I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 448 Zhang Sanfeng and Guo Xiang appear in the crowd

Chapter 448 Zhang Sanfeng and Guo Xiang appear in the crowd
"This is a centipede boat. There are rows of oars on both sides of the boat. It looks like a centipede and a crab! It walks on the water like flying, and it is a fast boat. It is most suitable for chasing "prey" or escaping."

"This is a large-winged warship..."

"This is a thousand-mile ship..."

Watching warships appear and then disappear.

Gan Ning was so shocked by the Sutra.

The worship of Ye Qing is like a god.

It is even more itchy for these warships.

"Okay, these will be supported by you from now on, one hundred warships of five kinds, I think it's enough for you to cause disasters on these rivers!"

Ye Qing received the warship, Gan Ning grinned and laughed.

It's almost a mess.

Just when the two turned around and wanted to go back.

Suddenly, the two of them stabilized their bodies again, turned around and turned back, and then turned their eyes to the wide river.

Someone is approaching this way.

"My lord, go, there are enemies!"

Gan Ning urged Ye Qing to go back quickly.

But Ye Qing didn't move, grabbed Gan Ning's hand and said, "No hurry, just look!"

On the hazy river surface, there is a faint figure slowly approaching.

This black shadow stepped on a bamboo, and came through the waves automatically without wind.

Although it is dark at night.

But I know that the other party has obvious characteristics.

White clothes and silver hair, with hands behind their backs.

"My lord, this guy must be at least the fifth rank or above!"

"No! He is a sixth grade!"

Ye Qing replied with a smile.

The expression on the face tends to be bright.

Six products!
Finished calf.

"call out!"

The person who came jumped onto the shore.

Gan Ning immediately untied the horizontal chain around his waist.

This is his water weapon, a thick chain made of black iron, and a small knife with hooks in both hands.

It can be stabbed, thrown, entangled, and strangled. It has various tactics and has killed countless people.

"Zhang Sanfeng greets the lord!"

The visitor ignored Gan Ning and bowed his head with fists folded.

That's right, this is Zhang Sanfeng with the strength of the sixth rank.

He has been secretly following behind Ye Qing and the others.

Did not show up.

"Zhang... Zhang San... San... Feng!"

Gan Ning was astonished.

Look at Ye Qing, then look at Zhang Sanfeng.

Ye Qing said: "Excuse me, you have done a good job about the Five Dou Rice Religion."

"Thank you, my lord!"

Ye Qingdao: "I won't give you any rewards, because in the eyes of your veterans, they are all vulgar things and you don't like them. How about I let you see someone?"

There is a saying that goes like this, when you meet Yang Guo, half of your body is ruined, and when you meet Guo Xiang, your whole body is ruined.

Undoubtedly, Zhang Jiafeng has been infatuated all his life and never got married, married a wife and had children.

It's all a delay.

"Meet someone? Could it be?"

Zhang Sanfeng was puzzled at first, but soon there was a flash of understanding in his eyes, as well as hope and longing.

"You'll know it when you see it!" Ye Qing clapped his hands lightly and said:

"Is Guo Xiang here?"

After the words fell, a person appeared on the bank of the downstream, walking slowly.

This person is wearing beautiful pink and peach-colored clothes, with bangs on his forehead and eyebrows, and his hair is combed back and arched slightly forward.

Two pink peach ribbons are tied with two cloud braids on the ears, one finger high.

Two small pearl earrings hang below the ears.

"Guo Xiang has met the lord!"

In time, Guo Xiang's beauty can be seen even from afar.

It's getting closer, and I want to reach out and touch it, and pinch it carefully.

"Guo Xiang! Come and see who this is!"

Ye Qing pointed to Zhang Sanfeng.

At this moment, San Zhangfeng is demented by Yijing.

Looking at Guo Xiang foolishly, the corners of his eyes were moist, and he couldn't help it.

"This is... I don't know!"

Guo Xiang shook her head with a puzzled expression.

"Ahem!" Ye Qing said:

"He is Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Junbao!"

