I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 456 Invitation from Maojiabao

Chapter 456 Invitation from Maojiabao

on the runway.

All the Shu people were dumbfounded.

The divine bird flew away.

It should be said that the divine bird flew away under the control of Ye Qing and the others.

"Xiaoyao Wang doesn't want to run away!"

Suddenly someone was suspicious.

"It's possible, it might be trying to steal the divine bird!"

All of a sudden, everyone talked about it.

The civilian and military generals under the name of Zhennan General's Mansion even took the opportunity to fan the flames.

King Shang of Shu's face darkened as he heard this, and said to the imperial guards:
"Go and follow me to the direction where the bird is going, and find Xiaoyao Wang and the bird for me!"

Someone chased him out of the airport.

Not long after, someone came back to report:

"Your Majesty, the divine bird has gone west!"

King Shang of Shu rode his horse and led an army of [-] to the west.

After walking for a mile, someone reported back: "Your Majesty, the divine bird is hovering above the temple, and it seems to be out of control!"

"Go to the temple!"

Shu Wang Shang said with a gloomy face.

On the airstrip, many people dispersed or followed them around.

There was a small group of people who came to watch the divine bird flying into the sky. They were dressed a little differently from the others.

And very out of gregarious.

Self gathered together, on the periphery of the crowd.

"See it! The divine bird can really fly, which means that what our ancestors made must also work!"

"I heard that King Xiaoyao has a disciple of Qishan Pavilion by his side, why don't I get in touch with him.

After so many years, it is impossible to continue with our strength alone.

Research has reached a bottleneck, Qishan Pavilion has something we don't have, maybe we can learn or cooperate! "

"They will believe us? Will they believe that this world can really create such a magic circle that defies the sky!"

"Wait and see, let's get in touch with King Xiaoyao. Last time they used the ancestor's magic circle in Jiameng City, Yibu Xiaofan's strength couldn't drive it. It shows that King Xiaoyao has more powerful masters around him.

This person may not be from Qishan Pavilion! "

Everyone was silent!
After a long time, they each looked at each other and said, "You can quietly invite King Xiaoyao to Maojiabao, I hope he is interested in this and knows the goods!"


"This is activated!"

Ye Qing said: "It's almost the same as when we came here!"

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang and Bu Xiaofan each cast spells to check.

Crouching Dragon Zhuge said: "Master, the magic circle is activated, and the flux leading to Jiameng City is wider, but we can't see it on the surface!"

"A large number of troops have come to offer sacrifices to the temple. It is estimated to be the army of the Shu Kingdom. The King of Shu has come to find it!" Bu Xiaofan also accepted the merit, took back the eight hexagrams, and said:

"There's nothing of value in these four weeks!"

"Go! Go to the ground."

Seeing this, Ye Qing stopped staying.

He led the crowd to the ground of the temple quickly.

Then closed the secret door.

Then slipped out from behind the temple.

"Come on, surround me, don't let a suspicious person go, if someone breaks in, shoot and kill!"


The [-] troops of the Shu Kingdom immediately surrounded the temple and put it on alert.

King Shang of Shu led the people into the temple.

First worshiped the statue, and then ordered people to search.

"Your Majesty! None on the left!"

"Your Majesty! There are also on the right!"

"Your Majesty! There is nothing behind!"

King Shang of Shu heard that his eyeliner became darker.

His face became darker.

"A bunch of trash, didn't they say that the divine bird entered the temple? Why not?"

Not only is there no divine bird, but there is also no shadow of Ye Qing and others.

At this moment, someone suddenly came to report!
"Your Majesty, we found King Xiaoyao and others in the back mountain...they are all unconscious!"

"Well! What did you say, you found the Happy King!"

King Shang of Shu hurried to the back of the mountain and asked again, "Where is the divine bird?"

"Return to Your Majesty, the divine bird was not found, and the four Xiaoyao Wang seemed to have fallen from the sky and fell unconscious."

The king of Shu has not commented yet.

When I came to the back mountain, I saw the scene of the air crash.

Judging from the traces at the scene, Ye Qing and others fell from a high altitude, and Ye Qing himself was injured and bled a lot.

The clothes of the four people were all torn by branches on the tree.

"Wake them up, especially Xiaoyao Wang, he can't die, I want to ask him where the divine bird is!"

A basin of cold water went down, and Ye Qing woke up suddenly.

"King Xiaoyao, where did the bird go?"

"What kind of divine bird, where did the divine bird come from!"

Ye Qing shook his head, patted his face, and waited until the King of Shu was about to get angry, and then said: "Oh, yes, the divine bird, where is the divine bird?"


Shu Wangshang came over, mentioned Ye Qing and said, "Xiaoyao Wangzhen is asking you once, where is the divine bird, how did you carry the divine bird to fly here?"

"Hey, you are His Majesty the Emperor of Shu!" Ye Qing's eyes lit up, and then he suddenly realized:

"Yes, yes, we carried the divine bird and flew straight up to the sky, but suddenly the divine bird seemed to be possessed by spirits, and then we couldn't pull it back, so we insisted on flying westward.

Then hovered on the top of a building for a while, and then dropped us down. At the last moment of falling into a coma, the foreign minister saw the divine bird fly into that building! "

"It's impossible to enter the sacrificial temple. I just came from there and searched through the scriptures. There is no sign of the divine bird." The King of Shu was not stupid, and directly vetoed it.

Ye Qing said: "Your Majesty, you forgot that the divine bird is transformed from a divine beast, and has spirituality. Last time someone set fire to it, it hid itself. This time, it probably entered the temple mischievously, and then played hide-and-seek!"

The king of Shu was still half-believing and half-doubting.

I always feel that Ye Qing is lying to him.

"If Your Majesty doesn't believe it, the ministers will go and call it out, after all, I know him well!" Ye Qing patted his chest and said.

Shu Wangshang had no choice but to rely on him.

Then Ye Qing woke up Bu Xiaofan, Wolong Zhuge Liang, and Yuan Tiangang.

Then he helped him into the temple.

"Miss Shenniao, come out quickly, His Majesty the Emperor of Shu is here to look for you!"

As soon as Ye Qing entered the sacrificial temple, he shouted.

Wait until you enter the front hall.

Everyone suddenly discovered that the divine bird was standing in the center after being stretched.

"It's really a divine bird, it's really naughty!"

"Okay! Very good, Xiaoyaowang did a great job!"

King Shang of Shu saw the divine bird approaching to caress it affectionately, imitating Ye Qing's tone while touching and said:

"Miss Shenniao, I will definitely treat you well, don't play hide-and-seek with me next time, what do you want, just ask me directly."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The emperor even chatted with a wooden bird.

"Your Majesty, if there is nothing wrong, the ministers are going back to Yanbo Island first. This fall, my brain still hurts, and the wound is still bleeding. I have to go back for treatment!"

Shu Wang Shang waved his hand and let Ye Qing go.

Then he had a close relationship with Shenniao alone.

Return to Shuangliu River Bank.

As soon as they boarded the boat, the four of them couldn't help laughing without the surveillance.

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, Miss Shenniao, Si... I'm getting goosebumps!"

"The majestic king of a country is affectionate towards a wood without emotion, and even wants to trick it like a child!"

"My lord is still witty, and I almost showed my feet today!"

The three arrived at the pier, but before they went to Huangzhuang, Zhang Liang took a bronze medal in his hand and said:

"My lord, the people from Maojiabao sent this thing, saying that they can go to Maojiabao with this thing. I hope my lord can bring a talent like Miss Bu to go there to learn skills!"

(End of this chapter)

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