I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 437 Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang's Guess

Chapter 437 Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang's Guess
The first Jiameng City Competitive Martial Arts Competition will be held in three days.

After the major forces returned, they were gearing up.

They all want the younger generation to show their face and win the championship in this competition.

For this reason, all the forces that surpassed three points in Jiameng City participated in the registration!

Ye Qing got the information sent by Beifeng [-].

On the one hand, Han Xin was asked to organize the competition, and on the other hand, Zhang Liang was asked to screen the data and analyze the various ethnic groups in various countries.

On the one hand, Ye Qing called Ma Chao again: "Meng Qi, your mission is to go to Jiudi, go north from Baishui, cross the mountains to find the road to Liangzhou, I will ask Dowa to be your interpreter guide, and you will be on your own on the way. careful!"

"It's my lord. Ma Chao will definitely complete the task and find a safe way to go north for my lord." Ma Chao replied under the command.

The departure of Ma Chao and Dowa was not concealed in any way, and was quickly learned by various forces.

The news was sent back to Hanzhong Nanzheng.

"Get rid of Ma Chao and bring Dowa back, I have something to torture!" Wang Qiu didn't intend to hold back anymore.

Hanzhong will follow the destruction of Zhangjiagang.

Another arm of Nanzheng County Prince's Mansion was broken.

Wang Qiu Yiran was completely angry.

Ye Qing is a scourge, he kills wherever he goes.

Wherever you go to Yeli, the disaster will be brought, and the Shanmen gang will be wiped out there.


"My lord, from the information we have collected, we can enter the Ba Kingdom without going to the capital of Shu, and then go south along the Western Han River, and turn eastward to Jiangzhou City in the Ba Kingdom. This can save a lot of time!" Zhang Lianghe Submit information and put forward new suggestions.

If you go to Shu, you have to detour more than double the distance, which doesn't fit the plan!

Ye Qing was silent.

Originally, he wanted to go to the Kingdom of Shu to have a look.

The country of Ba is large but mountainous.

Although the Kingdom of Shu is smaller, it is in a plain area with a large population and richer products.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Shu has more strategic value and is more worth visiting.

"Master, I think I should go to the Kingdom of Shu." Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang said:

"When I was using Jiameng City, I found two thin energy lines pointing to the southwest and southeast.

If the map is correct, one of these two directions points to the capital of Shu in the Kingdom of Shu, and the other to Jiangzhou in the Kingdom of Ba. "

"Oh! There is such a thing!" Ye Qing's eyes lit up and he looked at Wolong Zhuge Liang!

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang continued: "Since Jiameng City has a magic circle set up by the ancestors of Qishan Pavilion, will the Shu Kingdom and the Pakistani Congress also have magic circles? Let's compare the maps carefully. Jiameng City, Shudu, Jiangzhou, three The straight-line distances from each other are the same.

What does this mean, is it just a coincidence?Or did someone do it on purpose?The layout was made thousands of years in advance. "

"Huh! It's really the same distance!" Zhang Liang measured it with his hands, showing surprise.

Fortunately, he claimed to be smart, but he didn't realize this.

"So, I think it is necessary to go to the capital of Shu and take a look for yourself. Maybe there will be bigger surprises waiting for us, and we will have different harvests." Wolong Zhuge Liang said with excitement.

He who is keen on this way naturally does not want to miss this opportunity.

"Equilateral triangle! Triangle... three...!" Ye Qing muttered, three words suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Go, let's go to the capital of Shu and get a taste of the customs and customs of Shu!"


Three days passed quickly, and the first Jiameng City competitive martial arts competition came to an end.

Some people are happy and some are sad!
But none of this matters.

On the second day after the match, Ye Qing took people out of Jiameng City.

This time, the nine major forces in the city breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, Jiameng City belongs to them again.

The first stop in Shu Kingdom.

It is the Xiongguan Jiange Pass of the Shu Kingdom!
At the break of Jianmen Mountain, there are steep cliffs on both sides, straight into the sky, and the peaks lean against the sky like swords;Based on this, the Shu people built a city and set up a pass called Jiange Pass.

"Such a grand pass, not to mention hundreds of thousands of troops, even thousands of third- and fourth-rank masters attack together, it is difficult to attack, it is dangerous!" Zhang Liang couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Han Xin half-closed his eyes and said, "The Grand Pass of the World has never been breached from the front!"

"Ah! It seems to be true!" Zhang Liang said with a smile:
"This is the purpose of our coming. Only by finding a loophole can we pass this pass and conquer the Kingdom of Shu in the future. Otherwise, it will be like the Zhang family now, coveting the two countries of Bashu for nearly a hundred years without being able to advance an inch.

On the contrary, we can only make good friends and marry each other! "

"Let's go! After entering, we will naturally get what we want!" Master Ye waved his hand and urged the horse to move forward!
Seeing Xiongguan is in front of you, but it is not close when you walk.

And there are mostly plank roads and rugged mountain roads along the way.

Not to mention Xiongguan, even this road can limit and block the pace of the army going south.

The customs clearance was smooth, and Shu people are naturally generous, with a more open and forthright personality.

Much more polite than the Zhang family in Nanzheng.

The guard collected the customs clearance fee and let it pass without even a single interrogation.

"This country is too easy to enter. Such a majestic pass is like a decoration, and they can still be at ease like this!" After leaving the pass city, Zhang Fei looked back and muttered.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "Yide, you want to fork it, it is because of this great pass that the Shu people are not afraid of the danger in the north, so they have the confidence to accept outsiders.

This is the grandeur of a great country, but...you are right about one thing, they are too carefree. They have been indulging in pleasure for a long time, and the country has too many disadvantages. They still have to die on this self-confidence! "

"My lord's words are sobering! In the future, if the Kingdom of Shu does not perish in the hands of Zhou, I will definitely perish in other countries or tribes." Zhang Liang agreed.

Then Ye Qing and others passed through Jiangqu Pass and Fushui Pass in Shu Kingdom.

These two passes and Jianmen Pass are collectively called the Three Great Passes of the Kingdom of Shu.

With such a natural moat, why should Shu be afraid of the enemy in the north.

It naturally provides a stable and peaceful environment for Shu.

After passing the three passes, there is the endless plain of Shudu, a flat river.

Mianzhu City!
The courteous team is waiting for you.

When Ye Qing and others arrived, the officials of the Shu Kingdom gathered together to greet them.

"Congratulations to His Royal Highness King Xiaoyao of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Your Highness will follow me into the city. I have known about His Royal Highness's arrival and ordered me to wait here for a long time. I will prepare delicious food to entertain distinguished guests!" The attitude of the envoy Said kindly.

Ye Qing replied: "Thanks for your trouble. I originally wanted to travel around Shu alone. If I don't want to, I still want to trouble your country!"

"No trouble! No trouble! Everything should be done!" The guiding messenger laughed and said:
"Your Highness came to the south, did not choose the Ba Kingdom, but came to our Shu Kingdom first, which is the respect for my emperor.

And Dazhou has never had a royal family travel thousands of miles to our country of Shu. Your Highness is the first one, and we are honored.

I, Shu people, are known to be hospitable, so it is natural to treat His Highness warmly! "

It turns out that the Kingdom of Shu also saves face!
If you haven't entered Pakistan, you can still understand it this way.

What a fantastic imagination.

(End of this chapter)

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