Chapter 438
Shu is richer than Hanzhong.

The territory is wider and the products are more abundant.

Yes, just in this small town, the banquet for Ye Qing and others was extremely luxurious.

Ye Qing and others couldn't help but sigh.

The land of Shu is rich, and sincerity does not deceive me.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Chatted for a long time.

We all know each other well.

The envoy of the Kingdom of Shu suddenly asked: "Your Highness, my emperor heard that you brought many treasures with you when you entered Shu this time, and you want to present them to my emperor. I don't know if it is true or not!"

Ye Qing and the others were stunned for a moment.

Thought he was drunk.

Baby, who will bring you baby.

"Why didn't you hear clearly?" The envoy of the Kingdom of Shu said again:
"In the exchanges between the two countries, Your Highness is the envoy of the Great Zhou, and we treat each other with courtesy, why did the Great Zhou, known as the state of etiquette, not bring any treasures into Shu.

Are you neglecting my Great Shu Kingdom! "

When he said this, the envoy of the Kingdom of Shu was full of warmth and anger.

His complexion changed.

It is completely different from the original politeness and enthusiasm.

"Ye Qing and everyone looked at each other.

Zhang Liang stood up: "Where did your envoy say, we naturally brought the treasure, but there is no earth, there is a good treasure in the sky, and it will definitely satisfy the King of Shu!"

"Hahaha, that's good! I said that the Great Zhou has a vast land and rich resources, and there are many treasures. Your Highness brought a caravan in, and most of them must be for my emperor. It is as rumored!" After hearing what Zhang Liang said, his expression changed again.

Laughing, a copy should look like this.

This remark annoyed everyone in Xiaoyao Mansion.

The little Shu king came with a big tone.

I really thought that there were three major barriers across Hanzhong, and the soldiers and horses of Da Zhou would not be able to kill here.

It is too arrogant and arrogant to despise Da Zhou like this.

He even wanted to take all the things in the caravan as his own.

Insatiable also.

But Ye Qing was not angry at all.

It's nice to be on the contrary.

The Kingdom of Shu, which is wide on the outside and tight on the inside, clearly looks like a big country, but in fact it is just a small country with small people living in a corner.

Sit down and watch the sky.

If the face of the king of Shu is like this, then he is not a wise king.

The government of Shu is not so good.

"By the way, I don't know who your envoy heard from, but we will present the treasure to the Emperor of Shu!" Zhang Liang took the opportunity to ask.

The envoy of Shu State was happy, and he didn't hide it, and replied directly:
"Of course it's Zhang Ren, the son-in-law of the eldest princess of the Kingdom of Shu."

Zhang Ren!

It was him.

The surname is Zhang, Ye Qing and others immediately knew that this was the work of Nanzheng County Prince's Mansion.

This Zhang Ren is Zhang Qiu's younger brother.

Martial arts high strength, good at commanding troops.

According to the information, Zhang Ren has been serving as a general in Shu since he married the eldest princess, helping Shu to quell the rebellion.

Helped the king of Shu to open up the territory, continue to launch wars, and annex the Nanman tribes in the west and south.
It is deeply trusted by the king of Shu.

There is a strong influence in Shu.

This is one of the reasons why Shu and Hanzhong are extremely close.

The layout of the Zhang family is not only like this, even in the court hall of the Ba Kingdom, there are many children of the Zhang family who hold official positions.

In the two countries, these people are really perfect and loyal to the monarchs of the two countries.

No disrespect on the surface.

But how is it actually.

Few people know.

However, Ye Qing and others could tell at a glance that the Zhang family wanted to explore the Ba and Shu kingdoms first.

It's just that the time is still to come.

It has been infiltrating and lurking.

The banquet is gone.

Ye Qing called Zhang Liang, Han Xin, Bu Xiaofan, and Wolong Zhuge Liang over.

"It is rumored that the king of Shu is keen on collecting treasures. It seems that Zhang Ren's slander has planted seeds in the heart of the king of Shu. If we can't produce treasures that satisfy the king of Shu, not only will we be humiliated, but our lives will be in danger!" Han channel:

"Ordinary treasures, Nanzheng Palace must have sent them by scriptures long ago. The things we brought are treasures in the eyes of others, but they are nothing in front of this King of Shu!"

