Chapter 439
"Free gift!"

Ye Qing made a show.

Zhang Ren immediately turned back.

His eyes became colder and colder, he stepped forward and said softly: "Your Highness, you have completely angered me, you will die!"

"Hehe, someone spoke to me in this tone in Hanzhong last time, but he was scared!" Ye Qing stretched out his hand to push Zhang Ren away, and said to Shu Wang Shang's envoy:

"Your envoys don't enter the city!"

"Oh! Alright, please enter the city, Your Highness!" Shu Wang Shang's envoy hurriedly said:
"General Zhang, please enter the city!"

The attitude of Shu Wangshang's envoys is still humble.

Neither Ye Qing nor Zhang Ren are guests.

Into the city!
Arranged in the post house.

Ye Qing signaled Bu Xiaofan to check the situation inside and outside the post house.

To ensure safety and no one is eavesdropping, I asked Wolong Zhuge Liang:
"When you enter the city, you can find something strange! Is this Shu capital a big magic circle?"

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang shook his head and said:
"Your Highness, I haven't found any traces. I can't see that Shu is the shadow of the magic circle, but it can't be completely ruled out. I need to walk around and observe!"


Nanzhen General's Mansion!
Zhang Ren returned home angrily.

Just as he sat down, a lady in palace attire in a big red robe walked over.

"What's the matter, sir?"

The person who came was Zhang Ren's wife, Princess Shu!

Zhang Rendao: "I took that Ye Qing into the city today, and I was a little angry. This hateful guy actually used his identity to suppress me. I will kill him!"

"Husband calm down, Ye Qing didn't want to go out after entering my Dashu. You are the general of Zhennan, and I am the eldest princess. It is easy to kill him!" The eldest princess sat lightly on Zhang Ren's back , reached out and stroked Zhang Ren's face.

Tong Zi sneered and said: "There is no need to be angry about a dead person, we have a bright future, the father has no children under his knees, and he has not adopted the son of the clan.

A hundred years from now, as long as I'm on the throne, we can have whatever we want, and we can just bring Da Zhou at that time! "

Zhang Ren's expression changed with worry, his eyes showed obsession, he climbed his wife's waist with one hand, and Yu Wan with the other, and said tenderly:
"If it wasn't for your big event, princess, how could I hold back my anger today and kill him outside the city gate?"

"My husband is so kind to me. I don't know how to repay my husband. How about we perform here?" The eldest princess of Shu bowed her head and buried Zhang Ren's shoulder, her sweet tongue curled slightly, and she moved towards Zhang Ren. Ren's neck Tim go...


The Palace of the King of Shu!
"In this way, Zhang Ren didn't dare to kill Ye Qing openly, but was humiliated by him instead. Hehe, it's interesting. My Great General Zhennan is afraid of a Xiaoyao King from another country!"

Shu Wangshang is a fat man, nearly 40 years old.

He looked very kind and kind, with small eyes and a smile all over his face.

He touched his chin, opened his clothes, and caressed his pregnant belly like a woman.

"Your Majesty! If you can endure what ordinary people cannot bear, you are either a traitor or a loyal person. You are a capable person."

The envoy of King Shang of Shu knelt down on the ground and said.

"It makes sense! It makes sense! The reason why the Great General Zhennan endured it is only for the sake of my position as a great treasure." King Shang of Shu snorted coldly and said:

"Would I not know what the Zhang family wants to do? For so many years, General Zhennan has made great contributions to our Shu Kingdom, and his prestige in the army has become increasingly prosperous.

The soldiers of my Great Shu Kingdom only know General Zhennan, but not Zhen! "

"I am frightened!"

King Shang of Shu made him kneel even lower, almost lying on the ground.

"Is this still a secret? For so many years, I have never had any children, only three princesses. Is it hard to guess who is behind the scenes?" Speaking of this, King Shang of Shu shot a sinister look in his eyes. With a killing intent, he slapped the dragon couch hard.

The specially reinforced dragon couch is still crumbling and will collapse.

