I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 428 Sky-high Housing Expenses

Chapter 428 Sky-high Housing Expenses

Ye Qing slowly approached the man.

The man bites the gold bar and finds it's real.

His eyes are as bright as snow.

"Rules in the city!"

The man said: "There are no rules!"

After finishing speaking, he put the gold bar in his arms!
But a sword was slowly placed on his neck.

"You can't kill people in the city. I'm talking about the center of the city. No one can do it. If you do it, you can't leave the city." The man said confidently.

Then turned around and wanted to leave.

But Ye Qing moved in front of him.

Staring at him with cold eyes: "You can't kill people, but you can hit people.

You can't move your hands, but you can move your feet. Do you want to wipe the cannons of the world and fly out of the city from the center of the city? "

The man cupped his fists and looked at Ye Qing.

He could feel the growing pressure rushing towards him.

The smell of death is also stronger.

"Take other people's money and do things for them, just ask!"

In the end, the man took a deep breath, and blew it up, blowing the broken bangs that fell from his forehead.


The man was taken aback for a moment, then laughed: "Wu Siliu!"

"How long have you been in the city!" Ye Qing continued to ask.

This man named Wu Siliu opened his mouth, a little annoyed.

But he endured it and replied, "Ten years!"

"How many people are in the family?"


Wu Siliu was so angry that he put down his clasped hands, and said angrily, "Can I ask something serious?"

"Is this the business?"

"You...fucking me!" Wu Siliu looked fiercely at Ye Qing.

Ye Qing tilted his head: "You played me first!"

"Okay! You're ruthless." Wu Siliu pointed at Ye Qing, then withdrew his hand, pointed to the surroundings and said:

"I'm Wu Siliu. I'm alone. I have a concubine who laughs at the world. He likes to drink and cheat people. He likes to watch the excitement. He likes to play tricks on outsiders. How about it? Is it specific enough?"

"The rules for staying in the city, what are the conditions to live forever! How many forces in the city, and the relationship between them?" Ye Qing put his sword into its sheath and gestured to everyone.

Everyone counted their heads and threw the money into a closed box on the side.

Wu Siliu walked in the front and back, led the way, and said as he walked: "The city is a safe zone, no one or any force is allowed to use force in the city, and both parties who use force will be killed!
So as long as you pay the poll tax, you can live in the center of the city. Of course, consumption in the city is very expensive, provided you have enough money to support it! "

"There are 360 ​​roads in the entire Jiameng City that need to be bought. As for how many powers there are, who knows, if there is one today, there will be none tomorrow, who will remember to come.

However, there are eighteen big forces that have always existed, such as the Hanzhong Society, Zhangjiaxiang, Gangdi Village, Yinping Road, Baishui League, Qingchuan, Langzhong Gang, Bazhong Society, Nanchong Mountain, Jialingyu, Jiangzhou Road, Jiange , Jiangqudu, Xindu, Jiangyuanhui, Beifeng, Nansong and so on. "Wu Siliu said eloquently:

"These are old brands, they existed ten years ago, and the landscape hasn't changed much.

If you want to pass without giving money, you can challenge any force other than these [-] families! "

"You can also challenge Guolu!" Lu Bu was very interested when he heard it.

Everyone else was also fighting fiercely.

They are such a capable team, and Ye Qing is the king of Xiaoyao, and they even have to pay for passing money when they come to this place where no shit.

It's really hard for them, the guards, to accept it.

"Of course, but it's not recommended." Wu Siliu pointed to an inn in front of him and said:

"This inn is the largest inn in the city and the most comfortable. Given the situation of your caravan, it's the best place to live here!"

Ye Qing looked up, and saw that there were four big characters Qinglong Inn written on it.

"Chenghui, 100 taels of silver per person!"

The clerk of Qinglong Inn led everyone into the store, and then pointed to the notice board in front of the hall.

"100 taels, why not grab it!"

Zhang Fei suddenly became angry.

The faces of the others were also unfriendly.

There are more than 20 people in the whole team, and one day's accommodation costs more than 2000 taels of silver.

This is simply sky-high.

Faster than grabbing.

"If you don't want to, you can go!"

The guy was tougher.

His face changed immediately.

Wu Siliu hurriedly said: "Don't hurt your peace, don't hurt your peace, isn't it just money? There are some, some are!"

"Hmph!" The guy left with a flick of his sleeves.

Wu Siliu walked up to Ye Qing and said, "Dear guest, look..."

"Sit down, the daughter will come back after leaving, and the Little Qinglong Inn will not be able to accommodate me." Ye Qing was not too entangled, but he picked up Wu Siliu and walked upstairs.

Walking and saying:

"Most people can earn my money, but it's useless to spend it, you know!"

"No, what are you going to do, honored guest? Don't mess around. I said that you can't do anything in the city, and you can't hurt people. It will cause trouble."

"Don't be afraid, I will be gentle!" The smile on Ye Qing's face suddenly became evil.

"No! Honored guests are not allowed!"

Not long after, Wu Siliu screamed in the room.

When everyone came together, Yijing discovered that Wu Siliu had been beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and his limbs were broken and tied together.

A cloth sock was stuck in his mouth.

His expression was terrified, and his eyes were full of pleading.

The blood from the nostrils continued to flow out.

"Yes! We really think we are fools."

"You can't hurt people, you want to find a perfect amulet for yourself!"

Wu Siliu kept kowtowing and begging for mercy, with the word "forgiveness" in his tearful eyes.

But it was useless, Wu Siliu's begging for mercy was rewarded by Lu Bu and others kicking him one after another.

Wu Siliu gagged his mouth and made a whining sound.

"Take it down and watch it."


Everyone took Wu Siliu down.

Zhang Liangdao: "My lord, this person can't tell the truth, most of them are deceitful, there are many strange things in this city, I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

Ye Qing got up, opened the small half of the window, looked out, then closed it and said:

"Dare to charge 100 taels of silver per person, which is much more expensive than buying a route. I'm afraid... it's life money!"


Everyone was shocked.

Buy your life!

Difficulty Living in the city is not safe either.

This is a guarantee.

At this moment, Ma Chao knocked on the door and said, "Master, someone wants to see you!"

Ye Qing smiled and said, "Look, someone will tell us what we want to know soon."

Ye Qing asked Ma Chao to bring him in.

Soon a man wearing a hat came in.

The door closed slowly.

The man in the bamboo hat glanced to the left and right, and finally settled on Ye Qing.

Then he went straight to pay homage and said: "Minister Dazhou Secret Agent [-], pay homage to His Royal Highness Xiaoyao King!"


People of the big week!

Ye Qing didn't find it strange, and only spit out four words: "Baota town river monster!"

The man replied: "Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth!"

"How many years have you been going south, how old are your wife and children?" Ye Qing asked again, his expression did not relax at all!
The man replied truthfully: "I went south for 16 years, lost my wife, I should be 18 years old if I have a son, and 20 years old if I have a daughter!"

(End of this chapter)

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