I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 455 ? 3 Star Pile Teleportation Array

Chapter 455: Sanxingdui Teleportation Array
Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang took out eight cards!
He muttered something, and then made a few gestures, and stood in the inner hall of the temple and began to exert strength.

"Look at the celestial phenomena tonight, and know the major events in the world!"

Wolong Zhuge Liang played the stargazing card.

Then he grabbed another card and threw it into the air.

"Nothing escapes my eyes!"

See through the card as soon as it is played.

The entire temple was shrouded in his energy flow.

He is the temple, and the temple is him!
Everything was clearly seen by him.

Half a quarter later, Wolong Zhuge Liang received his power.

Take the card back.

He said to Ye Qing: "My lord, the sacrificial temple is really the same magic circle as Jiameng City, with the same technique and layout.

At the same time, there is another world behind the idol in this temple, and what we want is below! "

"Is there a secret passage and a secret room on the second floor?"

Ye Qing was overjoyed.

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang said: "That's right, my lord, let's go down and have a look!"

The four came to the back of the statue, and then Zhuge Liang, the crouching dragon, took down a brick with a pull ring inside. When he pulled hard, the stone seat behind the statue moved slowly.

A deep path was revealed.

"My lord, follow me. I know how to go. Don't worry, there are no anti-intrusion devices such as back arrows."

Wolong Zhuge Liang led the way, followed by Ye Qing, followed by Xiaofan and Yuan Tiangang.

After the four of them went in, they walked up a dozen steps.

The stone door closed slowly by itself.

Then bang.

The stairway suddenly burst into flames.

The lampstands on the walls are automatically ignited.

Then everyone knew that it was a rotating ladder.

After walking down for three hundred steps, I finally arrived at a flat stone hall.

On both sides of the stone hall are ten exaggerated bronze statues with giant eyes.

"This... bronze statue is very strange, I've never seen anything like this before!"

"That's right, the eyes are too big, they don't look like the ground sculptures of the Shu Kingdom at all!"

Ye Qing turned around and looked behind him.

I found a small polished stone wall with three characters written on it - Sanxingdui!

"Hmm! Interesting!"

Ye Qing's thoughts suddenly returned to Shui Lanxing.

There is a place called Shudi, also called Sanxingdui.

It is also a giant bronze eye.

Is there some kind of connection.

"What do these three words mean?"

The three were puzzled.

Ye Qing seems to be fascinated by it.

Ye Qing came back distracted, shook his head slightly and said, "This may be the Nanman tribe before the Shu Kingdom or the old capital of the country. I guess Sanxingdui is a kind of cultural civilization or the name of a country."

"My lord, let's go along here. There is a hall in front of it. There is a platform inside, and there are five pillars on the platform." Zhuge Liang continued to lead Ye Qing and others inside.

Passing through an underground palace road, there is a ten times larger hall in front of it, and a platform in the center of the hall.

There are five copper pillars on the platform.

These five copper pillars are engraved with giant-eyed human faces on both sides.

Dastop is surrounded by stone walls.

The stone wall was regularly chiselled to form a wall hole for two people to live in.

There are also giant-eyed human faces in the wall cave, as well as other objects, such as gems, crystal mines, bronze swords, animal bones, etc., and even a mummy sitting cross-legged.

"Judging from the appearance of his bones, this is a master above the fifth rank!"

Yuan Tiangang said plausibly.

He knows how to tell fortunes by touching bones, and it is also easy to infer by looking at bones.

The fifth-rank master died here and became Gan's corpse.

And they were not killed, but melted down.

It seems that there is a story in it.

"This is a magic circle! You can see that there are still lines on the ground.

There is a small hole in the middle, so small that it looks like a place to put things.Maybe put the things that should be placed, and this magic circle will work! "

Yuan Tiangang continued to carry forward the characteristics of the magic stick and began to analyze it.

"Mobile array!"

Bu Xiaofan stared at the lines on the ground and said excitedly:
"This is the teleportation array, this is the door, the door to pass through!"

The three of them were taken aback!
Ye Qingdao: "Xiaofan, what do you mean?"

"Brother Ye, this is the mobile array created by our senior Mao 1000 years ago in Qishan Pavilion, the door to travel through." Bu Xiaofan explained:
"Back when Senior Mao said that he wanted to develop a magic circle that could allow people to travel hundreds of miles in an instant, everyone thought it was a joke, thought he was crazy, and no one believed it could be done.

So Senior Mao left a copy of the teleportation formation, also called the gate of crossing, and the construction method at the gate, and then left Qishan Pavilion.

From then on, Qishan Pavilion also lost its news, and in the end, the matter was nothing but a joke and a legend! "

Great old man!

The teleportation array, the door to pass through.

Let people teleport hundreds or thousands of miles away in an instant.

That's not bad.

You are going against the sky.

"In this way, the Mao family has been in Shu for thousands of years to build a portal... I don't know if this magic circle is useful or not!"

"For 1000 years, future generations will only realize this dream of their ancestors!" Ye Qing said with emotion:

"Like the Foolish Old Man who moved mountains, the children and grandchildren are endless. The spirit of terrible obsession and ingenuity."

Bu Xiaofan looked at the four copper pillars and said: "Yes, Senior Mao said in the book left that this theory can be realized by collecting underground energy and establishing energy channels between each array.

When the value of one degree is reached, two-two transmission can be realized. "

"However, the troublesome thing is that if you want to use this formation, you need to activate at least three formations at the same time, so that it can work!" Bu Xiaofan reminded.

"In other words, even if we activate this formation, we still have no way to verify its feasibility. We still need to go to Pakistan to activate another formation." Ye Qing thought for a while and said:
"I don't know how many formations like this the Mao family built in Bashu and Nanman."

"It seems that we need to go to Maojiabao!"

"Then activate it to talk first!" Yuan Tiangang flicked his Taoist robe and took out the tools on his back.

Then arrange the small flags in five directions.

He bit his index finger and dripped blood on the hole in the middle.

Then remove the bell.

He shook his mouth for a while and said: "The sky is mysterious and the earth is yellow, the universe is prehistoric, and all those who are fighting are in front, rise up!"

The next moment, the whole ground shook suddenly.

Everyone almost staggered.

I don't know what Yuan Tiangang is doing.

But soon they discovered that the drop of blood in the middle hole emitted red light.

Then countless blood gushed out from the hole, flowing along the lines, filling all the lines.

Lines of blood crossing each other were clearly printed.

Then looking down from the air, it can be seen that this is a simple formation of the five elements.

And the five bronze giant pillars also shot five different colors of light from Nakong's giant eyes.

The light also forms a five-element array on the top of the head.


Strange noises resounded throughout the hall, and then the light emitted by the two magic circles became brighter and brighter.

In the end some are dazzling,
Then a flash radiated in all directions.

At this time, Ye Qing and other talents discovered that countless oracle bone characters were carved on the surrounding stone walls, and there were also countless pictures of tadpoles.

In the sky is a star map of the Big Dipper.

Flashes come and go as fast as they come.

Like a bubble, there was a soundless bang, and the entire hall returned to the way it was when it first came in.

Dim, dull, ordinary, spooky!

(End of this chapter)

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