"Zhang Junbao?" Guo Xiang sized Zhang Sanfeng up and down in disbelief.

Only then did Zhang Sanfeng come back to his senses, said with one hand on his chest, nodded and said: "Nv Xia Guo is polite, old Taoist Zhang Junbao, my teacher is Jueyuan!"

"Ah! You are a little snot!" Guo Xiang was shocked.

Little snot!
Ye Qing and Gan Ning turned their faces away with a flutter.

The dignified rank-[-] powerhouse is called Little Snot.

But Zhang Sanfeng was not angry at all, on the contrary he had a bright smile on his face.

"That's right, it's the old way!"

Guo Xiang sized up Zhang Sanfeng and walked around him: "You...why are you so old, twice as old as Master Jueyuan!"

This is distressing!
Zhang Sanfeng smiled wryly and didn't know how to answer.

"Okay, this is not a place to talk, come back to Huangzhuang with me!" Ye Qing didn't know how the two of them should narrate the past.

This system is so inhumane, it actually gave the old Zhang Sanfeng and the young Guo Xiang.

Why is the data not modified synchronously this time!
Seeing Ye Qing and Gan Ning go out and bring them back.

Everyone was very curious.

But after listening to the introduction to Zhang Sanfeng.

Everyone was also taken aback.

Then suddenly realized.
It turned out that the one who destroyed the Five Dou Rice Sect was really his own master.

This time, with such a master around, they felt relieved.

But seeing Guo Xiangren's appearance, everyone turned their attention to Bu Xiaofan again.

This is afraid that there is one more rival in love.

A strange woman captured by the protagonist from nowhere.

A powerful aura can be felt from her.

It seems to have the aura of a master in Li Yuanfang.

"Your Highness, who is this person?" Bu Xiaofan reached out to Ye Qing's lower back with his small hand, and pinched it lightly.

There is a little more deliberation on the face.

Guo Xiang replied innocently and romantically: "My name is Guo Xiang, and I only have the strength of the fourth rank. Please take care of me in the future."

Four grades!

It really is a fourth grade!
Bu Xiaofan was stunned for a moment, and the pressure on his body suddenly increased.

It seems like you can't beat it.

The strength of the fourth rank is a great help to Ye Qing.

It's not just a random vase.

"The sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, meeting is a fate, everyone, please introduce yourself!" Guo Xiang was naturally familiar with it, and her small canine teeth were slightly open, which was extremely acceptable.

The pink and tender little face is even more adorable.

Greatly won the favor of everyone.

Even Bu Xiaofan didn't have the original jealousy.

On the contrary, he took the initiative to step forward and said: "Qishan Pavilion Bu Xiaofan, His Royal Highness Xiaoyao's fiancée, I don't know if Sister Guo is also His Highness's fiancée!"

"Um... can it be?" Guo Xiang looked at Ye Qing questioningly.

The system comes with its own loyalty.

Already transferred her admiration for Yang Guo to Ye Qing.

It is estimated that this aspect has been modified by the system.

Ye Qing was overjoyed, but his face remained calm, and he nodded lightly: "It can be!"

"Oye! That's great!" Guo Xiang jumped up with joy.

"Sister Bu, take care of me in the future, let's help my husband together, hee hee!"


Bu Xiaofan felt that he had done something stupid.

Get up the next day!

Ye Qing led people to check the situation on the island again, and then Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang and Bu Xiaofan formulated a magic circle plan.

Ye Qing took Guo Xiang out of the island to play.

And release part of the Wudang flying army officers and soldiers.

Let them pretend to be civilians.

Hidden among the refugees near the capital of Shu.

Then they sent Lu Bu, Zhang Fei, Gan Ning and others to purchase the necessary materials, and at the same time recruited people to develop Yanbo Island.

Of course, when the three of them went out, they brought Ye Zai's Wudang Flying Army back to the island in this form.

With manpower and supplies, it is more convenient to arrange a magic circle and patrol around.

At the same time, under the urging of the King of Shu, the airstrip was under rapid construction.

(End of this chapter)

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