"Why did I take so long to adopt the son of the clan and establish a crown prince? It's because I was afraid that they would kill all the blood of my Meng family.

Why I am addicted to wine and sex, and why I love treasures are not bewitched by them. "

"King Xiaoyao, I hope you can really be of some use to kill all these rebels and treacherous ministers. If so, I will definitely give you a more dignified death!"

"The flames are raging. The Kingdom of Shu is the Kingdom of Shu of the Meng family. Those of you who covet my Great Shu will die, you will die..."


post house!

"From this point of view, the domestic political situation of the Shu Kingdom is even more dangerous than that of my Great Zhou.

The king of Shu has no heir, so no prince will be established!
And my Dazhou only caused the current bad situation because the nine sons took the throne, and the emperor set up a dragon's gate. "

Not long after entering the post house, a man who claimed to be a secret agent of Da Zhou appeared in the post house.

And this person turned out to be the Yi Cheng who manages here.

It really surprised Ye Qing and the others.

Through Yicheng's words, Ye Qing and others had a better understanding of the court of Shu.

"So, Your Highness, this is an opportunity. In the Kingdom of Shu, in fact, the ruler does not trust the ruler, and the minister does not believe in the ruler. Everyone guards against others.

Without any heirs, once an accident happens, the Kingdom of Shu will be in chaos.

Once they are in chaos, we will be able to take out chestnuts from the fire and complete the feat of taking Shu as Zhou in one fell swoop! "

Secret agent Yicheng said excitedly and persuasively.

Ye Qing kept staring at this person, but this person didn't dare to raise his head, he just lowered his head and only talked about the plan.

"The things you said are really worth considering. I entered Hanzhong this time and went south to Bashu to play a good forward for Da Zhou. I believe this will be my Da Zhou's territory soon."

"Go down first! Keep it secret!"

"No!" The secret agent Yicheng bowed and left.

Lu Bu and others stood guard outside.

Zhang Liangdao: "My lord, he is lying, he wants to trick us into participating in the power struggle in Shu!"

"Of course, he's not my Da Zhou's spy at all. The spies all have numbers, and it's useless just to match the code." Ye Qing sneered:

"The people who acted really well-intentioned. They must have waited a long time for this opportunity."

"It's just! We are really here to travel, not to grab territory. All their plans will come to nothing. If they plot against me, it will be bad luck!"

Playing tricks and tricks, my protagonist has suffered a lot.

Poor acting, not for appreciation.

the next day!
The king of Shu still gathered the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty.

Received Ye Qing in Qinzheng Palace.

Ye Qing led the crowd to the Shu Palace.

The imperial palace of the Kingdom of Shu is magnificent.

Although it is not as big as the imperial palace of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But people are inlaid with gold and jade everywhere.

Decorate the cloud pattern, burn all kinds of spices, and enter the palace, as if entering the heavenly palace, which makes people feel like flying through the clouds.

Show luxury to the fullest.

"The envoy of the Great Zhou Dynasty, King Xiaoyao, asks for an audience!"

The voice of the little eunuch sounded outside the hall.

The king of Shu who sat high on it said: "Xuan!"

"Xuan! Great Zhou Envoy King Xiaoyao enters the palace!"

Ye Qing rushed in.

Followed by Bu Xiaofan, Lu Bu and Kongjian!

"The foreign minister pays homage to the Emperor of Shu!"

King Shang raised his hand and said, "Excuse me!"

"Thank you Emperor Shu!"

Ye Qing looked straight at King Shang of Shu on the stage.

The king of Shu said: "King Xiaoyao is really young, and he is so enviable. I heard that you brought me a gift here, and you can bring it into the palace!"

Come up and ask for a gift, your acting skills are a little too fake.

Ye Qing sneered in his heart, why every emperor loves acting.

One day you stop acting, will you die?

But Ye Qing cupped his hands and said: "Back to Emperor Shu, the foreign minister brought a unique treasure in the world, but it's a bit big, your hall is too small, so it's inconvenient to show it!"

(End of this chapter)

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