I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 445? How Can You Still Be Alive?

Chapter 445 How Can You Still Be Alive?
Kill without mercy!

Your Majesty is so murderous!
For a Happy King!
For the sake of a few small lives of the Great Zhou Mission, General Zhennan was revoked from his post.

Even the eldest princess is no exception.

Is this Xiaoyao Wang really so important?

Ye Qing scolded in his heart as he walked!

Shu Wangshang is setting a target for him and attracting hatred.

It is estimated that everyone in Shudu will know about this soon.

And concentrated artillery fire on himself.

But... heh heh, I'll let you act first.

There will be times when you will cry.

My knife is not so easy to borrow.

After leaving the palace, Ye Qing hurried back to the post house.

The fire fighting is over.

There were several dead bodies lying outside.

I don't know if it's from King Shang of Shu or from the eldest princess.

If they were captured alive, they would naturally have been taken to the prison for custody.

The fire has been extinguished.

Burnt smell, black burnt, and the government servants pumping water to put out the fire.

There were also soldiers rummaging through things.

Ye Qing grabbed a torch and walked in.

He glanced around, then closed his eyes, repositioned and recalled the structure of the post house.

Then he opened his eyes and walked towards a direction.

Then kick out.

Kick all the collapsed timber here.

"Come on! Clean up the things here, there is a breath of living people below!"

The soldiers of the Shu Kingdom were all taken aback.

living person?

You are probably dreaming.

How could there be any living people here.

Some people also burned to death early.

"What are you still doing, come here!"

Ye Qing shouted loudly.

The imperial guards who followed knew that Ye Qing was now highly valued by the King of Shu.

So they didn't dare to offend, so they came over to help and moved the debris here.

After cleaning up the debris, Ye Qing threw away the torch, making everyone get out of the way.

Then sink your qi into your dantian, use your strength in your palms, and then hit your palms towards the ground!
"In an instant, the dust and coke residue on the ground were all blown around by the strong wind.

The soldiers standing outside were also disgraced.

But Ye Qing himself was spotless even though he was in the center.


Then Ye Qing roared and stamped his right foot on the ground.

With a bang, the ground cracked open.

A large crack runs through the middle.

Then... there was a boom.

A large pit appeared, and the sand, gravel, bricks and earth sank.

"My lord, don't be shocked, we can't breathe during the shock!"

Lu Bu Zhang Fei's cry came from below.

Ye Qing smiled, stretched out his hand and said, "Torch!"

The soldiers of the Shu Kingdom were stunned.

There are people!
This can survive.

Life is really big.

But why hide under the ground.

At that moment, a soldier came over with a torch.

Then light the hole.

Lu Bu jumped up.

Then came Zhang Fei and Kong Jian.

Then Bu Xiaofan and Wolong Zhuge Liang, Zhang Liang, Han Xin, Li Yuanfang, Gan Ning and some others.

"It's all right!"

Ye Qing asked.

Everyone said: "Thanks to the timely response of the post, after discovering the fire, he opened the secret passage here, and then led us to hide in it.

At this moment, Yicheng wanted to die.

It's not that I led you to hide in, it was obviously you who rushed in.

As soon as I opened the secret room, you found out.

Now that the task has not been completed, he might be questioned by King Shang of Shu.

"It's fine! His Majesty the Emperor of Shu found out that it was Zhang Ren, the general of Zhennan, and dismissed him from his post, and surrounded the mansion of the general of Zhennan. I believe it will give us a better result. You can rest assured, Shu His Majesty is such a wise person, he will definitely not let such traitors go, and will definitely punish them severely!"

Where did Ye Qing say it to Bu Xiaofan and others, but directly to those Shu officials, soldiers, yamen servants and common people outside.


Zhennan General Mansion!
"how is the situation?"

the princess asked.

Zhang Ren said with a smile: "Don't worry, that goddamn bird must have been burned. The whole warehouse has been burned. It's no wonder that a few pieces of wood can't be burned!"

"That's good. If the divine bird can really fly, we will be passive." The eldest princess said fortunately.

Seeing that the eldest princess seemed to have other things on his mind, Zhang Ren asked: "What's the matter, you seem a little nervous tonight, do you have something to hide from me!"

"How could I hide something from you, you and I are one husband and wife, I..." The eldest princess turned her face away in a guilty conscience, trying to defend herself.

At this time, someone hurried over and reported loudly in the aisle outside the room: "General, Your Majesty's sacred bird has not been burned, and it is still intact. Now it has been transferred to the stone warehouse."

Both Zhang Ren and the eldest princess were taken aback.

Then his face changed drastically.

Zhang Ren tidied his clothes and came out, opened the door and said, "What's the situation, why is the divine bird..."

Lairenhui reported: "It is said that the divine bird is not afraid of fire and has spirituality. It can hide itself when encountering fire, so it didn't burn at all. The entire warehouse was burned, but it was still brand new as it was during the day."

"Damn, how could this be possible."

Zhang Ren couldn't help but frowned, frowning.

"It's just a simple piece of wood. How could it fail to burn and hide in the fire? Is he really a god?"

"General, it is said that it is a divine bird, transformed by the auspiciousness of the divine beast..." The visitor interjected, telling all about Ye Qing's fooling around in the palace.

Zhang Ren didn't believe this at all, and punched the door heavily.

Flicking his sleeves, he said, "Go down and keep staring at the palace!"

"What's the matter, the divine bird hasn't been destroyed!" the eldest princess asked in displeasure when she heard the words outside.

Zhang Ren sighed and said: "Who knows what's going on, that thing is not afraid of fire, it won't be destroyed by fire!"

"There is such a strange thing." The eldest princess was dubious.

Just then someone came to report.

"Patriarch, Princess, something is wrong, and soldiers have surrounded our Zhennan General's Mansion!"


Zhang Ren and the eldest princess were astonished at the same time.

In Shudu, who else would dare to offend their Zhennan General's Mansion.

"Patriarch, princess, go out and have a look. I heard that it's the imperial guards in the palace. I don't know which one of them got too drunk and came to our place to make trouble!" The soldiers were besieged.

Zhang Ren and the eldest princess were already angry.

The divine bird was not destroyed, and was still full of anger.

So he rushed out of the mansion angrily.

"Who? Who is going to come to my Zhennan General's Mansion to make trouble."

"My palace is here, who is presumptuous!"

The husband and wife were both furious, and when they came out, they scanned the soldiers outside the door with cannibalistic eyes, looking for the leader and leader.

"Consort, eldest princess, stay safe and sound!"

It was the old eunuch who brought Ye Qing to Yuhualou under the leadership of King Shang of Shu.

Seeing that it was this eunuch, even the eldest princess had to restrain his temper.

Not to mention Zhang Ren, his attitude immediately became humble: "I don't know why Mr. Lei is here?"

The father-in-law of Lei Fuchen read in a flash: "His Majesty's oral order! The Zhennan General's Mansion set fire to murder the posthouse because of jealousy of the foreign envoy King Xiaoyao. The crime is very serious, it insults the country, loses my dignity in Dashu, and loses my face , I am now depriving him of his position and revoking the Zhennan General's Mansion."


Zhang Ren and the eldest princess were shocked.

A pair of big eyes kicked the boss.

The domestic slaves behind the two of them all kneeled down with their knees weak, with panicked expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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