I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 435 Who Opposes, Who Agree

Chapter 435 Who Opposes, Who Agree

"what's going on!"

Someone asked in horror.


No one knows why!
But the wall gave them an answer that wasn't an answer.

Because the stones on the wall started to fall.

The cracks are bigger.

The speed visible to the inner eye splits into a width that a human body can squeeze through.

"Damn! Let's go!"

Some people immediately ran down the stairs.

But with a click, the torn board sank everyone walking on it.

Some of them took a leap and jumped down.

But they are not having a good time.

Because of the rectification, the tower boomed and stepped down.

All the buildings of the fort were broken at the same time, and all fell down.

The people inside were crushed to death and wounded.

Then the strongholds of the Hanzhong Society and Zhangjiagang's two forces sank deeply.

Countless people from the two gangs came only to find out the sound of screams, and then they were swallowed up.

Even their guild leaders and guild leaders were all buried alive and crushed to death.

The situation of the two forces quickly alarmed the forces next door.

They sent their men over to check.

I saw two deep pits.

Everyone gasped.

Eyes full of fear.

The back of the spine is also chilly.

"Report! Leader, the Hanzhong meeting is over!"

"Report! Head, Zhangjiagang is gone!"

"Report! Boss, there are two big pits in the north of the city, swallowing Hanzhong Hui and Zhangjiagang!"

"Report... Qinglong Inn won the counterattack, Twelve... Twelve, none of them left alive..."


Shopkeeper Chen stepped up to the tower, showing more respect to Ye Qing's expression, cupped his fists and said, "Your Highness, what are you going to do next?"

Ye Qing pointed to the Hanzhong Society and Zhangjiagang and said, "Can you see there?"

"That's... gone!" Shopkeeper Chen's eyes widened.

If the fog and the fire are just another kind of illusion or magic.

Then the technique of earthquake subsidence is even more shocking and frightening.

No one wants to suddenly be sitting at home and being buried.

"Yes! It's gone, not only them, but everyone who participated in the battle tonight will be finished!" Ye Qing said flatly:

"You send someone to know about Beifeng, Nansong, and the other six major forces, and attack the ten major forces. If anyone doesn't attack, they will be the ones who will disappear next!"

Sure enough.

A strong and decisive person.

"Then, Your Highness, where is my Qinglong Inn?"

"You guys! The Kelai Inn in the center of the city, the White Tiger Inn doesn't need to be cleaned up!"

Ye Qing turned around and went down the tower.

"It doesn't matter if you come to the inn or the Baihu inn, then let me come to the inn in the center of Tongtong City!" Shopkeeper Chen looked at Ye Qing's back, and suddenly ignited the enthusiasm and passion of his youth.

"God! Since you want to change, let's be more thorough..."


North Wind Stronghold!

"King Xiaoyao really spread the word like this?"

The boss of Beifeng asked again.

The clerk at the Qinglong Inn replied: "That's right, these are the original words of King Xiaoyao. He said to attack the other ten associations immediately, otherwise the eighteen major forces will all be enemies, so let's disappear together with the Hanzhong Association and Zhangjiagang!"

After speaking, the people from Qinglong Inn left.

They had to rush back to join the attack on the other two inns.

"Boss, what should we do now? King Xiaoyao is too rigid, this is not Dazhou, not Guanzhong!"

"Boss, what happened tonight is evil, so be careful!"

The boss of Beifeng thought for a while, sat in his seat, and finally gritted his teeth and said:
"Attack, God-given opportunity, if God gives but does not take, you will be condemned by God. Now is the time when the eight major forces are weak. If we don't attack others, we will seize the opportunity to eat these eight major forces."

Nansong also had the same result.

Nansong's old way: "Xiaoyao Wang Yijing helped us weaken the eight major forces. If we don't attack, we may be the ones who will be destroyed by then.

Xiaoyao Wang's methods are unpredictable. Wherever he goes, the sects and gangs will be wiped out, and he can't go against his will. "

It was supposed to be a peaceful second half of the night.

The carnival started again.

Carnival of blood.

The eight major forces attacked the eight major forces.

The other small forces are all watching!
It's daylight!

All dust settled.

There are two other inns among the top ten forces participating in the attack on Qinglong Inn.

Delisted overnight.

The other eight forces dominated by Beifeng and Nansong won the victory and annexed the territories of the ten major forces.

Of course, their loss is not small.

It also cost a lot to capture the opponent's castle, and the number of staff was reduced a lot.

If it weren't for Li Yuanfang and Ma Chao to help them, more people might be lost.

City center!
The wind is all over the building!
This is a tea house restaurant.

Drinks on the first floor and tea on the second floor.

Discussion on the third floor!
The leaders of the eight major forces including Beifeng and Nansong all gathered here!
"Here we come! Here we come! Marquis Xiaoyao is here!"

Everyone got up and greeted Ye Qing from the first floor.

Seeing Ye Qing's handsome young face and charming smile.

No one wants to believe that this is the vicious King Xiaoyao!
This is the ruthless person who dominated the top ten forces overnight and disappeared from the two major inns!
"I have seen His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang!"

"No need to be too polite, this is not Dazhou, and I am not Xiaoyao Wang now, I am a merchant who has traveled all over the world, and I prefer to be called Daxia Ye!" Ye Qing waved his folding fan lightly, and stepped in:

"We are all heroes in Jiameng City. It's not easy to get together. Let's have a drink today!"

Everyone looked at each other with strange and complicated expressions.


You still want to act chivalrously and slaughter the world like never before!

The situation is strong, and everyone is doing good, saying one after another:

"It's Hero Ye!"

To the third floor!

Ye Qing sat down first, and each of the nine seats had its own leader.

After the battle last night, the Qinglong Inn took the coaches to come to the inn and the White Tiger Inn, and their strength skyrocketed.

Adding the prestige of anti-killing victory.

Already among the ninth largest forces.

"I know, everyone worked hard last night, and I wish I could go back and catch up on sleep.

However, for the future of Jiameng City, we still have to work hard to discuss how to make Jiameng City more prosperous and prosperous. "Ye Qing glanced at everyone, but didn't respond, so he glanced at Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang stood up and said:

"Last night's chaos, according to incomplete statistics, Jiameng City lost 38 fourth-rank warriors, 67 third-rank warriors, 126 second-rank warriors, 163 first-rank warriors, and countless first-rank and second-rank warriors."

"This chaos has seriously lost the vitality of Jiameng City. If the old rules of the past are still followed, Jiameng City will definitely win a big turmoil. The fighting will continue, and the killing will continue, which is not conducive to the unity of the city. with stability.

At the same time, it also hinders everyone from making money, so my lord has a proposal. From today on, no use of force is allowed in the city, whether it is day or night, whether it is the central area or the outer city.

The use of force is death, and the use of force is everyone's public enemy. I don't know who is against it and who is in favor of it! "

who objected!
Who agrees!
How domineering!
You make the rules, have you asked us?

You are a passer-by, an outsider, what does it mean to meddle in our Jiameng City?
(End of this chapter)

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