Chapter 440 Excessive bet

King Shang of Shu's eyes lit up when he heard the words!

"A baby bigger than this hall?"

All the civil and military officials of the Shu Kingdom below are talking about it!

Is Da Zhou so rich?
And such treasures.

Zhang Ren stood up and said, "His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang, please don't fool the emperor and all the officials. What kind of treasure can't even fit in the hall."

"No, not at all!" Zhang Ren walked towards Ye Qing:
"The crime of deceiving the emperor, I think His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang should be the most clear!"

Hearing Zhang Ren's words, Shu Wang Shang's face darkened.

All the officials of the Shu Kingdom also cast their eyes on Ye Qing.

"General Zhennan doesn't believe it, how about we make a bet?" Ye Qing looked at Zhang Ren with a smile.

"Bet? Oh, why did this general bet with you!" Zhang Ren felt that there was a trap at first.

Ye Qing bowed to King Shang of Shu and said:

"Your Majesty the Emperor of Shu, when I came here, I heard that the bravest general in the Kingdom of Shu, the most talented, the most popular among the people and the most popular among all officials, is General Zhennan.

At the beginning, I was a little admirable, listening to his great achievements in opening up the territory and expanding the territory of Shu.

Now it seems... exaggerated! "

King Shang of Shu felt as if his heart had been pierced with knives.

The bravest!

Most talented!
It's nothing.

Since ancient times, the most taboo of the emperor is not a talented courtier.

It is a courtier who can win the hearts of the people and the army and is loved by all officials.

Such a person is the greatest threat to the imperial power.

King Shang of Shu, who was already wary of Zhang Renxin, was furious when he heard this.

However, King Shang of Shu is also an emperor who is nearly 40 years old.

There are still some city mansions that have been raised for many years.

Just with a smile on his face, watching the show on it.

"The so-called General Zhennan is just a coward. He has the courage to question others, but he doesn't bear the consequences. Such a person holds the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers in his hands. Even if they are brought into the fire pit one day, it will not be terrible. You will frown, and you won't feel pity.

After all, he will not be responsible for his words and deeds. "Ye Qing turned around, facing all the civil and military officials of the Shu Kingdom, and said eloquently.

The expressions of all the officials loyal to the eldest princess and the Zhennan General's mansion changed drastically.

Killing hearts.

Ye Qing's every sentence was cutting Zhang Ren's flesh.

The knives cut at the joints.

Zhang Ren was so angry that his body trembled, he waved his sleeves and said, "Okay, I'll bet you that you don't need to speak harsh words to the contrary, and come to drive a wedge between the monarchs and officials of my Great Shu Kingdom.

This is the Kingdom of Shu, not your Great Zhou. "

Ye Qing turned back and said to the King of Shu: "Your Majesty, I came to Shu Kingdom for the first time just to present treasures, so why did I become a alienation between the monarchs and officials of Shu Kingdom.

The ministers spoke sincerely and honestly, and I beg Your Majesty to be the master for the ministers and return them innocent. "

I want to watch a play!
There are no doors!

make you laugh.

Do you think you can act well?

Shu Wang Shang frowned slightly.

Ye Qing is really a difficult guy.

You and Zhang Rendou are fine, why drag me into the water?
"Ahem, well, everyone retreats to their positions. The arrival of the Great Zhou envoy today is a happy thing, and we should all be happy!" King Shang of Shu practiced Tai Chi, and then said:

"King Xiaoyao, I don't know what you are offering? Let me open my eyes!"

Ye Qing said: "Then please move the shelf out of the hall, Your Majesty, the things are outside!"

The king of Shu said: "Yes! Let's all follow my year!"


The officials responded.

Then everyone left the hall.

Sure enough, there was a long box the size of a coffin outside.

"this one……"

Zhang Ren sneered.

The other officials were also disappointed.

Shu Wangshang was even more displeased.

It's only so big, why can't it enter the hall.

"That's right, it's this one. It's so big that the sky can't cover it!" Ye Qing said confidently:

"This thing can go up to the nine galaxies in the sky, and let people gallop beyond the universe. Only the heavenly family can own it. The ordinary rich and powerful families have never even heard of it, let alone seen it. I think Your Majesty must know something!"

Going to the nine galaxies in the sky, galloping beyond the universe, you can blow it too much.

The officials of the Shu Kingdom felt that Ye was becoming more and more like a liar.

Even Shu Wangshang was a little embarrassed.

Who knows what's in the box?
Where did he know.

Besides, he is a small country that lives in a corner, so how could he know the fetishes that only the royal family of the Central Plains Dynasty had.

"King Xiaoyao, don't say such beautiful words, let us have a look. If it's just bragging to prevaricate people, ordinary people in my Tang Dynasty can do it." Zhang Ren wanted to know what Ye Qing brought.

"Don't worry, let's bet lightly." Ye Qing said with a smile:
"The name of this object is 'Divine Bird', and it can carry less than six people to fly in the sky. I think it is enough to satisfy His Majesty!"

Divine bird!

King Shang of Shu suddenly became interested.

Can take people to fly.

This is the dream of many people when they were young.

Every person and child who saw a bird flying must have prayed when they were young, hoping to fly freely in the sky like a bird!

The same is true of Shu Wangshang.

A little anticipation, and a little excitement!
"Hahaha, Xiaoyaohou is really good at deceiving people, not to mention that this divine bird takes people flying, even if it can fly by itself, it is impossible!" Zhang Ren is not a bumpkin from the Shu Kingdom.

The Zhang family is also a big family of the Great Zhou.

The Zhang family knows all the treasures in Da Zhou.

Not to mention the Great Zhou, even the countries in the Central Plains do not have this kind of thing.

There is no such thing in the entire Eastern Dragon Continent.

Haven't even heard of it.

Not to mention seeing it.

Now Ye Qing is swearing to say this here.

It must be a lie.

Probably just trying to scare me, and want to use this to damage my reputation.

And Shu Wangshang is also willing to cooperate, so this is a game.

"You haven't seen it, it doesn't mean you don't have it. Don't use your shallow knowledge to deny the truth of others, because it looks stupid!" Ye Qing pointed to the big wooden box and said: "If you don't believe it, you can gamble! If you don't dare, just shut up .”

"Okay, I bet you, if what you said is true, and this magical bird can really fly, then you win, and I will kneel down and apologize to you!" Zhang Renyi gritted his teeth and replied:

"If you can't fly, you kneel down and apologize to all the officials of the Great Shu Kingdom, and admit that you are a liar!"

Ye Qing shook his head and said: "I'm not interested in your apology, I won, you resign and go back to Hanzhong, honestly be your son of the Zhang family;

I lost, you can do whatever you want! "


Zhang Ren was so angry that his eyes bulged.

Baiguan was even more stunned.

Shu Wangshang's eyes were shining brightly.

Good bet!

"This Happy King is a ruthless person!"

"I'm afraid this is about to kill General Zhennan, what a cunning Xiaoyao King, his eloquence is superb!"

"Why don't you dare? You really are a coward. They say that barking dogs don't bite people. It turns out to be true!" Ye Qing sat directly on the big wooden box, patted the board on it and said:
"If you don't dare, don't dangle in front of my eyes, let alone embarrass you Rat Country."

(End of this chapter)

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