I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 441 The need for an airport and a runway

Chapter 441 The need for an airport and a runway

"You... are too much!"

Zhang Ren's face turned purple with anger.

It was not easy for him to sit in General Zhennan of the Great Shu Kingdom.

Ye Qing wanted to slap him off once.

Such a cruel heart.

Could it be that he had been in contact with the emperor for a long time?

Zhang Ren glanced at Shu Wangshang.

King Shang of Shu looked up at the sky.

As if wanting to fly nine days away.

It seemed that he hadn't heard about the bet.

Put yourself out of the way.

"If you dare, answer, and you will know the answer immediately! If you don't dare, then get out! Never appear in front of me in the future, and don't embarrass Nanzheng County Palace!"

Ye Qing bit the words Nanzheng County Prince's Mansion very hard.

Even the hundreds of officials in the Shu Kingdom can only get what they want.

Nanzheng County Palace is Zhang Ren's pain point.

It is his pulse gate.

Ye Qing grabbed it and poked desperately.

"Okay! Then I bet you, I want to see how you fly to the sky!"

After Zhang Ren thought about it, he could only gamble in the end.

Because he has no choice.

Taking a step back is not a vast sea and sky, but a cliff.

"Cheer up, this is a bit like Nanzheng County's mansion!"

Ye Qing jumped off the wooden box, and then motioned for Lu Bu and Kong Jian to open the box.

The two began to lift the planks of the wooden box.

The four sides were opened and fell to the ground.

A big wooden guy appeared.

This guy was folded into a cube.

Can't see any tricks.

Ye Qing asked him to move down.

Then hit a few places.

He signaled everyone to back away.

The folded cube unfolds slowly, rises upwards, and stretches forward, left, and right.

"This is... really like a black bird!"

"Golden skeleton, red body, black texture and wings..."

"so big……"

"This thing is very small when it is shrunk, but it is so big when it is unfolded, beyond imagination, maybe it can really fly!"

"Yes! It's so exquisite, the workmanship is exquisite and exquisite, the big roc spreads its wings, and the clouds fly ninety thousand miles, God bless my Dashu!"

The King of Shu was also overjoyed to see him.

Heart excited!
Zhang Ren's expression was a little bad.

The generals who followed him were also a little anxious.

This 'divine bird' seems to be able to fly!
Wait until the Mohist organ bird has finished spreading its wings.

Ye Qingdao: "Your Majesty, this is the act of deception by the minister of the 'Divine Bird'!"

"No, no! King Xiaoyao is a true gentleman who keeps what he says. I am so relieved that King Xiaoyao is here!" Shu Wangshang nodded and walked towards the 'Sacred Bird': "Is this thing touchable?"

"You can fly, but where can you touch it? This is your Majesty's property. You can play with it boldly without worrying about it being damaged!" Ye Qing pointed at the 'divine bird' and said:

"'Sacred Bird' is a treasure made of special wood that took 100 years to complete. It is extremely light in texture, strong in lift and strong in load. It is a must-have for home travel!"

"Good good!"

King Shang of Shu stretched out his hand to touch the organ bird of the Mohist school, his body trembled with excitement.

This is real.

Sure enough, it was made of wood.

"King Xiaoyao, how does this thing fly? Now I want to fly to the sky, and I want to go up to overlook my Great Shu Kingdom..." King Shang asked excitedly.

Ye Qingdao: "Your Majesty, it's very easy to fly. You just need to give this 'divine bird' a little boost, let him run a certain distance on the ground, and then control the few control sticks under the abdomen to fly up."

Ye Qing explained, then pointed to the flat ground outside and said: "Unfortunately, your Shu Kingdom's palace is a bit small, and the distance is not enough, so it can't fly."

Our imperial city of Shu is still small?
"Then fix it, build a long road and let the 'divine bird' take off!" Shu Wang Shang decisively ordered:

"Tell me how long it will take, I'll let someone arrange it!"

"Your Majesty, one road is not enough. You need flat land. I call it the takeoff and landing ground of the 'God Bird', also called the airport. It needs to be a flat and smooth land about ten miles long and one mile wide!" Ye Qingmo Chin, thought for a while and then replied to King Shang of Shu.

King Shang of Shu didn't even think about it, and said: "Repair, no matter how many miles, I will repair it for me, and I will take the 'divine bird' to the sky!"


Throughout the ages, who has gone to heaven?

This is definitely a miracle.

A great opportunity to make a name for yourself.

Baiguan immediately understood Shu Wangshang's determination.

They all knelt down and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty is blessed with the divine bird, so that you can embrace the moon in the nine heavens and rule all territories!"

"Congratulations to Your Majesty on the joy of the divine bird, so that you can embrace the moon in the nine heavens and rule all territories!"

"Congratulations to Your Majesty on the joy of the divine bird, so that you can embrace the moon in the nine heavens and rule all territories!"

King Shang of Shu laughed loudly and said, "Good! You are all loyal ministers!"

When he said this, Shu Wang Shang deliberately stopped at Zhang Ren.

Zhang Ren felt bitter.

The expression on his face is not good either.

But he still knelt down honestly.

"Emperor Shu, I have a poem I want to send to Emperor Shu in this situation." Ye Qing read with a smile:
"Dapeng rises with the same wind in one day and soars up to [-] miles.

If the wind breaks down, it will still be able to shake the water.

When the world sees my constant special tone, they all sneer when they hear what I say.

Xuan's father is still afraid of future generations, but his husband is not young. "

"The roc rises with the same wind in one day, soaring up to [-] miles. What a poem! What a poem!" King Shang of Shu was even more delighted when he heard it.

With a flick of the robe, there is a feeling of looking down on the world and despising all living beings.

"Come here! Today I want to entertain King Xiaoyao well, and I want to have a private banquet with him at Yuhualou!" Shu Wangshang turned to Ye Qing and said:

"Xiaoyao Wang, the two of us will have a good drink tonight!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Ye Qing paid tribute with a smile.

Shu Wang Shang led all the officials back to the main hall.

Zhang Ren finally got up, and Ye Qing stood in front of him and said, "Zhang Ren, have you figured out how to return to Hanzhong? Tsk tsk, if you go back in despair, will your elder brother, King Nanzheng, be disappointed? Will not get angry, will..."

"Hmph, don't be complacent, King Xiaoyao, let's talk about it when your 'divine bird' can fly. It looks good, but it may not be useful." Zhang Ren bypassed Ye Qing directly, and then returned to the hall.

"Don't give up until the Yellow River, just wait, this king wants to punish you, and you can turn the sky against you!"


After presenting the Mohist mechanism bird, Ye Qing and the others returned to the post soon!
Bu Xiaofan couldn't help but asked: "Brother Ye, can the 'divine bird' really fly?"

"Of course it can fly. Generally, it can carry six adult men of standard weight!" Ye Qing put his arms around her waist and said:
"If there is a chance, I will take you to fly together, and then you will know what it feels like to go to heaven!"

Double entendre.

Bu Xiaofan was so ashamed that he rolled his eyes at him.

"I hate it, who wants to go to heaven with you!"

"Hahaha, what are you thinking!"

Ye Qing scratched her Qiong's nose lightly and said, "Hey, I will be able to take you flying soon. When the king of Shu repairs the runway, we will be able to soar over the Kingdom of Shu!"

Who was Bu Xiaofan?

Xiaozui pouted and said:

"Do you still have the 'Divine Bird'? I told you that it is impossible for you to give such an important thing to the King of Shu for nothing!"

"I'm such a ridiculously smart little Fanfan? I want to know how many 'divine birds' I have, hehe, come to my room at night, and I'll tell you..."


(End of this chapter)

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