I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 432 Legion Card and Warlock Card

Chapter 432 Legion Card and Warlock Card

"Ding! Master, Jiameng City Kelai Inn wants to know all the resources Qinglong Inn can use tonight, and is willing to spend 1 taels of silver as a price. Will it be sold?"

"Ding! Master, Flying Tiger Inn in Jiameng City wants to know which forces in the city Qinglong Inn can invite to help tonight, and is willing to spend 1 taels of silver as a price. Will it be sold?"

"Ding! Master, Zhangjiagang in Jiameng City wants to know the architectural structure diagram of Qinglong Inn, so as to facilitate the operation tonight, and is willing to spend 1 taels of silver as a price. Do you want to sell it?"

"Ding! Master, Jiameng City Hanzhong will want to know whether Beibei and Nansong will come forward to protect Dazhou Xiaoyao Wang Yeqing, and they are willing to spend 1 taels of silver as a price. Will they sell it?"

Just returned to the room from the owner of Qinglong Inn.

Ye Qing received four prompts from the system.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly.

Not bad, someone sent resources here.

Sure enough, you can make money by doing things.

"System, all four messages are sold!" Ye Qing gave the order without hesitation.

"Ding! The transaction was successful!"

"After deducting 20% ​​of the handling fee, Master, you still have XXXXXXXX taels of silver and 4 chances to draw a lottery!"

Ye Qing immediately said again:


"Good master, now draw a lottery for you!"

"Ding! Congratulations, master, for winning an inheritance card!"

"Ding! Congratulations, master, for winning a legion card!"

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, for winning a general card!"

"Ding! Congratulations, master, for winning an alchemist card!"

Legion and alchemist card!

This is the first time it has appeared.

Not sure what to expect.

With a hint of expectation, Ye Qing said again:

"Use cards!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the inheritance card and obtaining the "Glory of the King" horse super force (unused)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the military talent card and obtaining the Wudang Flying Army of the Three Kingdoms (including commanders Wang Ping, Zhang Yi, and [-] Wudang flying soldiers!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the alchemist card and obtaining the Great Tang Yuan Tiangang (second rank)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the general card and obtaining Gan Ning of the Three Kingdoms (first grade)!"

It turned out to be the force of Ma Chao in "Glory of the King".

The system is so considerate, it may be that Ma Chao has to perform important tasks, and the strength of Yipin is a bit low.

So I upgraded him by one liter.

"Wudang Flying Army, this is the mountain special forces of Shu!"

Anyone who is familiar with the Three Kingdoms knows that Wudang Feijun was one of the main forces in the late Shu Han Dynasty.

After conquering Nanzhong, Zhuge Liang used the local barbarian soldiers to form an army, which made a lot of contributions to Zhuge Liang and Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition.The first commander of Wudang Feijun was Wang Ping, and the last commander was Zhang Ni.

Zhang Ni took the lead, and finally shrouded his body in horse leather with Wudang Feijun.

They are all dressed in iron armor, can climb mountains and mountains, are good at using bows and arrows, and are especially good at mountain defense operations.

I didn't expect to win this team.

It coincides with the way to go next.

The system really is a system.

Invincible really invincible!
"Yuan Tiangang, isn't this guy just a fortune teller? He actually has the strength of the second rank. He is a Taoist. He really is a hidden dragon and crouching tiger!"

Ye Qing touched his chin and muttered: "This guy is proficient in the law of yin and yang, and he also understands the five elements and eight trigrams. The most rare thing is that he understands facial features and can deduce them.

It is also a good help! "

"However, I don't need his help for the time being. Let's put it aside and use it as a trump card!"

In an instant, Ye Qing had an idea.

Looking at Gan Ning, the general of the Three Kingdoms!
This is the general of the water.

Before returning to Soochow, he was a Jinfan thief, a big water bandit in the water.

The next trip to the south and east will require more than half of the journey on the water.

There is a general in the water, it is perfect.

The last twilight also hid itself.

The earth lost its color and was gray.

Not a single idler in the city appeared on the streets.

The sporadic light from the fire was blurred through the narrow stone window.

The night was as sinking as water, eerily quiet.

The rolling water of the canyon on the river outside the city can be faintly heard.

Waiting is the hardest part.

Standing on the watchtower of the fort.

It can be seen that the battle started after the location of the outer city.

A small force is vying for territory.

But it's all small talk.

In the area with the largest 18 yuan near the center of the city, the clothes are as old as usual.

"Actually, you can go down and rest first. I think after all the enemies have arrived, the big formation in the city will come in a hurry!"

I don't know why, but after making a bet, Bu Xiaofan seemed to be a different person.

Even more unscrupulous.

Leaning directly on Ye Qing's arm and chest.

A pair of jade hands pinched Ye Qing's waist.

Then she just rolled her eyes at him and didn't speak.

It was as if I had to communicate with my eyes for the rest of my life.

"All right, all right, I've convinced you!"

A woman's eyes are definitely one of the most powerful weapons, because he can speak.

Say everything you want to say.

You can convey what you don't want to say.

Purple eyes are so beautiful in the dark night.

So much so that Ye Qing gently stroked her silky black hair.

Couldn't help pecking it down gently......

Until the early morning, the night is cool!

The competition for the small forces in the city is completed.

The whole city fell silent.

Bu Xiaofan snuggled into Ye Qing's arms.

I was relieved and fell asleep peacefully.

After getting along all the way, several months of emotional entanglement.

In fact, love has already been planted.

Ye Qing's ears moved.

A series of reminders sounded in Qinglong Inn.

The people at Qinglong Inn cheered up one after another.

Ye Qing held Bu Xiaofan in his arms, and then glanced out.

On the street, countless black shadows began to gather.

These black shadows seem to fill the outside.

The sound of killing one after another came to the face.

The smell of blood was in the air.


A roar.

Then it was bright outside.

Countless torches were all lit without knowing what method to use.

Brightly illuminate the outside of Qinglong Inn.

At this time, I was looking outside.

It is densely packed with human heads.

There is a flag bearer standing on each main street, and the flags are embroidered with the forces they represent!
"What a huge formation, two inns in the Central District have come!"

"Ten of the eighteen families in the outer city have come! Since when did the surname Zhang come to this Jiameng City!"

The shopkeeper of Qinglong Inn snorted coldly, and there was not much resentment in his voice.

I think highly of him at Qinglong Inn.

But at this moment, he didn't feel discouraged or sad at all.

"This shows that I have a lot of face."

Ye Qing said with a smile: "This should be such a large-scale operation that is rare in Jiameng City!"

"It's really rare, at least I've seen it, this is the first time!" The shopkeeper of Qinglong Inn sighed softly:

"It may be the last time, after today, Jiameng City may not be the original Jiameng City anymore.

Eighteen... there are not ten at once, which is a pity! "

Bu Xiaofan woke up with the scriptures, rubbed his eyes and said, "I'll go down and get ready!"

Ye Qing protected him to go down.

At this time, shouts sounded outside.

"People of Qinglong Inn, listen, today you Qinglong Inn has come to a dead end after scriptures, this is God's will.

So after our discussion, we can give you a chance.

Come out and surrender, hand over your guests, we can kill only one of the innkeepers, and the rest of the Qinglong Inn can choose to join any one of our twelve families!

Naturally, the two inns are regarded as one force, and they are regarded as equal in strength.

Hear shouts from outside.

The people in Qinglong Inn were a little commotion.

Look at each other!
(End of this chapter)

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