Chapter 447
"Okay! Then I will give you Yanbo Island. Now you are the island owner of my Great Shu Kingdom. You must cherish this island!"

"I hope you can build this island better and make this island have a different look!"

For the sake of Ye Qing's face, Shu Guoshang finally gave the island to Ye Qing.

Ye Qing liked it a lot.

He hurriedly said, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

With this island, you can do a lot of things!
"Okay, today's court meeting is over, let's go!"

Shu Guoshang stood up and directly announced his withdrawal from the court.

The matter of General Zhennan's Mansion was not mentioned in the court hall.

The officials below also tacitly did not say anything.

Back at the temporary place, Ye Qing announced the good news to everyone.

Then follow the guide to Yanbo Island outside the city.

When it was dark, I took a boat from the ferry to the island!
There is really a royal summer resort here, and the manor is very large.

The repair is also magnificent.

There are all kinds of facilities inside.

You can move in with your bags.

Just don't be too beautiful!
There is also a garrison team of 100 people on the island to guard and maintain the Huangzhuang on the island.

"Your Highness, since this is your private island now, all the soldiers of my Great Shu Kingdom will be withdrawn.

Before we leave, we will leave a boat for His Highness, which can be used to enter and leave the island, and this place will be handed over to His Highness in the future! "

The leader finally said something else, and then led the people to evacuate completely.

Only one small boat was left, which could carry ten people.

Both freight and human transportation are taken into account.

"Now we have a corner in the Kingdom of Shu!"

"It's quiet enough here to do some of our own private business!"

Ye Qingdao: "Everyone choose the room by themselves, don't cherish it, anyway, everything belongs to the King of Shu, so don't feel bad when it's worn out!"

"Hahaha, then we will not be polite, my lord!"

Everyone laughed when they heard the words.

Then each of them went to look around, and no one really occupied the wing room.

Zhang Liangdao: "My lord, although this place is relatively quiet, it is not safe. It seems to be in the middle of the river, surrounded by dangerous places, but in fact, the enemy can sneak up to the island from the surrounding water. If the land is not working well, the Kingdom of Shu has no good intentions!"

"My lord, if we can't leave Shu in a short time, then we should prepare to defend the island and need some help." Han said:

"Even ordinary soldiers are fine, the more the better!"

Ye Qing did not reply to their words, but said to Bu Xiaofan and Wolong Zhuge Liang:
"Xiaofan, check to see if the island is safe, and if there are any dark creatures lurking!"

"Kong Ming went to the Huangzhuang to find out if there is any building built by the Mao family. If there is a magic circle at this time, see if it can be used!"

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang said: "It's the lord!"

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang cupped his fists and left.

Bu Xiaofan was also polite and took out his equipment.

Then, using his special ability, he checked Huangzhuang, and then explored the entire island.

Half an hour of exercise is very mentally exhausting.

Finally he let out a sigh of relief.

Fragrant sweat dripping.

"The island is full of our people, Shu Kingdom Shang is honest this time, there is no Ancha Yinzi!"

Ye Qing shook his head and smiled, "It's not that he doesn't want to be installed, but that he wants to signal to others that as long as there is one of his people on the island, those who want to kill us will not dare to go to the island.

Because they were not sure whether Shu Kingdom would take the opportunity to exploit others! "

"Now it seems that the Kingdom of Shu still wants to let the forces of the Kingdom of Shu assassinate us, or else, he also wants to kill me!"

While the two were talking, Wolong Zhuge Liang came back.

"My lord, Huangzhuang was designed by An Wuxing Bagua, and there is a small defensive circle, which can keep Huangzhuang safe. is not the same system as the magic circle in Jiameng City, or it is too simple, far from the same level.

It should be the work of a descendant of the Mao family seeking a person of average strength. "

"Sure enough, there are shadows of the Mao family!" Ye Qing thought for a while and said:
"In this way, starting tomorrow, you and Xiaofan will set up a magic circle on the island to protect the island at critical moments. It is best to use the river water to confuse the outside world."

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang said: "It's the lord!"

Bu Xiaofan said: "This requires a lot of materials and a lot of manpower for construction. I'm afraid we won't allow the conditions."

"It doesn't matter, the money we brought can be used. Anyway, we are not short of money. We can buy whatever we want. Shu is rich and has everything!" Ye Qing smiled brightly:
"As for manpower, is five thousand soldiers enough?"

Five thousand soldiers?

Where does Ye Qing want to come from.

Could it be that there was an Anzi in the Great Zhou Empire who became a general in the Kingdom of Shu?

Can manage five thousand soldiers.

Even so, these soldiers are not in line with secrecy, and it is easy to leak things on the island.

Ye Qing knew their concerns, so he said: "Okay, everyone rest early today, and you will know after tomorrow."


Everyone went down to rest, Ye Qing called Gan Ning to stop: "Xingba accompany me to the pier for a walk!"


Gan Ning looked up at the darkness outside.

What a walk at this point!
But he was not stupid, he knew that Ye Qing had something to say to him alone.

So I replied with a sentence, and then followed out.

The two arrived at the pier while chatting.

"Xingba, you are good at water warfare. If you have a team of warships for you, are you sure you can go from here to Pakistan!"

The Shuangliu River flows westward into the Shujiang River, and the Shujiang River flows into the Dajiang River in the south. Along the Dajiang River, you can go east to Baguo.

The distance along the way is not short, and there are two counties in the Shu Kingdom, four important river cities, and each river city has a powerful navy.

It can be said that this is a way of life and death.

The only advantage is downstream.

"Don't worry, my lord, with this ability on the water, I'd rather not be afraid of anyone, as long as I have enough manpower, even a few small fish boats, I can snatch out a powerful navy for you!" Mentioned his old profession , Gan Ning assured, patted his chest.

Ye Qing patted Gan Ning on the shoulder and said, "It's good if you have confidence. Don't worry, I won't give you a small fish boat. I'll give you a hundred good boats and a river fleet."

A hundred good ships.


Gan Ning had some expectations.

Ye Qing pointed to the river and said, "Look, the boat I gave you will come out soon!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Qing gently raised his hand.

Just hear a bang.

A large boat hit the water.

Set off countless splashes.

The splashed river water reached the bluestone slab on the pier.

"This is... a ship!"

Gan Ning was extremely shocked.

He shook his head and blinked.

I thought I was wrong.

There was no boat just now!

Why did it pop up all of a sudden?

"No, it's called a ship! Transombed ship!"

"This is the ship!"

Then Ye Qing retracted his gesture, and the transverse compartment ship disappeared immediately! "

Then another large ship hit the water.

The splashed river water splashed on the shoes and clothes of the two.

"It's called a building boat. It can carry troops and goods. There are wooden pulps at the bottom of the boat. It can be driven by human pedals. It's extremely fast!"

And such a ship!

That's great!

Gan Ning wished he could step up now and have a good look at it.

Then use it to cross the river and make contributions.

(End of this chapter)

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