I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 433 Attacking the Azure Dragon Inn

Chapter 433 Attacking the Azure Dragon Inn
"What! Your hearts are moving!"

The shopkeeper of Qinglong Inn returned to the lobby of the inn, stood on the second floor and looked at his subordinates and said:

"Where is this place, do I need to reiterate it? The Zhang family has been hypocritical for a day or two! Everyone get ready, today we are going to kill the Quartet, Megatron Jiameng City!"

"It's the shopkeeper, we will definitely kill all these dog-year-olds!"

"That's right, if he dares to attack our Qinglong Inn, he is courting death!"

"So what about the twelve forces, our Qinglong Inn is a fortress, no matter how many soldiers you have, you can never break in!"

The crowd at the Qinglong Inn were passionate and courageous. Even though they knew they would die, they still maintained an excited fighting will.

There are no losers in Jiameng City, only death.

Those who come out to mess around always have to pay back.

Once you enter the rivers and lakes as deep as the sea, there is no way you can break free from here.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!"

There was clapping from the door of a guest room in the inn.

"The innkeeper is really powerful. You have been so successful in fooling everyone to death. No wonder you can make Qinglong Inn the largest inn in Jiameng City. It really is a skill!"

"Guys, what they said this time is true, because today they are not really planning to attack your Qinglong Inn, but are really planning to kill the Xiaoyao King of the Great Zhou Empire that you just received into the city today."

"Outsiders, as long as the head of Xiaoyao Wang is not interested in your inn.

As long as you kill this Happy King, you will be safe and make an exception once! "

However, his words did not resonate with everyone in Qinglong Inn.

Because of all this, they have known it before.

In this line of work, you must abide by the rules of this line of work.

Ye Qing was right about the matter.

But this is no reason for resentment.

"If you don't remember, I was led to the Qinglong Inn by your people from Nanzheng Palace!"

Ye Qing came out with his folding fan, shook the fan lightly and sneered, "By the way, the names of your Nanzheng County Prince's Mansion in Jiameng City should be Hanzhonghui and Zhangjiagang."

"You talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense, I..." The speaker's eyes flashed cruel, wanting to justify.
But Ye Qing took a step forward.

Suddenly there was a sword in his hand.

Stabbed directly.

The man was startled and hurriedly tried to escape. ,
But he dodged, and Ye Qing chased after him with the scriptures.

The long sword was still carefully prepared to stab over.

"Pfft...you dare to kill a guest, you broke the rules!"

The man still wants to struggle.

But Ye Qing was scared with a palm.

The man's brain suddenly shattered.

At the same time, Lu Bu, Kong Jian, Ma Chao, Zhang Fei and others started to attack.

Kill the inner ghost living in the inn.

"The shopkeeper's..."

The guys at Qinglong Inn all looked at the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper said: "Don't worry about them, just deal with the enemies outside, and leave it to His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang here!"



The outside of Qinglong Inn!
"What's going on, you Hanzhong Society people didn't spread the news!"

"There are no people from Zhangjiagang either!"

All families looked to the leaders of the Hanzhong Society and Zhangjiagang.

"Then don't wait, let's attack!"

"It should have been like this a long time ago, we have so many people, it's still annoying!"

The others nodded their heads.

Then they dispersed.

With the six families as one direction, attack the front and back doors of Qinglong Inn clearly.


"Go in and chop everyone inside!"


The two ends of Qinglong Inn attacked almost at the same time.

The architectural style here is the same.

The protection measures are the same.

Therefore, every family has mastered the method of attack.

I saw each holding a small crock.

He rushed forward fiercely.

Then throw the earthen pot in his hand towards the tiny stone window or the lookout opening.

"Bang bang..."

One by one, the crock pots were broken, no matter whether they were thrown in or almost.

As long as the crock is broken.

Immediately, countless white ash appeared.

That's right, quicklime.

Lime is harmful to the eyes and can obstruct the respiratory tract.

Sure enough, the people at the Green Inn who were about to shoot arrows outward covered their mouths and noses, and then turned around.

Take advantage of this gap.

The attackers outside the city were all masked and carried long poles towards the wall.

When he was about to hit the wall, the person in front stepped on the wall with his legs.

With the strength of the waist and the momentum of the accomplice behind him, he faced the wall like walking on the ground.

Soon these people climbed to the window, took out a short weapon and inserted it into the gap between the stone walls, using it to stabilize themselves.

Free up a hand.

The people below threw a wine or oil jar.

Then throw the wine jar or oil jar into it.

But as soon as it smashed in, it immediately made a popping sound.

It turned out to be blocked by a stone slab.

The way of attack.

Defense has a defensive way.

Windows and lookouts have slabs that move laterally.

The entrance can be sealed.

Even oil and water can't get in.

The tightness of the defense must be strong.

After all, this is the life of the family.


The rockets that had been prepared stopped one after another.

People from all major forces pointed to the top of the castle tower and said:
"Take it there!"

"Fire arrows!"

Countless arrows shot towards the top of the tower.

At the same time, there are also light kung fu masters from various forces, who have used their strength to climb rocks to occupy this commanding height.

"Crash! Blast away!"

A battle broke out above, and the front door and the back door also ushered in an impact.

The front and rear doors are key to the scramble.

Only by breaking open the door and entering, can the Qinglong Inn be bloodbathed.


With a heavy blow, the entire gate shook, and some stone and sand rolled off the stone walls on both wings.

"Here! Hit me!"

They are used to this kind of thing.

This is just foreplay, and it's all people in the middle and lower classes who are acting.

The masters and the main players who will determine the future have not yet reached the time to make a move.

It is a breeze for twelve forces to attack a small Qinglong Inn together.

The only thing that everyone needs to be vigilant about is Ye Qing's capable team.

Don't look at the lack of people.

But there are many entry-level masters.

Among them are minors in the fourth grade.

He is a master of hidden weapons, which requires more precautions.


Finally, under the strong impact, the gate was broken and the door was knocked open.


People from various forces rushed in one after another.

"Fire arrows!"

Inside the inn, bows and crossbows and various sharp weapons that can be thrown are all greeted.

Warriors of middle and lower strength were recruited one after another.

All at once a piece fell down.

However, there are still people rushing in from outside.

After all, there are many opponents and few defenders, so how can they kill them.

Soon, the two sides temporarily held off the melee combat, and they fought each other.

"The tower of the Qinglong Inn is captured by scriptures!"

"The front door smashed!"

"The back door was broken too!"

"Our people fought hand-to-hand with the Qinglong Inn!"

The leaders of each family looked at each other and said: "In this case, let's go together, and go back to sleep after killing!"

"Right on my mind!"

Several whistles of different voices sounded, and the major forces were not sending middle and lower-level warriors in.

Instead, all first-class and above warriors were dispatched.

This person rushed in, seeing the ordinary fighters facing Tianfang, he was sure to kill with one blow, quickly captured the front hall, and rushed to the second floor and the back hall freely.

At this time, I only heard the shopkeeper of Qinglong Inn standing outside the stairs on the second floor, and said with a smile:
"It's all here, I have prepared a big gift for you!"

"It's a great gift for you to die!"

The heads of the Kelai Inn and the Feihu Inn sneered: "Come with your life!"

These two are the second and third ranked inns in the city. As long as we kill Qinglongmen, we will not only rise up the ranking, but also gain more personal resources, accept more guests, and earn more money.

It's just that they rushed halfway, and suddenly visions appeared in the surroundings.

The stairs under his feet disappeared, and the rectification of the Qinglong Inn also became blurred, and finally disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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