"My lord, punish me. I shouldn't have done this for my lord." Zhang Liang pleaded guilty and said:
"Now that the scriptures have been passed down, if you don't get the treasures, you will definitely lose your trust in Shu and the countries in the Southwest;

At the same time, the king of Shu was angered, and the lord was in danger! "

Ye Qing waved his hand and said, "It's not that serious, isn't it a treasure? I have one, and I will give him one when the time comes. It will definitely surprise the King of Shu."

The next day!

The army sets off!

Soon arrived in the capital of Shu.

The king of Shu sent troops to meet him.

own future.

"Come on, Your Highness, let me introduce you. This is Consort Zhang, General Zhang!" The messenger said, pointing to a man in his early twenties who came up with his troops:
"General Zhang is a hero of our Great Shu Kingdom. He is not only highly skilled in martial arts, but also resourceful. He is the undefeated general of our Great Shu Kingdom! He is deeply loved and valued by His Majesty."

Zhang Ren!

Shu Wangshang actually sent him to pick him up.

This is interesting!

"Foreign Minister Zhang Ren has met His Royal Highness King Xiaoyao of the Great Zhou Dynasty! Your Highness's journey has been smooth!" Zhang Ren clasped his fists, nodded slightly, and did not perform any decent salutes.

A pair of eyes are like eagles.

The facial features are somewhat similar to Zhang Qiu's.

His expression was joking.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly.

He made no secret of his disrespect to Ye Qing.

And hostility to Xiaoyao Mansion.

"That's inappropriate!" Ye Qing looked directly at Zhang Ren with the same provocative expression, and naturally he wouldn't give Zhang Ren any face, and said eloquently:

"General Zhang was born in the Zhang family in Hanzhong, Hanzhong is my land of Great Zhou, and the Zhang family is a subject of my Ye family.

General Zhang is not a foreign minister. As the heir of the old Nanzheng County prince, has General Zhang forgotten the etiquette of his courtiers so quickly? "

"Or, General Zhang has forgotten his ancestors, tsk tsk, General Zhang may not be able to enter the ancestral mausoleum if he forgets his roots so much!"


Zhang Ren was so angry that he pointed at Ye Qing.

Zhang Fei who was behind Ye Qing shouted loudly, "Do you want to rebel against the slaves of the three surnames?"

Zhang Ren's soldiers drew their weapons one after another.

Lu Bu, Li Yuanfang, Gan Ning, Wolong Zhuge Liang and others also showed their weapons.

The two sides fought each other and confronted each other.

And the envoy of Shu Kingdom didn't seem to see it.

Turn your face away, turn your back on it all.

Zhang Ren's eyes skipped over Ye Qing, and looked at Zhang Fei behind him.

Clenched a fist with one hand and rattled.

Holding the sword in one hand, he tried to pull it out but failed.

"Don't move your sword, no one can draw a sword in front of this king."

"A person who betrays Da Zhou at will, do you think the Kingdom of Shu will trust you?"

Ye Qing tilted his head to block Zhang Ren's gaze, and still stared at him, his sharp eyes accompanied by the domineering aura emanating from his whole body.

Zhang Ren was also a little apprehensive.

"Zhang Ren, the son of the concubine of Zhengjun Wangfu, Chennan, pays homage to His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang!"

Letting go of his hand and discarding the hilt of his sword, Zhang Ren bowed to Ye Qing unwillingly and made a big gift.

Ye Qing smiled, raised his hand and said, "Zhang, the son of the concubine of Nanzheng County Prince's Mansion, was appointed and dismissed."

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Zhang Ren straightened up and was about to turn around and leave when Ye Qing shouted:

"Wait! You represented Nanzheng Palace just now, shouldn't you be presenting me a big gift on behalf of the King of Shu now? You are a foreign minister who has no rules, or you have too many soldiers and horses in your hands, and you forget your shape." Now, you can do whatever you want, heh, when will the Kingdom of Shu..."

"Foreign Minister Zhang Ren, the General of Zhennan of the Kingdom of Shu, pays his respects to His Royal Highness King Xiaoyao of the Great Zhou Dynasty. By the order of our Emperor, His Royal Highness Xiaoyao King is invited to enter the city!" Before Ye Qing could finish speaking, Zhang Ren turned around decisively and bowed.

He didn't want Ye Qing to talk about it anymore.

Because the more Ye Qing talked, the more rumors grew.

This guy's verbal skill is unparalleled in the world.

It's abominable.

(End of this chapter)

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