I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 449? Confrontation Sophistry

Chapter 449 Confronting Sophistry
"The former Zhennan General's Mansion!
It is the current consort's mansion!
After Zhang Ren and his wife had vented their pent-up anger in the room for a while, they were upside down.

Finally, he collapsed on the bed from weakness.

"Husband, I heard that the runway is about to be completed, and the divine bird is about to come out. Once the divine bird flies into the sky, Ye Qing will definitely be favored by the emperor, and it will be even more difficult to kill Ye Qing!"

The eldest princess said with gritted teeth.

There is resentment all over.

The anger all over the body just vented and came again.

So he climbed onto Zhang Ren's body and played with the little baby.

Zhang Ren closed his eyes and said: "I know, Ye Qing is also recruiting soldiers now, and there is a tendency to settle in our country of Shu. I don't know how many refugees he recruited on his island. He trains every day, let alone the island. Even the outside of the island was blocked by him.

Outsiders can't get close to the island at all, and now we don't know what he is doing inside. "

"If there is such a thing, the father doesn't care about him. What does he want to do with such a blatant training of soldiers? Even if he wants to take down my country of Shu!" The eldest princess became even more angry when she heard this, and shook and pulled the little guard vigorously. I can't stop, I want to sit on it and go straight into the sky.

Zhang Ren opened his eyes and smiled: "Only his soldiers have no fighting power, they are just afraid of death."

"Right now, there must be a lot of His Majesty's people outside our mansion. He has noticed us by experience. What we can do now is to be honest. If he puts a hat on me, I may have to get out of the consort's mansion and return to Hanzhong. up"

"Then what to do now, just watch!"

Seeing that the little baby was still not cheered up, the eldest princess was so angry that she slapped it heavily, and she didn't play with it at all, and lay down on her side, her jade body lying horizontally.

"It hurts..."

Zhang Ren almost burst into tears.

The slut hit his balls.

It can't be lighter.

Just finished, how can there be such a quick recovery.

"It deserves it, useless thing!"

The eldest princess spat, and then closed her eyes.

"We can't move, but others can. Since His Majesty is acting in our name, I think someone can act in his name. Just wait, even if I, the Great General of Zhennan, have no official position, I am still a member of the Great Shu Kingdom." Zhennan General."

The next day!

In the court of Shu Kingdom, some officials began to impeach Ye Qing!

Accusing a foreign minister of daring to recruit a large number of soldiers and form an army is a blatant provocation to the Kingdom of Shu.

Seriously endangered the national security of Shu.

It should be withdrawn.

And punish them severely.

"My lords, do you think the problem is too complicated? Xiaoyaohou recruited people for self-protection. After all, our Shu kingdom was at a loss. Someone murdered him first and set fire to the posthouse. He was also sensitive, so he was not safe. That’s why we recruit so many people.”

Shu Wang Shang hypocritically defended Ye Qingdao.

Sure enough, after talking about it, it belonged to the power of Zhang Gong and General Zhennan.

Immediately one after another stood up and said:

"Your Majesty, this is not alarmist talk. He wants to protect and keep Yanbo Island safe. A few hundred people are enough. Now he has recruited more than a thousand people.

If we continue to recruit like this, do you want to recruit all the refugees outside the city as soldiers, and then my soldiers in the capital of Shu will not be as good as him! "

"Your Majesty, it would be understandable if he was only protecting the safety of the island, but now he has also built camps along the river on the other side of the island, and they are all surrounded to guard the newly recruited soldiers. This is not a violation. What is the system?"

"Your Majesty, Xiaoyaohou has bad intentions, and I'm afraid he has other plans, so he should be arrested and executed immediately!"

"Your Majesty, I'll wait for the second!"

"Your Majesty, not killing Ye Qing is not enough to eliminate the country's danger, not killing Ye Qing is not enough to anger the people!"

It's too much, just act well!

You huh, why are you talking about public outrage?

