Chapter 457: The Mutiny of the Kingdom of Shu and the Rebellion by Zhang Ren

Ye Qing and the others were a little surprised.

The four looked at each other and smiled.

It happened that they also wanted to go to Maojiabao, but the sender invited them too.

What a coincidence.

Ye Qing took the bronze medal and found that on the front was a small portrait with giant eyes.

On the reverse side is a Chinese character.

"Sure enough, it belongs to the Mao family. It's interesting!"

"Okay! Let's go to Maojiabao when we have time!"

Return to Huangzhuang and rest for one night, in order to avoid being exposed.

Ye Qing and the others changed their clothes and left the island disguised as soldiers buying food.

As a result, when the boat was pedaling, a boat came from the upper stream and forcibly broke into Yanbo Island.

"I am an old acquaintance of Xiaoyaohou. I want to see Xiaoyaohou. Take this thing to Xiaoyaohou. He knows what I said is true!"

Zhou Tai, who was intercepted, brought people to the pier.

Ye Qing took the things and looked at them.

His eyes flashed brightly.

"Code name?"

Ye Qing asked someone from the future to escort him over.

The visitor replied: "Zero Zero Seven!"

"Flowers drift by themselves and water flows by itself." Ye Qing looked at Zero Seven with a smile!
There is indeed such a person as Anzi of Shu Kingdom.

But it's hard to say whether it's the guy in front of him.

Ling Lingqi also laughed, and replied: "One serving of beef, two servings of licorice!"

"Name! Family, time, place!" Ye Qing stared into his eyes, seemingly relaxed, but actually kept observing his micro-expressions.

Ling Lingqi said: "Ye Dao, there are wives and children but no daughters, 13 years, Liu Ying!"

"Congratulations! Mother and child are safe!" Ye Qing waved.

Immediately let go of the one holding him.

Ling Lingqi put his strength on Ye Qing: "Thank you, Your Highness!"

"What's the matter, you want to see me so eagerly that you put yourself in danger!" Ye Qing asked suspiciously.

Zero Zero Seven looked around, his attitude was obvious.

Ye Qingdao: "They are all confidantes, from the generals to the soldiers here, everyone can be trusted."

Zero Zero Seven struggled for a while, and finally gritted his teeth and said:
"Reliable news, Zhang Ren and the eldest princess will kill the Emperor of Shu today. If there is a reactionary mutiny, all those loyal to the Emperor of Shu will die. Once they control the capital of Shu, they will clean up Yanbo Island as soon as possible!"

"Mutiny! How dare they, he, a dismissed General of Zhennan, where did he get the courage and strength!" Ye Qingyou was greatly surprised.

The news was so explosive and sudden.

At this time, King Shang of Shu was in great prestige, and all the people were convinced by the act of a divine bird flying into the sky.

Is it really a good time for Zhang Ren and others to force a mutiny at this time.

Ling Lingqi said: "I know you will have doubts. Everyone feels that now is not the best time. In fact, Zhang Ren is in a hurry. If he doesn't do something now, the king of Shu will gradually cut down his power and reduce the Zhang family's power in the future. The influence of the Kingdom of Shu!

And what you have seen is far from enough. How much influence the Zhang family has in the Shu Kingdom far exceeds everyone's expectations.

It is enough to subvert the regime of the Shu Kingdom. After all, their mutiny was not to destroy the Shu Kingdom, but to kill the Shu Emperor and establish a new king. There will not be too many opposition! "

"The Emperor of Shu has no heirs, who can they choose as the new king? Are they not afraid of civil turmoil in Shu?" Bu Xiaofan asked.

Ling Lingqi sneered and said, "Doesn't the Emperor of Shu have three daughters? Zhang Ren and others will support the eldest princess as the queen. Although it is a bit absurd, it can satisfy the real wishes of most of the civil and military people of Shu."

"Empress?" Bu Xiaofan was startled.

Women can also be kings.

Ye Qing said with emotion: "That's right, the eldest princess's enthronement will help all parties to seize the interests of Shu. Politics is a compromise, and compromise is for more interests. In the face of interests, any system, regulations, and agreements are used to destroy them." With torn ones!"

"Your Highness, I respect Ye Dao!" Ling Lingqi praised.

