Chapter 429

"Congratulations! You have two grandchildren and three grandchildren, and your children are safe!"

Ye Qing signaled Kongjian, Lu Bu and the others to go out and guard.

Hearing the secret conversation, codenamed Ling Lingjiu, his face beamed with joy.

Some old tears.

Then he clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Your Highness!"

"You deserve it, tell me about this city!" Ye Qing motioned for him to sit down.

He also found a place to sit down.

Ling Lingjiu didn't dare to sit down, so he stood aside, and replied respectfully: "I believe His Highness learned some of the situation in the city through that Wu Siliu, but His Highness can't fully believe what he said.

On the surface, he is a liar, mainly to rip off customers, although he will tell outsiders some things, but it is half true and half false!

In fact, he is from Nanzheng Palace! "


Ye Qing and Zhang Liang looked at each other.

"Wu Siliu must have told His Highness that you can't kill people in the middle of the city, and you can't hurt people in the city. In fact, this is a lie." Ling Lingjiu said:
"No matter where you are in the city, as long as you pay the money during the day, you will be protected, and you will not be able to hurt or kill people.

But at night, you can kill people, and it is also the time for various forces to attack and fight.

Especially the inns, at night, the major inns in the center of the city will attack each other, those who win will take away the other party's guests, those who lose... There are no losers here, only death! "

You can still do this!
During the day, there is nothing wrong with each other, and it is peaceful.

Nobody can do it.

At night, the killing ring started.

Sure enough, it is romantic and regular.

Bloody and violent.

Zhang Liangdao: "Then they attack at night, we can fight back and kill others!"

Ling Lingjiu looked at Zhang Liang and tapped the bamboo hat lightly!
Ye Qing said: "Is there any influence in the city?"

"Yes! But His Highness cannot be transferred!" Ling Lingjiu said:
"The North Wind is our own power, and no one has the right to mobilize it except His Majesty.

There will be other hidden spies assisting in the plan that His Highness will carry out on this trip. We will try our best to provide what His Highness wants to know and the information he wants to obtain. "

"Aren't you from Beifeng?" Zhang Liang asked.

Ling Lingjiu looked at Ye Qing, but Ye Qing didn't speak.

Ling Lingjiu replied: "Yes, but I can act alone. Your Highness may not know that although Beifeng is our force, and the people who support it are people from my Dazhou, but the backbone of the middle foundation, or some high-level people are not all I am a big week person.

So Beifeng is only our force, but it is not completely loyal to Da Zhou, and will not use all of its power to assist His Highness. "

"Understood!" Ye Qing thought for a while and said:
"Give me information on the Ba Kingdom, Shu Kingdom, Jiudi, and the various tribes of the Nanman countries. The more detailed the mountains, rivers and water patterns, the better.

Especially the information on the front line of Baishui. At the same time, I will report to me the list of all the personnel who can cooperate with my plan, and their locations. This does not need to be archived, just dictated. "

Ling Lingjiu said: "Your Highness, you want a lot of things. I need to go back and sort them out. I will deliver them tomorrow!"

Ye Qing nodded.

Ling Lingjiu bowed and left.

After the person left, Ye Qing looked at Han Xin who had been dozing off like a wooden man without speaking.

Han Xin opened his eyelids and said, "My lord, he's talking nonsense. The Beifeng family is not the only force in the city from the Great Zhou!"

Zhang Liang stroked his beard and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Ye Qingdao: "Nan Song is also from my Dazhou. Since Wu Siliu deliberately listed these two forces at the end, it shows that the Zhang family knows the details of these two forces, so there is some meaning."

"My lord is a genius. Although I knew that the other party would hide something, I didn't guess it was Nansong!" Han Xin praised.

Ye Qing ordered to the door: "See you in the sky, go and call Miss Bu here!"


Not long after, Bu Xiaofan came over.

Still holding her baby box in her hand.

"Miss Bu, you are becoming more and more caring. I like you more and more because of being in touch with Lan Xinhui. What if I can't do without you in the future!" Ye Qing found that Bu Xiaofan brought a meal The guy, secretly called out a tacit understanding.

Bu Xiaofan gave him a blank look: "Aren't you tired of pretending to be serious all day?"

"Ah! Well, I'm actually a serious dude!" Ye Qing laughed.

Get up quickly.

Bu Xiaofan arranged the compass and the black hexagrams.

Then he ignored Ye Qing, and then continued to make tricks, and his ten fingers kept changing his gestures.

Go up slowly with the compass.

The black hanging body began to squirm like a reptile.

Then he drilled out of the room along the beam.

As for where he went, only Bu Xiaofan knew.

Bu Xiaochu looked at the compass without any strange expression.

After a while, he closed his eyes.

About half a stick of incense time.

The eight hexagrams crawled back by themselves.

The compass sank.

Bu Xiaofan was dripping with sweat from the fragrance of scriptures.

"How?" Ye Qing asked.

Bu Xiaofan, tidy up everything.

Then stretch out the jade hand.


Ye Qing immediately found her a silk handkerchief.

To wipe her sweat.

Bu Xiaofan snatched it away, rubbed it on himself and said:
"There are a lot of people living in the Qinglong Inn. Some of them are in the same group as Wu Siliu. They said that they will attack you when other inns attack the Qinglong Inn tonight.

There are quite a few people in the inn also planning to murder you.

There are also three to protect you. "


After Ling Lingjiu's reminder, they knew that they could kill at night.

"The Qinglong Inn's attitude towards you is somewhat unclear, their innkeepers are only giving orders, and they will play by ear at night, if there are many people attacking the Qinglong Inn.

They can't take care of it, so they can only take care of themselves. " Bu Xiaofan said:
"The strange thing is that the Qinglong Inn is the largest inn in the center of the city, but their manager doesn't have any confidence.

It seems that there are stronger enemies who will join the fight tonight.

The people in Qinglong Inn are a little pessimistic! "

Han Xin and Zhang Liang looked at each other.

They all understood the information in each other's eyes!
"It should be for me, since the Zhang family has power in the city, they will definitely take action.

The Qinglong Inn must have received bad news, and originally didn't want to accept us, but there is no rule of rejecting guests here, they can only eat Coptis chinensis and swallow it by themselves! "Ye Qing analyzed:

"Since this is a city that is both trustworthy and rules-based, we must act in accordance with the rules.

People are not without trust, and they must be responsible if they want to gain a foothold. If they do not take responsibility, they will be ridiculed by others.

The so-called involuntary body once entering the rivers and lakes is exactly like this! "

"Then what to do! Now we don't know anything about them." Bu Xiaofan was a little anxious:

"This place is no different than other places, any method can be used, and the rules are kept, but it is also more barbaric, killing, arson, poisoning, and everything.

The Zhang family's power has been operating here for so long, the tree is big and deep-rooted, and they have a wide range of contacts. It is possible that more than one family will come to attack the Qinglong Inn. "

"Why not! Let's go out of the city now, and leave Jiameng City before it gets dark!"

(End of this chapter)

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