I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 427 The Strange Jiameng City

Chapter 427 The Strange Jiameng City
Brightly repair the plank road and secretly hide Chencang!

Sure enough, this is Han Xin!
The three of them finished their discussion, and then Ye Qing led everyone down the mountain.

Looking at the four people who suddenly appeared.

Everyone in the team was a little surprised.

I climbed a mountain once.

The lord will have four more helpers.

It's amazing.

The four of them, Han Xin, are secret sons arranged by the imperial court in Hanzhong.

So I didn't ask too much.

Ye Qing did not act in a hurry.

Continue south.

The first stop in the south is called Jiameng City!
It belongs to the zone of no matter what.

This city does not belong to the Shu Kingdom, nor does it belong to the Ba Kingdom, nor does it belong to Hanzhong County, nor does it belong to Jiudi.

It is free, open, wild, romantic and bloody.

There are no rules in Dari, whoever has the biggest fist gets it.

In the southwest, strong people from all sides gather.

Because it's a business deal.

So the business tax is rich.

Of course, killing is also commonplace.

The city has no walls or city walls, so it is open.

Looking around, most of the buildings in the city are fortresses, and most of them are built of stone.

Looking down from the mountain, it can be seen that Jiameng City is divided into countless pieces.

Each piece is independent.

It seems to represent a side of power.

Two broken monuments were erected on the official road before entering the city, which were severely eroded by wind and rain.

The vague inscription is simple.

The stone tablet on the right is engraved - do not enter the city without incident!

The stone tablet on the right is engraved - don't ask ghosts for anything!

"This is a warning, it's interesting!"

Everyone looked at these two monuments, very curious.

Then walk in, after 500 meters, there is a wooden archway on the road, on which are inscribed the four characters of "Shangyun Prosperous".

This is even more puzzling.

This city is a bit strange.

Is this city not ownerless?
Don't fights break out often, bloody battles in the streets?

Also pray for business prosperity.

I'm afraid I didn't wake up.

Seeing that Dowa's expression remained unchanged, Bu Xiaofan asked, "Duowa, you seem to know something?"

Dowa replied: "Miss, I know Jiameng City, it also has a name called Compatible City, and it is said that this city respects caravan merchants the most.

As long as there is a caravan passing by, it will not be embarrassing, on the contrary, it will protect it. "

"There are such strange things?" Bu Xiaofan was a little surprised.

A group of reckless men who fight and kill every day know how to maintain the economy.

Dowa said: "I heard that all caravans passing through here have to pay a certain tax, there are countless roads in the city, and whichever road the caravan passes through, they have to buy the line of this road.

You can pass safely after paying the money.

And the various forces in the city rely on buying routes to maintain their daily expenses.

Therefore, instead of looting passing merchants and caravans, they desperately hope that there will be caravans passing by, and hope that more caravans will come and go.

This way they can collect more road money! "

"Is this the toll? Is it the money to enter the city? But it's the rules!"

Everyone didn't expect that the word "Shangyun Prosperous" written on the wooden archway turned out to have such a meaning.

This is a long experience.

Fortunately, Ye Qing and others entered Hanzhong under the banner of a caravan.

So it's still the same when you leave the customs.

The city is basically full of unproductive people.

So after Ye Qing and the others came in, they found that on the road, there were people holding weapons on the roof of the house and watching them coldly.

But I saw the banner of the company behind everyone, and there were trucks.

Then his face became enthusiastic.

Smile and insist on them.

The point of the weapon is also pointing in the other direction.

The eyes are also much softer.

"It's true that money can turn ghosts around, this is a city of krypton gold!"

Ye Qing noticed the changes in these people, and couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Spirit of Contract.

The people here are very trustworthy.

Soon the line stopped.

There are three roads ahead.

One goes straight, and two meanders on the left and right.

This is the first choice intersection.

It is also the first place to buy the road.

The city is quite big, that is to say, there are still many roads to choose, and there are still many routes to cross.

"My lord, which way shall we go!"

Lu Bu asked.

Ye Qing looked at Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liangdao: "Go straight, it seems that the distance is the shortest, but the more roads I want to buy.

The two sides seem to have a long road, but in fact it should be the least road to buy, but the two sides should be the first-line dedicated line, with acquaintances, it will be easier to travel, and the cost of coming back will be the least. "

"Let's go in the middle. The most important thing we need is money. Let's treat it as a luxury and increase our knowledge!" Ye Qing pointed to the avenue.

He believes that this road is not easy, and I am afraid that it will not lead directly out of the city.

When you get to the front, the avenue will become a trail, and you have to choose another direction.

Entering this main road, two men soon appeared in front of them. These two men came out from the left and right, each holding an uncovered box, and a wooden board next to the box.

On the wooden board is written 100 taels of silver!

The shops facing the street were full of tough men.

Scars all over his face.

There are countless weapons beside him.

There were also quite a few people sitting on the windows on the second floor, with bows and crossbows in their hands, but no arrows.

Countless eyes watched Ye Qing and the others intentionally or unintentionally.

"Give the money!"

Ye Qing simply spit out two words.

Lu Bu and Ma Chao each took 100 taels of silver and put them into the left and right boxes.

The person opposite immediately took the box away.

Then all the tough men who were facing the street turned their faces inside, with their backs to everyone.

On the street, two boys ran out and walked forward holding two recorded flags.

"Go! Follow those two boys!"

Ye Qing said to everyone.

The crowd followed.

Sure enough, there was another forked road not far ahead.

Still three options.

One main road is blind, and two left trails are on.

"Don't stop, keep going along all the avenues!"

Ye Qing and the others also knew the following rules.

Every time you enter a road, you have to leave a sum of money.

And it's double.

It shows that this road is jointly occupied by two companies.

You can only pass through two lines, and you will not be released if you only pass one.

Every time there is a boy who leads the way with the flag.

Moreover, the amount of money given by each road is not uniform, there are no rules, and it is not determined by the length of the road.

It seems to be determined according to the market conditions of the season and the strength of the forces occupying the road.

The stronger the force, the more money it can collect.

"This is... the market in the city!"

Compared with the deserted streets ahead, arriving here is like entering the city of life.

The flow of people coming and going is like weaving, which is extremely lively.

And there is another stone monument standing here.

"One person, one pair, free carriages and horses!"

This is a poll tax.

Not the money to buy the road!

Ye Qing was about to signal Bu Xiaofan to ask Dowa, when a man came and clasped his fists and said, "This is your first time here, do you need a guide? As long as 100 taels of silver, I can find an inn for you and answer your questions." Everything I want to know, if you are willing to pay some extra silver taels, I can also help you solve the next trouble."


Ye Qing smiled, and directly let the system exchange for the 500 taels of gold bars and threw them over.

The other party's eyes were quick, and he stretched out his hand to grab it.

As soon as he took over, his eyes showed horror, and he followed the gold bar and hit the ground ten steps away.

"It's a lot of strength, but... I like it!"

The man let go of the gold bar in his hand and grinned.

(End of this chapter)

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