I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 444 The post house was on fire, and the King of Shu took action

Chapter 444 The post house was on fire, and the King of Shu took action
"General Zhennan! Is this impossible?"

The king of Shu said in disbelief.

You reinstall and continue to install.

But Ye Qing didn't point it out, and acted with Shu Wang Shang.

So he said directly: "Except General Zhennan. The others are not suspected. Because only General Zhennan doesn't want me to win."

"In order not to lose, General Zhennan wanted to destroy the 'Sacred Bird'. Once the Divine Bird was destroyed, it is natural that the bet on business can no longer continue."

The king of Shu pretended to be silent.

After a while, he said: "As you said, there is some truth. It's just that there is no evidence, and the courtiers cannot be wronged. King Xiaoyao should not speak out."

"Your Majesty is so magnanimous, I really admire it!" Ye Qing stood up and said, "Your Majesty, if you don't want to wrong your subjects, why don't you declare to the outside world that the divine bird will be destroyed, and then tell General Nanzhen the new storage location of the divine bird.

If there is an accident at that time, you can..."

"King Xiaoyao... What you mean really embarrasses me!" Shu Wangshang looked embarrassed, as if he really loved Zhang Ren.

Seeing that Ye Qing wanted to hit someone.

Can I stop acting?


"Hey! But as a foreign minister, if you are so diligent, I will trust you once and do as you say." King Shang of Shu gritted his teeth for the last time, as if he had made a huge decision.

Ye Qing said: "Your Majesty is wise!"

"By the way! King Xiaoyao, besides presenting treasures, what purpose do you have in entering Shu this time?"

Suddenly Shu Wang Shang asked.

This question was extremely sudden.

Shu Wangshang stared at Ye Qing with burning eyes.

As if trying to see through him.

Ye Qing sighed heavily: "To tell you the truth, Your Majesty, I made too many enemies in my Zhou Dynasty, and was resisted and framed by all officials.

Everyone wants to kill me, and our majesty has sent another impossible task, which is to let me take my fifth brother back to Chang'an.

In this way, I offended the Zhang family in Hanzhong, and the Zhang family also wanted to kill me.

So I went all the way south, seemingly for fun, but in fact I was seeking refuge, fleeing for my life! "

"Oh, there is such a thing!" Shu Wangshang had an expression of disbelief.

Ye Qing went on to say: "To speak against my will, if it wasn't for the purpose of escaping for my life, the foreign minister would not have dedicated the 'Divine Bird' to His Majesty. I hope that the Emperor of Shu can save me and let me take political asylum in the Kingdom of Shu.

Of course, if I can, I really hope to live in Shu Kingdom in this life. After all, here is rich in products, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the folk customs are simple. "

Ye Qing spoke eloquently and emotionally.

As he spoke, he wiped the corners of his eyes with his sleeves, with a look of being wronged.

This kid can act better than me.

Shu Wang Shang didn't believe Ye Qing at all.

He doesn't even believe in his own daughter, will he still believe in Ye Qing?
But after all, he is a playwright, coughed and said: "King Xiaoyao is a man of temperament, he is a real person, rest assured that you are in my Great Shu Kingdom, and you will live a good life here in the future. I will guarantee your peace and glory forever! "

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Ye Qing bowed respectfully.

After the two finished their performances, the old eunuch flew in from outside the building again.

Then he whispered again in Shu Wangshang's ear.

Shu Wangshang stood up and said:

"King Xiaoyao, the fire is small, let's go, follow me to have a look!"

"Please, Your Majesty!"

Soon the three of them went downstairs.

Under the escort of a thousand forbidden troops, they came to the land of fire.

This is a warehouse, but most of it was burned.

Some of Shu Wangshang's treasures were burned.

But he didn't pay attention to these. Instead, he looked around and asked, "Have you found the 'Divine Bird'?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, the fire was ignited from the outside. After we extinguished the fire, we did not find the remains of the 'Divine Bird'! This is quite strange!"

Shu Wangshang looked at Ye Qing.

It's right if you don't find it.

If you find it, the divine bird is really over.

Ye Qingdao: "Your Majesty asked someone to step back, and the foreign minister called for the 'Divine Bird' to appear, and the Divine Bird was frightened.

There are outsiders who are afraid and refuse to show up, and the foreign ministers need to communicate with them. "

"Okay! Let everyone withdraw, and King Xiaoyao will find the divine bird!" The king of Shu was straightforward.

The left and right sides are all sealed up.

If Ye Qing wanted to do something, he couldn't play tricks.

King Shang of Shu retreated with his men.

Ye Qing didn't take out the Mohism mechanism bird immediately.

Instead, he carefully checked the warehouse.

"It turned out to be a warehouse built using the five elements and eight trigrams. It seems that the entire harem of the King of Shu is a magic circle. What does the Mao family want to do?"

This made Ye Qing quite puzzled.

The Mao family has been doing one thing for 1000 years.

It's really weird.

It's best to bring Xiao Fan and Kong Ming over next time.

Having made up his mind, Ye Qing didn't think about anything else.

Release the Mohist organ bird.

Then inform Shu Wang Shang.

King Shang of Shu was overjoyed to see the divine bird.

The others were amazed when they saw it.

This is really a divine bird.

He even escaped the fire by himself.

Really amazing?

Such a god, God bless Dashu.

"Come on, send it to the stone storehouse for me. This time, no one is going to burn my divine bird!" King Shang of Shu waved his hands to remove the organ bird of the Mo family.

And personally followed, took Ye Qing to the so-called Shiku.

Here is a city full of bluestones.

Even the doors are made of stone.

The fire can't burn out, the water can't drown.


That's done.

Suddenly someone came to report.

"Your Majesty is in trouble, someone attacked the post where King Xiaoyao stayed!"

King Shang of Shu was furious when he heard the words: "What? Who is it? Which gangster dares to be so bold that foreign envoys dare to attack!"

Ye Qing was even more anxious, and asked, "What happened to the posthouse? What happened to my followers?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, according to the arrests by the officers and soldiers who arrived, it was found that the person who attacked the posthouse came from General Zhennan's residence, and there were entourages of General Zhennan and the eldest princess."

"Bastards, how dare they do this, why do they do this, isn't it just to save face? Why do they want to go to war like this!" King Shang of Shu looked distressed, and his voice was a little green and choked.

"Quickly tell me, what happened to Xiaoyao Wang's people?" Shu Wang Shang then asked.

He knew that Ye Qing would really like to know.

The visitor reported: "The post house was set on fire, and the fire engulfed the entire post house. So far, no one from the Great Zhou Mission has escaped!"

"It's impossible, it's impossible, why didn't you escape!" Ye Qing took three steps in two, and grabbed the message, with red eyes, like a devil who wanted to eat people:
"Say, it's fake!"

"My condolences to the Xiaoyao King, it's true, we didn't find out that your followers escaped, and they may all be buried in the flames."

Looking at Ye Qing's expression, the reporter was also a little scared, and finished speaking tremblingly.

Ye Qing pushed him away.

Turn around and leave.

King Shu hurriedly said: "Protect King Xiaoyao, don't let the gangsters hurt him!"

"Come here, I have encircled the Zhennan General's Mansion. From now on, Zhang Rennan will be exempted from the post of Nanzhen General, and the Zhennan General's Mansion will be revoked. At the same time, all personnel in the mansion, including the eldest princess, will be controlled. Anyone who dares to disobey orders will be killed without mercy. "

(End of this chapter)

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