I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 451 Don't be obsessed with this king, this king is just a legend

Chapter 451 Don't be obsessed with this king, this king is just a legend

Sounds like this is the case?

One hundred million taels of silver fell from the sky like snowflakes.

The white silver is flying.

But if you think about it carefully, something seems wrong.

"King Xiaoyao, this doesn't seem right! We used to do business with the Zhang family, selling a large amount of grain to you Da Zhou, and we have never seen such an exaggeration of earning [-] million taels."

There are still smart officials who have not been fooled.

But Ye Qing didn't call anymore, he continued to talk nonsense:
"It's because you don't have to do things anymore. You are doing business with the Zhang family in Hanzhong, not Da Zhou. The Zhang family in Hanzhong has earned all the money you should have gotten!"

"The Zhang family bought grain from you at a very low price. You may only earn a few hundred taels by selling it for a stone, but the Zhang family sells it at a high price in my Zhou Dynasty, and you can earn dozens or even hundreds of taels. Take a look. How big is the gap between them? How much money the Zhang family has taken in this year!" Speaking of which, Ye Qing said:

"My goal is to refuse middlemen to make the difference, and let the Zhang family in Hanzhong charge some tolls, so the astronomical wealth that originally belonged to the Zhang family belongs to the Kingdom of Shu?

Wouldn't the money earned be able to support five hundred thousand or ten hundred thousand? "

This... this... this... seems to be the same thing.

Makes sense!

There is no middleman to make the difference.

The Kingdom of Shu can become even richer.

The Zhang family's share of the money should have belonged to the Shu Kingdom.

It was the Zhang family who robbed Shu of the money.

Everyone knows what the Zhang family exists.

In the past, I just thought that with the presence of the Zhang family, the Kingdom of Shu could be well isolated from the Great Zhou, and there was no need to worry about being invaded by the Great Zhou.

Now it seems that it doesn't seem right.

The Zhang family was supposed to be a dog, but he stole the owner's purse.

That's right, King Shang of Shu and the officials of the Kingdom of Shu have this uncomfortable feeling.

That's how people are, they don't suffer from scarcity but from inequality.

Shu is the place of food production and the seller of the output. As a result, the land that has been planted for so many years has been working for others.

On the contrary, he couldn't support the [-] refugees outside the city.

It turns out that the crux of the problem is here.

Damn the Zhang family!

Only then did King Shang of Shu and the officials of the Kingdom of Shu suddenly realize the truth.

I feel more and more disgusted with the Zhang family in Hanzhong.

King Shang of Shu hated him even more.

Zhang Ren is a member of the Zhang family.

The money the Zhang family earned through the state of Shu was used to bribe the officials of the state of Shu, and supported the members of the Zhang family to hold military and political power in the state of Shu.

It has seriously endangered the imperial power of the Meng family and the safety of Shu.

Don't look at the king of Shu who was greedy and stupid for a while.

But he is not stupid.

There are always enlightened people.

No matter how deep the deceit was, how ruthless the counterattack would be.

"Of course, there is a way to make money. You can't just focus on buying and selling grain, but you should start with multiple aspects." Ye Qing continued:

"There are big rivers in Shu, so it is possible to organize fish teams to catch fish. There are brine wells in Shu to make salt. I have a refined formula, which can make salt cheaper.

Ruyin can marinate fish with salt and make delicious dried fish. The dried fish can also be sold to Dazhou, the Turks in the north and even the west.

To vigorously develop commerce, it is necessary to build roads. Refugees can be recruited to build roads, widen roads, and facilitate business prosperity. This also solves the resettlement of some refugees.

At the same time, I will also invest in the construction of various factories, such as brick factories, lime factories, cement factories, steel factories, food processing factories, furniture factories and so on.

The large factories accommodate 1 people to work, and the small factories accommodate [-] to [-] people. Such [-] refugees have been resettled.

Not only do you not have to worry about them gathering people to make troubles without doing anything, but they can generate income for the Shu Kingdom and increase fiscal and taxation. "

Everyone is afraid of missing a word.