To put it bluntly, I am a foolish king, causing the people's resentment to boil.

You want to kill Ye Qing, I will give you a chance.

But you can't even take me in with you.

"Well, I invite Marquis Xiaoyao to come over and confront the ministers to see what he has to say!" Shu Wang Shang waved his sleeve and said:

"Go and deliver the decree, please King Xiaoyao come to the palace!"

Soon Ye Qing was brought over.

"I've met His Majesty, but I don't know what His Majesty asked me to do? But the airport is finished, and we can start running!"

Ye Qing made a simple bow and asked first.

"Ahem, Xiaoyaohou Airport will take five days to complete, so you don't have to worry about it!" Shu Wangshang pointed to the ministers below and said:

"My subjects all say that you have recently been recruiting refugees and training them into an army, and your intentions are wrong, but there is such a thing!"

Ye Qing knew that such a day would come.

Without even thinking about it, he called Qu and said:

"Your Majesty's foreign ministers were wronged. It is true that the foreign ministers recruited refugees, but they did not intend to become an army, and they did not intend to harm the Kingdom of Shu and His Majesty!"

"You are lying, you have recruited two thousand refugees, and you have divided them into teams, regiments, and battalions as soldiers, and you are not training soldiers to form an army!"

Wailang, a member of the Ministry of War of the Kingdom of Shu, stood up and retorted:
"You not only have an infantry army, but also a navy army. Recently, you have bought a lot of boats and sealed off the waters entering and leaving the island. Isn't this intentional or what?"

King Shang of Shu pretended to be displeased when he heard the words and said:
"King Xiaoyao, is there such a thing?"

Shu Wangshang's voice was tinged with warmth and anger, and there was a fierce look in his eyes.

Ye Qing hurriedly said: "His Majesty the Emperor of Shu is right or wrong about this matter, the foreign ministers are recruiting family guards to protect the environment and the people to guard the island, and civilian husbands to cultivate.

It is only because there are a lot of people, so it is managed in the style of the military. "

"Didn't Your Majesty give Yanbo Island to the foreign ministers? The foreign ministers found that the island is wide and fertile, which is very suitable for farming, so a lot of manpower is needed. It happens that the refugees are all farmers, so it is better to recruit more.

And the more refugees the foreign ministers recruit, the better it will be for His Majesty and Shudu! "

"Sophistry, recruiting more refugees will be better for my Majesty and the capital of Shu. It's nonsense." The Minister of the Ministry of War stood up and said:
"Your Majesty, I ask you to kill Ye Qing, one of the Da Zhou's gossips!",
"Hahaha, you are still important ministers of the Shu Kingdom, but you are all ministers of the same rank." Ye Qing clasped his fists and said:

"Your Majesty, foreign ministers are recruiting more refugees, one: give them a bite to eat, let them have a way of life,.

Doing benevolence and righteousness for His Majesty, in return for His Majesty's love;
Two: Since ancient times, the troublemakers started from refugees. With fewer refugees, there will be fewer troublemakers, and the capital of Shu will be safer and more harmonious! "

"This minister is helping the Shu Kingdom to solve a big problem in the future. The foreign minister has paid so much money and food to help the refugees of the Shu Kingdom, but it turned out to be an evil intention!" Ye Qing shook his head in great disappointment.
"Since this is the case, the foreign minister will go back and disperse these people, and tell them that there are people in Shu who are willing to adopt them, and let these 2000 people go to the two families to help eat and eat. From then on, the two are their parents. It's up to the two of you.

By the way, remember to pay wages, you are the pillars of the Great Shu Kingdom, you can't do this kind of thing that damages your reputation by relying on wages! "

Minister of the Ministry of War of Shu and Yuan Wai Lang felt a little bit in their hearts.

There is a bad feeling.

Adopt two thousand refugees and recruit them to work in the mansion.

Where can they afford it.

Don't eat poor anymore.

Even if I can afford it, I dare not!

(End of this chapter)

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