Chapter 454
Time flies!
The airport runway has been repaired.

The ground is paved with stone slabs, polished evenly, and there is no gap between the stone slabs.

Efficient and huge projects can only be achieved in a centralized feudal and aristocratic society.

Of course, the extravagance of the King of Shu should be added, regardless of the cost.

And the determination of his desire that must be fulfilled.

Ji Yang was surrounded by soldiers from the Kingdom of Shu, estimated to be no fewer than ten thousand.

All the officials, princes and ministers of the Kingdom of Shu came to watch the divine bird flying into the sky.

"Xiaoyao Wang, the opportunity is fixed, you can make the bird fly!"

The King of Shu couldn't wait any longer.

In order to repair the airport as quickly as possible, he spent a lot of human, financial and material resources.

Construction continued day and night.

"His Majesty the King of Shu, please wait a moment, I will let the divine bird fly into the sky."

Ye Qing bowed to King Shang of Shu, and then said to Bu Xiaofan, Wolong, Zhuge Liang, and Yuan Tiangang:
"Come on, the three of you will control the divine bird with me!"


The three of them followed Ye Qing to the belly of the Mohist organ bird's neck, and then snatched each other.

"Listen to my order. After one, two or three sounds, we kicked our legs and ran together. When I took off, everyone was stamping their feet to make the bird float up."


The three of them replied in unison again.

Then they waited for Ye Qing to finish counting one, two, three, and then kicked off and ran.

The four of them used their strength to move the divine bird forward.

"Let's go, let's go!"

The noble women and children who watched the divine bird take off shouted.

All eyes were fixed on the divine bird.

Move fast on the ground, faster than a chariot driven by four horses.

All four of them are warriors, and all of them have the strength of rank one or above.

How fast.

About [-] steps were taken.

Ye Qingyi felt that the resistance ahead had become smaller, and the divine bird was about to float upwards.

Ye Qing was overjoyed, and then he broke off a control lever, and the four of them took another [-] steps, and then Ye Qing roared: "Fly!"

The four moved their feet together.

The Mohist organ bird borrowed the wind and the strong reaction force of the four people.

Lift up and fly, like a crane, climb slowly.

"Steer right!"

Hovering upwards, floating is against the wind, but if you want to fly, you need to take advantage of the wind and the wind.

Upon hearing this, Bu Xiaofan pulled a control lever to the right.

The Mohist mechanism bird slowly turned to the right, and then became faster and faster.

Then go against the wind.


All the officials and dignitaries of the Kingdom of Shu cried out in alarm.

"Fly! Really fly! Fly up!"

"It's a miracle! It's really a divine bird, soaring for nine days, straight up to the sky! It's magnificent, my Great Shu Kingdom!"

"It can really fly, such an artifact, beautiful!"

When King Shang of Shu saw this, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter, and finally he looked up to the sky and smiled:

"Okay! Flying well, my divine bird can fly to the sky, and I want to fly to the sky too."


Really can go to heaven.

What is above the cloud.

Immortal or god.

Is there a palace above the nine heavens?
Are there fairy mountains and fairy islands, fairy people?
Maybe the only one who is unhappy is Zhang Ren and his wife and his generals.

Divine bird goes to heaven!

He lost.

Lost quite completely.

General Zhennan Yijing was dismissed.

The only way he can fulfill his promise is to go back to Hanzhong.

From then on, there can be no relationship with Shu.

And all this is exactly what King Shang of Shu wanted to see.

The eldest princess held Zhang Ren's hand tightly, and her sharp nails dug into the back of Zhang Ren's hand.

Blood trickled out.

"Husband, I don't want to be separated!"

The eldest princess shook her head.

When Zhang Ren returned to Hanzhong, her dream of being an empress no longer existed.

She is just a princess.

It is also impossible for her to follow Zhang Ren to Hanzhong.

Otherwise, she wouldn't even be the eldest princess.

She is unwilling!

Zhang Ren's eyes also shot a fierce light. He stared at the Mohism mechanism bird in the sky for a long time, then retracted his gaze, and focused on King Shang of Shu who was concentrating on the sky.

Seeing Shu Wangshang's face with an incomparably bright smile, Zhang Ren silently made an idea.



"Hmm! Why doesn't the divine bird fly up?"

"Westward! Where are they going?"

Soon the four of Ye Qing controlled the Mohist organ bird and flew westward to the temple.

Overlooking the ants-like officials and army of Shu below.

Everyone was equally amazed.

"Brother Ye, it feels so comfortable to fly up!"

"My lord, with such an artifact, it will be much more convenient to sneak attack on the city and travel thousands of miles in the future!"

"If this thing flies down from the top of the mountain, it doesn't need a runway airport at all. It's clever!"

The three of you express your feelings one sentence at a time.

Ye Qing said: "It's nothing. One day, we will build an airplane ten times and a hundred times bigger than this, without flying birds."


The three were a little confused.

never heard of that.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "Airplanes not only fly higher and faster than birds, but the power is not manpower. The most important thing is that you can eat and drink in the belly of the airplane without being blown by the wind. Lazar can sleep."

An airplane ten times and a hundred times bigger than this divine bird!

Can it still fly?

How many warriors are needed for this.


Just now Ye Qing said that people are inside the belly of the plane.

How does this fly!
You can also eat, drink and sleep in it. Isn't this a house?

When everyone was thinking about it, Ye Qing reminded: "It's almost here, look, that's the temple."

The three of them came back to their senses and looked down.

Sure enough, the scriptures flew above the temple.

Looking down from above, even without Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang's ability to see through the cards, Bu Xiaofan could still discover the clues of the construction of the temple.

"It really has the same five-element pattern as Jiameng City!"

"You will know everything when you go down, get ready, we are going to make a forced landing!"

Ye Qing didn't want to think so much, anyway, things have reached this point, and he entered the sacrificial temple.

will know all the answers.

So the four of them controlled the Mohist mechanism beast to circle back and forth, decelerate and slowly land on the flat ground of the temple.


When Ye Qing was still ten meters high, everyone let go of their hands and jumped down.

At the same time, Ye Qing retracted his thoughts, and the Mohist organ bird retracted the system space.

The four of them are all entry-level fighters, and they landed with a roll.

It can be regarded as a successful landing in the temple.

"There seems to be movement inside!"

The guards of the temple guarded the bones, and the soldiers of the Shu Kingdom came in looking for their voices.

The four of Ye Qing ran quickly, and then jumped into the bamboo fir.

The soldiers of the Kingdom of Shu who were looking at it glanced around, saw that there was no one there, and complained:

"Where there is any movement, there are no ghosts here, and there can still be movement!"

"Exactly! What kind of treasury is this, and no one will come to steal things."

"I heard that today is the day when the divine bird flies into the sky. All the nobles in the Shu kingdom have gone to see it. I don't know if the divine bird can fly."

"Ha'er, whether you can fly or not has something to do with us."

"Hahaha, that's right, we can only stay here and guard this damn place for the rest of our lives!"

"I can't draw cards..."

It was a false alarm, but luckily I didn't find it.

The four of Ye Qing looked at each other and smiled.

Then began to search and investigate in the temple.

(End of this chapter)

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