Listen and brainstorm.

Found that it seems to be the case.

If these can be achieved.

One hundred thousand refugees, it's a trivial matter.

And the Shu Kingdom is more prosperous.

After this deal is done, it is more than a business of [-] million taels of silver.

"Clap clap clap..."

King Shang of Shu was so excited that he couldn't help clapping his hands.

The officials of the household department were even more astonished.

It turns out that finance and taxation can be done in this way, which is great for Xiaoyao Wang.

After that, the Ministry of Households will still have as much money as it wants.


"Clap clap clap..."

"Happy King Dacai, I put away my prejudice against you before, you are a good king!"

"Xiaoyao Wang, what a genius!"

"After King Xiaoyao, apart from His Majesty, the person I admire the most..."

All the officials of the Shu Kingdom clapped their hands and praised.

What Ye Qing said seemed to be drawing cakes, but everyone was smart and found that it was feasible.

If it goes on, even if it doesn't reach the level of his bragging.

But it can also solve the big problems of Shu.

Thinking determines the way out.

Ye Qing didn't simply brag, but helped them break the situation and provided another way.

a new road.

"Low-key! Low-key! Everyone, don't be infatuated with this king, this king is just a legend!" Ye Qing waved his hand at the crowd and said:

"There is nothing else, the king will go back to the island first, and the military affairs should be discussed slowly!"

The bragging is over, it's time to get back to business.

This time, King Shang of Shu and all the officials of the Kingdom of Shu did not stop Ye Qing.

Let them come and go freely.

Because they wanted to laugh at what Ye Qing said.

For a while, there will be no discussion about Chou Yinmao.

Seeing that Ye Qing was gone, the King of Shu breathed a sigh of relief, calmed himself down, and asked, "My lords, do you have any objections to King Xiaoyao's recruitment of refugees?"

The theory of exiles becoming an army, and the other saying that the king of Shu is still alive, but no one here thinks it can be done.

Because this is a refugee from the Shu Kingdom, he is also loyal to the Shu Kingdom after becoming an army, and it is impossible to be loyal to Ye Qing.

On the contrary, this is an opportunity to be placed next to Ye Qing.

You can better monitor Ye Qing.

No one really felt it was a threat.

The front was just trying to make trouble, deliberately trying to overthrow Ye Qing.

Now there is a new situation.

Everyone shook their heads slightly.

King Shang of Shu saw this and asked again: "What do you want to say about these proposals proposed by King Xiaoyao!"

"Your Majesty, the old minister thinks that we can wipe the money bag. It is better to hold the money bag in our own hands." Hubu Shangshu was the first to stand up and said:
"There are so many business contacts between our country of Shu and the Zhang family in Hanzhong. It's time to change it. If you do business, everyone should be able to make money for a long time. It's not good for one person to eat alone!"

It's time to start a war.

This is a good thing, and the Ministry of War is happy to start the war.

At that moment someone said: "Your Majesty, since the Zhang family is not kind, it is better to attack him, anyway, they are at odds with Da Zhou, if we attack Hanzhong, Da Zhou will not help.

At that time, Hanzhong will be taken, and there will be no middlemen in doing business with Dazhou! "

A servant of the military department of the Zhenbei General's Mansion stepped forward and said.

Zhenbei General's Mansion and Zhennan General's Mansion are deadly rivals.

Because the Zhenbei General's Mansion was set up to defend against Hanzhong.

In addition to these Nan Zhen Nan General's Mansion has been using troops from the west to the south.

A large amount of funds from the Ministry of War was taken away, which made the appropriation of the Zhenbei General's Mansion less and less.

If there is a war in the north, the Zhenbei General's Mansion will have a reason to ask for money from the empire's purse.

Everyone has meat to eat and meritorious deeds.

Naturally, I am happy to do so.

No middlemen!
More than half of the officials of the Shu Kingdom suddenly had discerning eyes.

The [-] million taels of silver should belong to the Kingdom of Shu and should be shared among the officials of the Kingdom of Shu.

(End of this chapter)

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