I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 450 Let's talk about a 1 million 2 silver business

Chapter 450 Let's talk about a business worth [-] million taels of silver
"Oh! That's true!"

Shu Wang Shang murmured in doubt.

The hundreds of officials of the Shu Kingdom below also talked about it.

It is undeniable that what Ye Qing said is true.

There are fewer refugees, but law and order is good.

"Naturally, if Your Majesty thinks that the foreign ministers are doing too much, if the adults of the Kingdom of Shu feel that this king is interfering with the plans of the Kingdom of Shu, then these refugees will be handed over to you to appease them. With this king's aspect, you will definitely be able to perfectly solve the problem of refugees inside and outside the city. , I will definitely give them a home, a chance to eat and clothe them.” Ye Qing said, wringing his fingers:

"There are 500 refugees outside the city. Well, there are one to two hundred ministers here. Each family is divided into four or five hundred refugees. If you raise a few hundred more people, this problem of people's livelihood can be solved!"


Each family raises a few hundred more children!

You speak lightly.

Each family originally had hundreds or dozens of people, and their own clan members couldn't take care of them, so why did they raise untouchables.

You are probably thinking too much.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, as long as all the ministers in the court give a little love, the whole of Sichuan will be sunny, everyone will have food to eat, everyone will have clothes to wear, and everyone will be able to live. Let's have fun together, Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Shu has been around for thousands of years!"

After Ye Qing finished speaking, he saluted King Shang of Shu with both hands in his hands and congratulated him.

King Shang of Shu's face darkened when he heard this.

Da Zhou, your sister.

You are mocking me!

There are hundreds of thousands of refugees outside the city. How can a foolish king do such a thing.

The people still have no food to eat.

But in the imperial palace, there are rich clothes and fine food, big fish and big meat, and it is magnificent.

All the officials of the Shu Kingdom felt their scalps go numb when they heard this.

This bastard dares to say anything.

The emperor would not really agree to his plan.

If that's the case, all TMs will live forever.

I asked you to confront me, and even turned on us.

However, the king of Shu still didn't have the courage to do such a move.

Otherwise, tomorrow will be the day when the battle flag will be changed at the King's City, so get out of here.

"King Xiaoyao's words make some sense." Shu Wangshang made a point, making all the officials tremble in fright, then changed the subject and said:
"But this is not advisable, all my officials are honest and honest, and there are enough land servants and tenants in the family.

Such indiscriminate insertion of refugees in the past will deprive the livelihood of the original servants and tenants. "

"Oh!" Ye Qing only replied with one word.

Look noncommittal.

King Shang of Shu and all the officials of Shu were so angry that they wanted to beat him.

You poked out such a thing and put it on the court.

You can understand it with an understatement.

It turned out that the resettlement of refugees was tacitly understood by everyone and was not mentioned.

The emperor and all the officials didn't have such a thing, they turned a blind eye.

Now Ye Qing is shaking it out, if it is not resolved, spread the word.

It must be used by people with a heart.

I'm afraid that the [-] refugees will really make trouble by then.

King Shang of Shu lowered his face halfway, and asked: "It can be seen that King Xiaoyao is very experienced in resettling refugees, but he has other good suggestions!"

"Um, Your Majesty, this minister is not very good at it, because I was just a dandy and idle prince in Dazhou. He drank flowers and wine when he had nothing to do, went to brothels and so on, and he didn't know anything about family affairs or government affairs!" Ye Qing waved his hand. Modestly said:
"Refugees and refugees, if you don't live, you are doing it for the people, haha, I don't understand, I don't understand either!"

Vagrants, refugees, if you don't flow, you are doing it for the people!

Everyone's eyes lit up.

There are articles.

Shu Wang Shang's eyes showed narrow eyes.

If you don't understand, you are still trying to sell it!

Shit, playboy idle prince.

You are the God of War of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

One hundred thousand troops of Beishi Kingdom were destroyed in World War I.

You still only know how to drink flower wine and visit brothels?
I believe you a ghost!
King Shang of Shu glanced at his confidants.