Ye Qing said: "You go back first, take care of yourself!"


Ye Dao bid farewell.

After the people left, Zhang Liang said: "My lord, it seems that we have to act ahead of time. There is no need to stay on Yanbo Island any longer. We should leave just in time to take advantage of the internal turmoil in the capital of Shu!"

"But we haven't gone to Maojiabao yet, and we haven't fully figured out the matter of the teleportation formation! It's a pity to leave now!" Bu Xiaofan said a little bit reluctantly.

Ye Qing walked over, put his arms around her and said, "Maojiabao must be going, if you don't go, I'm afraid you won't have the chance to go."

"Zhou Yu mobilized the water army warships, and all the soldiers boarded the boats and headed south. Zhang Liang, Han Xin, Wolong Zhuge Liang, Zhang Fei, Kong Jian, and Lu Bu went with the warships!"

"Others follow me to Maojiabao, we will come to chase you then, pay attention to the sky."


All the generals responded with an order.

Then go prepare yourself.

Ye Qing took Bu Xiaofan, Yuan Tiangang, Li Yuanfang, Guo Xiang and Zhang Sanfeng who was hiding in the dark to Maojiabao on a fast horse.

Shudu Imperial Palace!
Zhang Ren's rebels entered by force.

Singing and advancing all the way, they attacked the place where King Shang of Shu was eating.

"Report! Your Majesty, something is wrong. Zhang Ren rebelled. Now he has invaded the imperial city. Eight layers of the imperial guards rebelled and surrendered. We can't resist it. Please leave the city quickly, Your Majesty!"

"Bastard, how dare Zhang Ren!"

The King of Shu was still a little confused.

How could a good Zhang Ren rebel, even if he rebelled, it would be too reckless and too fast.

Not at all what he expected.

"Your Majesty! I'm sorry, I didn't dare, but you gave me the courage, so I dare!"

While speaking, Zhang Ren led the army to kill by scriptures.

All the imperial troops loyal to King Shang of Shu were killed on the ground.

King Shang of Shu glared at Zhang Ren, pointing at him and trembling with anger:
"You are crazy, you rebelled like this, do you still want to leave the palace alive?"

Zhang Ren sneered and said disdainfully: "I have bought eight layers of guards in your palace. Do you think you are proud of the [-] troops stationed in the city, will they come to protect King Qin?"

The king of Shu heard that there was a shortage at this time.

The [-] army is his reliance.

If they all turned against Zhang Ren, then he would have no chance of making a comeback.

Similarly, Zhang Ren has no scruples.

"Even so, you shouldn't come in. With the strength of your warriors, you can't compare to Lei..." The King of Shu still has another reliance, and that is Eunuch Lei behind him.

The most loyal old slave of the Meng family, with the strength of the fifth rank, can directly kill Zhang Ren who is right in front of him.

But Zhang Ren smiled contemptuously, drew his sword and pointed: "You said Mr. Lei, the strength of the fifth rank is really good, but... unfortunately, in this world, it is not the martial arts that can control everything, it is the brain and the synthesis that matter." Strength, you ask him if he can still practice martial arts now? He has been poisoned for half his life, as long as he smells the incense candles specially lit here today, he will become a waste!"

The old slave Lei Gonggong, who should have done it long ago, felt the changes in his body, but he felt weak all over his body when he wanted to exercise.

The more you carry, the worse the cramping.

When King Shang of Shu turned around to look over, Eunuch Lei, the most powerful expert, fell to the ground with an extremely uncomfortable expression while holding his stomach.

Shu Wang Shang suddenly felt cold in his heart.

Father Lei, who kept him safe, became a waste at a critical moment.

He wanted to say something, but his stomach hurt and he fell to the ground.

Mouth blurred: "Du Du Du..."

"That's right, you were poisoned. You were poisoned by the Xiaoyao King of Dazhou. Don't worry, after you die, I will help you avenge you and tear Ye Qing into pieces."

Zhang Ren laughed mockingly, then waved his hand and said:
"Come here, send an order, send [-] troops to besiege Yanbo Island, don't need to live, and kill Xiaoyao Wang Ye Qing and others!"

(End of this chapter)

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