Chapter 453 Besiege and kill the night raiders

"Free gift!"

"Thank you, my lord!"

The four said one after another.

Ye Qing said to the crowd: "Zhou Tai, Zhou Yu, and Han Shizhong are generals and have experience in water warfare. Next, the three of them will control our naval warship with Gan Ning and be responsible for escorting us to the east. convoy."

Only then did everyone show their faces.

It turned out to be a water general.

This relationship is good, and there are generals who understand water warfare, and the next road will be easy.

"Now I order that Zhou Yu is the captain of the navy, and the commander of the navy. Zhou Tai, Han Shizhong, and Gan Ning are the captains of the water capital. Follow Zhou Yu's command!"


The four of them clasped their fists and took the order.

Then Ye Qing pointed to Yuan Tiangang and said, "Like Kong Ming and Xiaofan, Daoist Yuan is proficient in the Eight Diagrams of the Book of Changes, understands the Five Elements, and can tell fortunes by face. His strength is second grade!"

A genius of the second rank!
The special abilities of Wolong Zhuge Liang and Bu Xiaofan are fully displayed along the way.

played a very large role.

One man is worth an army.

The combat power is quite terrifying.

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang and Bu Xiaofan are both first rank.

And Yuan Tiangang is the second rank.

This old man is stronger.

Whether it is strength or experience.

As the saying goes, an old family is like a treasure.

This is the same as Zhang Sanfeng of the sixth rank, he is a very famous figure.

There is no reason not to be admired and respected by the public.

Wolong Zhuge Liang and Bu Xiaofan's eyes lit up.


This is where help comes in.

Then the next thing to do is more convenient.

So the two rushed to Yuan Tiangang and said, "I have seen Daoist Yuan!"

Regardless of the reason, Yuan Tiangang should be respected.

Yuan Tiangang returned a salute.

Ye Qing introduced: "This is Zhuge Liang of Wolong and Bu Xiaofan of Qishan Pavilion. They are also proficient in five elements, eight trigrams, and Yijing mental methods. You can exchange and chat. Next, we have a big event to do!"

"Oh, so that's the case, the old Taoist understands, I have seen the two little friends!"

In Yuan Tiangang's eyes, Wolong Zhuge Liang and Bu Xiaofan are both grandchildren of the younger generation.

Everyone returned to Huangzhuang, preparing to leave Shu.

After the curtain fell.

On the left and right sides of Yanbo Island, black shadows began to appear.

Black Shadow waited until midnight to see that there were fewer patrols on the shore.

Then they dived into the water and sneaked into Yanbo Island!

After receiving the information, they all went around various obstacles and finally gathered in Huangzhuang.

"The foolish King Xiaoyao actually placed the recruited army of refugees on both sides of the Shuangliu River and in the water fortresses. He thought that by guarding those places, no one would be able to enter Yanbo Island.

There are only a few of his confidantes in Huangzhuang, and there are not many of them. Everyone should kill them earlier so that they can go back to work! "

More than 100 figures nodded one after another.

Then he jumped into Huangzhuang from all sides over the wall.

After entering, Zhuangzi remained silent.

Not even a lamp was lit.

Not even the ordinary soldiers on patrol.

"No! The atmosphere is too quiet!"

"There is no vigil, weird!"

Suddenly everyone stopped.

Everyone is not stupid, and now they are a little suspicious.


The core area of ​​Huangzhuang was lit with oil lamps and torches.

Immediately illuminated clearly!
"Why are you continuing to enter, I have been waiting for you for a long time tonight!"

Dozens of figures stood on the roofs of the houses in the core area.

Smiling and looking at the man in black entering the village!

"Not good, exposed, withdraw!"

Someone yelled that something was wrong, and retreated in the direction they came from.

But there was also a leader who said: "Since we are here, how can we go back empty-handed, kill, there are not many people in Xiaoyaowangfu, we can win!"

It is true that some people advance and some retreat.

Each has its own plans.

After all, these people are not all from the Zhang family of the Zhennan General's Mansion, but also from other Shu countries.

Just because of a common goal.

Resolution is different.

But the result is the same.

How could Ye Qing let them go, looking at the sky and shooting a loud arrow.

Countless Wudang Flying Army soldiers rushed out of the core area, holding bows in their hands, and shooting arrows one after another.

A wave of arrows rained out, and countless black shadows that rushed up fell down.

"Kill, don't need to live!"

Lu Bu, Kongjian, Li Yuanfang, Zhang Fei, Guo Xiang, Yuan Tiangang and others were all killed.

The duel between masters was fast and fierce, and from time to time there were black shadows falling in a pool of blood.

Two fourth-rank masters bypassed these people, leaped onto the roof, and swung their swords to kill Ye Qing.

Ye Qing didn't move.

Just as he was about to see him, a flash of sword light suddenly passed by.

The swords in the hands of the two shadows were knocked away.

Then wait for the two to make another shot.

Shiro shadow reached the top of their heads.

I saw the sword spinning down from the previous one.

The two wanted to retreat before it was too late.

"Puff twice, the flesh on the neck and shoulders was cut off."

"Seventh Grade..."

The two were horrified.

Then he fell down unwillingly.

Zhang Sanfeng landed gracefully on the tile hand, holding a sword to protect Ye Qing's side.

Those who wanted to withdraw from Huangzhuang were also dumbfounded after climbing over the wall.

The vast wilderness that was originally pitch black.

The torches are bright.

There are three floors inside and three floors outside, surrounded by countless soldiers.

These soldiers held bows and arrows in their hands.


Gan Ning, Zhou Tai, Han Shizhong, and Zhou Yu each took charge of one side.

Commanding Feidang Feijun to try to rush out of the black-clothed killers, all of them were shot and killed on the spot.

There are third-rank, second-rank, and fourth-rank masters who want to fight hard.

But suddenly there is a strange situation in front of you.

A stone wall appeared in front of them, and they all stopped.

Then they heard the slap of the river, and then a two-foot-high wave came over the stone wall.

They backed away in fright.

But it was still too late. They fell into the river. They knew how to swim, but they found themselves drowning and it became difficult to breathe.

His eyesight was blocked by the water, and his eyes were bloodshot.


A soaring cry of killing came from the sky.

Suddenly everything in front of me disappeared.

Then these masters opened their eyes wide and discovered that groups of soldiers had stabbed their long swords into their bodies.

At this time, dozens of arrows had already been shot on their bodies.

A trickle of blood had already flowed all over the place.


Severe pain came, and the hoarse scream pierced the sky and went straight to the sky.

More than 100 killer assassins who entered the island were wiped out.

"It's amazing. Just now I thought that these enemy masters were going to force their way out, but I didn't expect that they retreated one by one all of a sudden, and then swam on the ground, including breaststroke, backstroke, and dog planing.

It's amazing to wait for our soldiers to shoot and kill! "

Zhou Tai said with emotion.

Zhou Yu said: "This is the power of the magic circle. The hallucinations must have caused the hallucinations of these enemies who are close to Huangzhuang. From the behavior, it seems that they are weak."

"Ruoshui! Gongjin, do you understand formation?" Gan Ning asked.

Zhou Yu shook his head and said: "I don't understand, but I have to learn it later. If we add magic circles when the navy is fighting, hehe, our navy will be even more invincible."

"What do you want to learn, just grab someone to serve as a military officer in our navy, it will take a lot of trouble to learn!" Gan Ning is not the one who likes to study.

Straightforward pragmatism, full of banditry, he added his lower lip and said: "I think that Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang is pretty good!"

"Uh... that's fine too!"

Zhou Yu choked and nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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