An official from the household department stood up and bowed to Ye Qing: "King Xiaoyao is modest. I have heard that you are full of poetry and books, versatile in both literature and military affairs, and have unique insights into governing the country. Please give me your advice. "

"Who are you listening to nonsense? How is this possible? I don't know anything. I'm just a prodigal, wandering all day long." Ye Qing shook his head like a wavy drum:

"I resettled [-] refugees casually, and some people said that I had evil intentions. If I knew how to resettle [-] refugees, then I would not be seeking power and usurping the throne. I can't afford to be hurt! Don't mess with me!"

After speaking, Ye Qing said to the King of Shu:
"Your Majesty, if I have nothing to do, I will return to Yanbo Island first. I will immediately disband these 2000 people and let them go back to their previous lives. Hey, a business of [-] million taels of silver failed in Hanzhong. I can't do it, my life!"

Saying that, Ye Qing took the initiative to bow and retreated to the gate of the palace.

Let go of your sister, now you don't want to let go of those 2000 people, tell us how to resettle [-] refugees!

etc!What a business of [-] million taels of silver?

Who is so rich?
You... Ye Qing?
The story of the [-] refugees is not finished, and you are throwing [-] million taels of silver in the business, you are the king of pitfalls.

It is designed to dig but not fill.

All the officials of the Shu Kingdom were stunned for a while, standing there one by one stupidly.

"Wait! King Xiaoyao, don't rush back, why don't you say what you want to say, I'm here to make the decision for you!"

Shu Wangshang stopped when Ye Qing retreated to the gate of the palace and Yiran turned around.

He believed that Ye Qing really dared to leave.

Really dare to disband those two thousand refugees.

"Well, it's inconvenient, Your Majesty. The foreign ministers are so embarrassed now. If these two thousand refugees are not resolved, I will be convicted and questioned." Ye Qing said aggrievedly.

King Shang of Shu said angrily: "Whoever dares to take you, I have the final say in the Kingdom of Shu. I have said that I will make the decision for you. You can say it boldly, don't say that you recruit two thousand refugees, you can recruit one hundred thousand refugees! "

"Your Majesty, you are really the confidant of the foreign minister. It turns out that we are so close to each other. We come to meet from thousands of miles away. Just say this to Your Majesty. I will never give up. I will try my best to solve the problem of hundreds of thousands of refugees for Your Majesty!" With a touch of emotion, he talked eloquently:
"As long as His Majesty gives me land, barren land and mountain land, I can settle these refugees, let them have something to do, and create wealth for the empire."

Shu Wangshang was skeptical, but Ye Qing readily agreed.

Asked: "How do you want to implement it concretely?"

"Your Majesty, I recruit people to farm land. As long as the land is used, food can be grown, and the food grown can be sold to make money, and the money can be used to feed these refugees. When the refugees have money, they can have clothes and food. Have you solved it?" Ye Qing replied with a smile, but the smile was a bit embarrassing.

The official of the household department asked: "I don't know how King Xiaoyao wants to use grain to make money. You must know that the price of grain in my Dashu Kingdom is low, and it can't be sold at a high price, so it doesn't make money!"

Food prices are low, and there are still [-] refugees in your country.

Why don't you touch your conscience when you speak.

Ye Qing is also not interested in pointing out the bad government of Shu.

So he said nonsense: "It's simple, just sell the grain to Dazhou. Dazhou is short of grain, so I want as much as I have. I calculate the population of Dazhou. There are at least four to five million people. One person buys one or two. The grain of silver is a business of 500 million taels of silver. Ten taels per person is 500 million taels. In addition, military supplies are extremely expensive. Every year, with Turks, Beishi and Qiqiang, the cost of money and food is also 5000 million taels of silver. A total of 5000 million taels."

"Look, isn't this a business of [-] million taels of silver?" Ye Qing continued:
"At that time, Hanzhong will earn tolls, and Shu will earn the difference in food prices. I will have food to eat throughout the week. The cooperation between the two countries and the three places will be happy, and it will be wonderful to make a fortune together!"

(End of this chapter)

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