I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 426 Zhang Liang's Analysis, Han Xin's Suggestion

Chapter 426 Zhang Liang's Analysis, Han Xin's Suggestion

"Truth? There is no truth in this world! It's all justified."

Zhang Qiu looked at the opposite man with a smile:
"Why do you need a knife to kill someone!

There are so many ways to die alone!Sometimes rumors can take a person for nothing! "


Another sunspot fell.

The man on the opposite side twitched.

There is a strange light in his eyes.

"This...doesn't it fulfill that person's wish!"

"You thought he was... the oriole!"

"Hahahaha, that's right...he's not a squirrel, he's more of a praying mantis!"


The junction of Baishui and Xihanshui.

Ye Qing stopped temporarily.

He gave in to Xiaofan and others waiting at the foot of the mountain.

I took Lu Bu and Li Yuanfang up the mountain alone!

"Where are Zhang Liang, Han Xin, Zhang Fei, and Ma Chao!"

Ye Qing was facing the top of the mountain, and suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Lu Bu and Li Yuanfang released their six senses.

Did not notice the difference.

But for a moment, they were still a little surprised.

Because he stepped forward and walked around.

Two of them have decent strength.

Looks like a pro.

"Zhang Liang (Han Xin, Zhang Fei, Ma Chao) pays homage to the lord!"

Zhang Liang, Han Xin, Zhang Fei, and Ma Chao immediately came to pay homage.

"You don't need to be too polite!" Ye Qing pointed at Lu Bu and the two of them and said:
"Ma Chao, Zhang Fei, you two, get acquainted with Lu Bu and Yuan Fang.


The two stood aside.

Ye Qing said to Han Xin and Zhang Liang:

"Zi Fang, Han Xin, you two come here, our situation is not very good now, we need to make some preparations and new plans, one of you is good at planning, and the other is good at planning, let's sum it up!"

"It's the lord!"

The two bowed and saluted, and then each found a place where they could sit and sat down with Ye Qing.

Ye Qing first gave a detailed account of his situation since entering Hanzhong.

The two sorted out the received information in their minds.

Zhang Liang first said:

"My lord, although it is dangerous to go out of Hanzhong, at least we have got rid of the control of the Zhang family, and we can control the freedom of our journey!"

"But correspondingly, we have to face all dangers and enemies alone.

And these enemies have several aspects:

One is the members of the Zhang family: they will definitely send experts to look for opportunities to take action, and use the reputation of Shu, Ba, or Di people to harm the lord.

The second is His Majesty's people: Whether His Majesty's words are true or false, we can only listen to them and believe them, we can't believe them all, and we can't not believe them, so we still can't relax our vigilance against them.

The third is the Shu Kingdom or the Ba Kingdom and the Di people in the southwest. How they treat us is impossible to refer to and judge, so we must also be careful.

The fourth is other people who want to harm the lord: the Chuyue kingdom, family lineage, etc. Although the probability is extremely low, you still need to be careful! "

Zhang Liang analyzed it, and Ye Qing looked at Han Xin.

"My lord, I'm thinking about the plan for returning to the pass, where should I return from!" Han Dao said:

"If you return to Hanzhong, you will undoubtedly be detained by the Zhang family, and it is still very difficult for us to return from Hanzhong County.

So I thought of two routes! "

"Which two!"

Han Xin took a stone and drew a simple map on the ground, drew a circle and said:

"This is our location, between Baishui and Xihanshui. Going north along Baishui is the territory of the kings of the Jiudi clan.

It is said that the south of Qiu Baqiang is connected with Jiudi, and now Qiu Baqiang has been destroyed, so as long as he crosses the territory of the kings of Jiudi, he can reach the place where our Zhou army is.

The distance of this trip is short, but it is difficult. One is that Jiudi is complicated. We don’t have people who are proficient in Jiudi and Qiang languages. The other is that we have to climb the uninhabited mountains in the north. The climate is very cold and it is extremely difficult to climb. I'm afraid it's a narrow escape if you want to pass! "

"People who are proficient in Jiudi language and Qiang language, we are just right, we have one of each!" Ye Qing suddenly laughed.

Duo Wa is from Di, and Ma Chao has Qiang ancestry, and can speak Qiang since childhood.

So just right.

Although the man was there, Han Xin was not half happy. He then drew a U-shaped line on the ground:
"The other way back to Guanzhong will be more tortuous, and the journey is too far away.

It is said that the main rivers of the Shu Kingdom and the Ba Kingdom will eventually flow south into a big river. This river runs eastward and winds to reach Jingzhou in the Chuyue Kingdom.

So if we are not in a hurry, we can also take this route, from Chuyue Kingdom to Wuguan and back to Guanzhong. "

It's just that Han Xin kept typing X on the line, and said while typing:
"We don't know much about the Kingdom of Shu and the Kingdom of Ba, let alone the tribes of Baipu, the tribes of Yelang, and the barbarians of Baiyue along the way.

The road from south to east and back to the west is only theoretically a waterway that can go east, but no one has actually traveled it.

I don't know what to prepare for this trip, and I am afraid it will be more difficult than going north.

Moreover, the time is too long, and if they can really return by then, Chang'an may be changed by the scriptures. "

Zhang Liang raised his eyebrows slightly.

After talking for a long time, it was nothing.

Ye Qingze had made up his mind a long time ago, and asked with a foul breath, "Han Xin, which one do you think we should go for?"

"If it were me! I would choose the road going north." Han Xin continued:

"However, if it is the lord, then you have to choose the way to go south."

Zhang Liangdao: "You think that because the road to the north is near, the Zhang family and other forces are most looking forward to it, and want the Lord to choose the road to the north, so there are the most ambushes and the most crises in the north."

Han Xin nodded and said: "That's right, going south seems to be very long and unknown, but it is unknown, so it is also unknown to the enemy.

They have no way to plan in advance, so all dangers are on the bright side, and it is extremely difficult for the dark hands to display.

As long as our team is strong enough, I think it is extremely difficult to keep us with the strength of the barbarians. We can easily break through the southern barbarian countries. "

"The most important thing is that we can take the opportunity to collect information along the way and learn about the habits of the various ministries. If possible, we can reach a consensus with them and cooperate with each other, paving the way for our troops from the Great Zhou Dynasty to conquer these places in a unified way!" Ye Qing stood up , facing south:
"Similarly, if these people or places can be owned by Dazhou, and attack Chuyue Kingdom in the future, then there will be a new route instead of simply taking the Wuguan route.

Rush along the river and directly reach the capital of the hinterland of the Chuyue Kingdom. With this, the strength of the two countries and the relationship between the major powers can be changed. "

"My lord is wise, it seems that my lord has made a decision a long time ago, maybe I have already made arrangements!"

Han Xin and Zhang Liang looked at each other and smiled.

Ye Qing dared to enter Hanzhong County, but insisted on leaving Baishui Pass.

It must have been planned.

Ye Qing didn't hide anything, and said directly: "You two guessed right, I have already sent people to sneak into the Chuyue Kingdom based on the scriptures, and let people go up the river to arrange ears and eyes.

Once they converge, they can pass through Chuyue Kingdom at the fastest speed! "


Both Han Xin and Zhang Liang praised.

"My lord, although we are going to take the southern route, I suggest that we should not give up on the northern route. We should dispatch people to find the way to the north with great fanfare, plan to go north, and attract all our enemies to the north." Han Xin suggested:

"It's not true, it's true, so our journey south will be smoother."

(End of this chapter)

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