I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 436 The Competitive Martial Arts Competition Controls Jiameng City

Chapter 436 The Competitive Martial Arts Competition Controls Jiameng City

Everyone, look at me, I look at you!
No one came forward.

Although very dissatisfied.

If you follow Ye Qing's rules.

That means they can't continue to make trouble in the city.

It is impossible to integrate other small forces.

They've only gotten so big since then.

They wanted to take advantage of this wind to sweep away other forces.

In the end, the pattern of the nine major forces in the city was formed.

"Your Highness, if you follow this proposal, you will change the original rules. Even if we agree, others will not agree. After all, the small gang needs to expand, and I am afraid that people will be promoted..."

Ye Qing still smiled and glanced at Han Xin.

This time Han Xin stood up and said: "My lord, this is just a proposal, as long as everyone agrees, as for those who disagree, they can disagree and go home. As for what happens in the future, this is not under our jurisdiction! "


Outright threat.

Anyone can hear it.

I am afraid that whoever disagrees will be killed by Ye Qing after returning home.

Although everyone was dissatisfied, they wanted to refuse.

But when I think of the movements last night, Hanzhong will be destroyed with Zhangjiagang.

Then he swallowed the bitterness in his heart again.

"Everyone, I agree with His Highness's proposal. If anyone in the Central District refuses to follow, we, Qinglong Inn, will destroy them!" Shopkeeper Chen was the first to stand up and said.

Qinglongmen's growth depends entirely on Ye Qing.

And he is now the largest territory among the nine major forces, but the weakest one.

Without Ye Qing's proposal to protect him, his territory would soon be eroded by the other eight major forces.

Ye Qing set his sights on Beifeng and Nansong.

The two big bosses exchanged glances with each other.

Then he stood up and said: "I, Beifeng (Nansong), agree with His Highness's proposal, peaceful coexistence, win-win cooperation, and making money together is the way!"

One-third of the forces agreed.

The other six major forces still hesitated.

At this time, someone came to report:

"Your Highness, the leaders of the small factions in the city have all gone to the second floor and said that they agree with His Highness's proposal!"

People from the other six factions were shocked and stood up one after another.

Ye Qing not only invited their nine major forces, but even the small gangs and factions.

In an instant, they knew Ye Qing's intentions.

Small gangs and factions add up to a considerable force.

They are more impatient than the six major forces.

If they still follow the previous rules, they are also afraid of being annexed by the nine major forces.

So when he heard Ye Qing's suggestion, he rushed over without stopping.

"Everyone, what do you think!"

Ye Qing stood up and asked directly.

"We... also agree with His Highness's proposal!"

The six major forces expressed their opinions one after another.

Ye Qing said: "Okay! This is very good. It shows that you are all real heroes, understand the importance, and know how to think about the development of Jiameng City. Come and serve wine. I will have a drink with you!"

Go down with a good bowl of wine.

No matter how much unwillingness there is, it can only go so far.

"Everyone, my lord knows everyone's concerns, so I specially organized a martial arts competition for everyone!" Zhang Liang stood up again and said:
"This competitive martial arts competition is very simple. It is held in the center of the city every year. Each participating company will take out a corresponding market share according to its size and strength as a prize.

The contestants are below the first rank of each family, and the top five will be rewarded according to the amount.

This not only entertains the boring life, but also adjusts the internal resources of each family.

If you want to develop and expand, you can get it through competitions. I don’t know what you think? "

Competitive martial arts competition!

Everyone was a little confused.

Contest to gain territory.

If you don't want to participate, you don't have to.

If you want to participate, you have to take out the territory as a bet.

This is a good way.

It is not possible to obtain corresponding benefits by eliminating factions and gangs.

Although the harvest will not be as great as before.

But the corresponding loss is also controllable and limited.

"Your Highness, who will preside over such a panic-stricken event?" Shopkeeper Chen asked.

Things take place in the Central District.

It's not going to be organized by him at Qinglong Inn.

Zhang Liang continued: "Since my Xiaoyao Mansion is involved in this matter, as an outsider, it is natural that our Xiaoyao Mansion organizes the most fair and open.

Every year we make five new cards, and the license holders are the five winners.

If something happens to the receiving site during this period, you can ask for help from my Xiaoyao Mansion with a license, and my Xiaoyao Mansion will uphold justice for it and handle such matters! "

"Xiaoyao Mansion will do it!"

"Is this appropriate?"

"I think it is feasible. If other people do it, they will definitely favor themselves."

"That's right, the people in Xiaoyao Mansion don't stay here all the time, once a year, they leave after the match, that's good!"

The nine major forces hesitated a bit.

Let Xiaoyao Mansion preside over the preparations, and let Xiaoyao Mansion interfere in the affairs of Jiameng City in a disguised form.

Thus controlling Jiameng City left and right.

As time goes by, the prestige established by Xiaoyao Mansion will definitely surpass them.

Become the leader in name and reality.

The status will inevitably be higher than them.

"Everyone has objections!" Ye Qing looked at the crowd with his hand on the hilt of his sword and said:

"I know that everyone is afraid that the people in my Xiaoyao Mansion don't have this ability, and I'm afraid that good things will be ruined. In this way, I have fourth-rank, second-rank, and first-rank warriors under my command.

You can send out warriors of the same strength, and you can choose my warriors to compete. As long as you can win two rounds, Xiaoyaofu will recognize it as the organizer! "

Compared with the people in Xiaoyao Mansion!

Two wins in three rounds can take the right to organize.

"Your Highness is generous! I, Qinglong Inn, give up the martial arts contest, and let Xiaoyao Mansion organize it!"

People from the small gangs on the second floor also agreed.

The people from Beifeng stood up and said, "I, Beifeng, want to wipe it off. I hope the people from Xiaoyao Mansion will give me some advice!"

"Yes! I hope you can win!" Ye Qing nodded, and then said:

"Anyone else can make a request. I agree, but it may be a bit more than the number of battles. The number of people in my Xiaoyao Mansion is limited, so the competition time will be a bit long. I won't watch it. You can do whatever you want!"

Leaving someone comparable, Ye Qing took Zhang Liang and shouted a letter to leave.

Go back to Qinglong Inn.

Bu Xiaofan said: "You are so confident, you are not afraid that the Nine Great Powers will really emerge with talented people and defeat our people!"

We use two words well!

Women... Hehe!
Ye Qing hugged Bu Xiaofan, turned a big circle and smiled, "Don't worry, they can't win, whoever wins, I will let my little darling use his little hands to destroy their lair!"

"Who is your little baby, let me down quickly, it's not good for others to see!" Bu Xiaofan, who was not as thick-skinned as Ye Qing, beat him lightly.

His entire face was flushed red, but his eyebrows were full of joy.

The corners of the mouth also seemed to be smeared with honey.

"Okay, okay, I won't let others see it, let's go back to the room!"

Ye Qing continued to play hooligans, hugged and went to the room.

After a while, people came to report one after another.

The north wind challenge failed!

Nansong challenge failed!

Gangdi village challenge failed!
White Water League challenge failed!
Nanchong Mountain challenge failed!
Jiange challenge failed!

New Metropolis challenge failed!
(End of this chapter)

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