30 of the third-rank, were killed by an old man! It's possible!"

"Quickly tell me, are you Anzi from Guanzhong, you must be!"

After speaking, Zhang Qiu cut off the man's head with a sword.

A splatter of residual blood, like splashed ink, spilled on the fur woven carpet.

There was an instant silence in the mansion.

Everyone bowed their heads.

The atmosphere dare not take a breath.

It was the first time that Zhang Qiu had such thunderous anger.

The person who reported was his loyal servant who grew up with him.

Unjustly died like this.

It can be seen how much this anger, this resentment is.

"A century-old foundation! A century-old foundation!"

"An old man will be ruined, Zhang Sanfeng, I, Hanzhong County, will never die with you..."

"Come here, inform the whole county to track down Zhang Sanfeng, not to kill him, but anyone who can hurt him will be rewarded with [-] yuan in silver. The commander can be my Zhang family's guest minister, or a general with five thousand troops in Hanzhong. !"

The order was issued from Nanzheng Palace, and the entire Hanzhong County was in an uproar again.

Is Nanzheng Palace going to fight Zhang Sanfeng?
The news spread to the east of the county.

The General Commander-in-Chief of the East took revenge and launched an attack on Wudang Gate the next day.

The masters of the eastern defenders appeared frequently.

Attacked Wudang Gate in three days.

After a fierce fight between the two sides, the Wudang gate was destroyed and the mountain gate was burned down.

Hanzhong soldiers and horses were pushed eastward to Wudang County and Shandu County, Nanyang County, Chuyue Kingdom.

The peak of soldiers is magnificent, looking down from a bird's eye view, the Chuyue Kingdom was shocked, and urgently dispatched troops to Wudang County and Xiangyang City on the other hand, the two sides confronted each other, and the war was about to break out...


And Nanzheng County!

Three days later!

A human head was hung on the top of the wall, and six large characters were engraved with sword energy on the wall———You want to fight!I will fight!

The head is Zhang Shan, the head teacher of the Five Dou Rice Sect.

No need to guess, it is also clear, this is Zhang Sanfeng's warning to Nanzheng Palace.

If you can put a human head on the top of the city today, next time you can quietly enter Nanzheng Palace and wring Wang Qiu's head off.

This was the first time someone in Hanzhong County dared to oppose the Nanzheng Palace so blatantly, and he was still stubborn.

Just when people guessed who Zhang Sanfeng would kill in the next violent conflict.

Nanzheng Palace suddenly fell silent.

Checkpoints and curfews in various places have also been cancelled.

On the official level, there is no longer an enemy of Zhang Sanfeng, and the words and tone of shouting and killing.

The Nanzheng Palace was intimidated.

This is something everyone can feel.

Nanzheng Palace is the heaven of Hanzhong, and Zhang Qiu is the emperor of Hanzhong.

He was cowardly.

Killed by an old man.

Whitewater Pass!
This is the gateway from Hanzhong to the Ba Kingdom of Shu.

If you go south, you can go to Ba, and if you go west, you can go to Shu!
So this pass is very important.

"His Royal Highness is the last question, you really want to leave the customs! You must know that after this customs, I will not be able to guarantee the safety of Your Highness in Hanzhong, and I will not accompany you!" Zhang Lu sent Ye Qing to the gate, pretending asked a question.

Ye Qingdao: "Thank you for reminding me, my son, we will be able to see the exotic scenery when we get out of this gate. Someone will pay attention to safety, so we won't bother you!"

Zhang Lu waved his hand and said, "Switch!"

The gate of Baishuiguan rises slowly. It is made of brass weighing ten thousand catties and controlled by a lifting platform.

The ascent is very slow and requires manpower, horses and livestock to pull and pull.

"I won't send you off!"

Ye Qing came out from the main gate, bowed his hands towards Zhang Lu and the others, and then left gracefully.

Seeing Ye Qing and others walking away, Zhang Lu's subordinates said: "Your Majesty, this is how he is being treated cheaply. As soon as he leaves the customs, those lurking dark men will definitely contact him and hand over all the things they have collected over the years to him." he."

"That's right, my son, I still think he is the leader who destroyed the Five Dou Rice Sect, how could he let him go like this!"

"Your Majesty, why don't we send troops to chase him back now and kill him directly!"

Zhang Lu sighed and said, "Aren't I the same as you, wanting to skin him, but letting him out is the order of my father, and I can't disobey it!"

"The prince's order! Why!"

Everyone is puzzled.

With Zhang Qiu's wisdom, it is not difficult to see that Ye Qing has a big problem.

Things are strange and weird!
"There is no reason, just follow the order. He has to go back to our Hanzhong after he leaves customs, otherwise there is no way to go back to Guanzhong, so...we still have a chance!"


Nanzheng Palace!

Zhang Qiu, a middle-aged man in a Confucian robe, is playing chess.

"My lord let Ye Qing go. I'm afraid it's just letting the tiger go back to the mountain. It will be difficult to keep him. There won't be a second chance like this."

After the man wrote a word, he said:
"This son has imperial air, domineering air, kingly air, and heroic appearance. In the future, he will surely be a serious problem to the world."

Zhang Qiu held the sunspot in his hands, hanging in mid-air, he didn't drop it for a long time.

He laughed dryly and said: "You think I don't want to kill him, I wish I could eat his flesh, drink his blood, and suck his marrow, but... I can't kill him, that man put all his heads there, if I dare to move , there is no one alive in Nanzheng City!"

With a sound of "Pa!", Zhang Qiuzhong finally settled down.

Then behead a small dragon of the opposite man.

The man was stunned, nodded and said: "This person is indeed difficult to deal with, and I don't know which big faction is intervening again."

"The chess players are also chess pieces. The world is like this chessboard. It seems chaotic, but the truth is about to emerge!" The man made another white word.

It was as if the little dragon who was killed just now had never happened.

The chess pieces he played continue to walk the path he should go.

(End of this chapter)

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