Chapter 458 Maojiabao

"Ye Qing, this time you will be unable to fly with your wings, you will surely die. I am not a big brother, so I won't be so scruples!"

Zhang Renshen's face became a little grim, and he glanced at the unreconciled Shu Wangshang and Lei Gonggong who were spitting out white foam on the ground, turned around and left here.

He dared to kill even the majestic Emperor Shu.

The Xiaoyao King of the Great Zhou, what would he not dare to kill?

Soon Zhang Ren came to Shicang.

He ordered people to open the stone gate and found that it was empty.

Frowning slightly, he said displeasedly, "Where is the divine bird? Why isn't it here?"

"This...return to the general, it was put here when it was sent in yesterday, we...don't know!"

The person guarding the stone warehouse replied truthfully.

Zhang Ren walked in and walked around the stone warehouse without hitting the bird.

He shouted angrily: "There is no divine bird at all. From yesterday to now, who has been here?"

"This, except for you, the general, no one has been here before." The guard was also a little confused.

I came in and looked for a while, but couldn't find the divine bird, so I scratched my head and said:

"I heard that the divine bird is psychic and will hide by itself. It needs to be coaxed to appear."

Zhang Ren snorted coldly and waved his hands to signal everyone to go out.

Then he clasped his fists and said to the surroundings: "Miss Shenniao, I am Zhang Ren. I am a good person. I have delicious food. Can Miss Shenniao show up..."


The north bank where the Shuangliu River meets.

When the [-] troops sent by Zhang Ren arrive, there will be no one left.

The original barracks on the shore have since been emptied.

The troops who landed on the island and searched returned to the shore and reported:

"General, the island is empty, there are no people from Xiaoyao Mansion, and there are no five thousand refugees."

Lai frowned, looked down the river and said, "Catch me along the river, they have a boat, they must have gone south with the current, stop them for me!"


Soon the news was sent back to the palace.

Zhang Ren chatted with the air in Shicang for an hour, but he didn't summon the divine bird.

Hearing the report from his subordinates, he said angrily: "Trash, let them get the news and run away, chase after me, go overland quickly, and notify all the important towns in the lower reaches to block the river, and you must stop Xiaoyaowang's warship for me. Don't let them get away!"


At that moment, someone went down to deliver the order.

Zhang Ren also lost his patience, walked out of the stone warehouse, and angrily cursed: "Burn this place for me?"

"Uh, general, the stone warehouse cannot be burned, and the bird is not afraid of fire!" the guard reminded.

Zhang Ren stomped his feet in anger.

"If it doesn't burn to death, then put water on it and drown it!"



The road to Maojiabao was smooth.

Maojiabao is built on the top of a mountain, and it takes a long time to climb the stairs. It is a dangerous area that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Ideal for a family to hide away from the world.

"Brother Ye, what do you think Zhang Ren wants to do the most after taking over the palace?"

Bu Xiaofan held Ye Qing's right hand and was led up step by step.

Ye Qing held Guo Xiang with his left hand.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "Zhang Ren won the palace, the first thing he wanted was to get the divine bird. If he could use the divine bird to fly to the sky, it would be great for his political prestige."

"It's a pity that he won't be able to get the divine bird in his life. He probably has been calling Miss Divine Bird for a few hours!"

Speaking of this, Yuan Tiangang couldn't help laughing at such an old age.

Zhang Sanfeng looked confused.

Miss Shenniao, is it so funny?
Everyone seems to understand why, but I'm missing something.

Do I really have a generation gap with these dolls?

"The person here is His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang!"

Soon people from Maojiabao came down to welcome him.

Ye Qing sized up the visitor and said, "Exactly!"

As he spoke, he took out the bronze medal from Maojiabao.

After seeing it, the other party became even more enthusiastic, and hurriedly said:
"Your Highness, please!"

Guided by the other party, everyone came to the residence of Maojiabao. It was built on the hillside, and it was also a group of buildings located in a stepped manner.

"Master, this is also built according to the five elements and eight trigrams. I am afraid that there is also a small magic circle under the mountain under these buildings." Yuan Tiangang said:
"Kong Ming didn't come, otherwise we can investigate more clearly."

"We are not here to explore treasures, but to chat with people about the teleportation array. Kong Ming is overkill when he comes, and it is more useful for him to stay on the warship." Ye Qing patted Yuan Tiangang on the shoulder and said:

"Be more natural, we're just here to sit, not to cause trouble!"

The guide took Ye Qing and others to the reception hall.

I saw a dozen people sitting inside.

It should be an important figure in Maojiabao.

"It's really a blessing that King Xiaoyao can come to my Maojiabao as a guest. Please sit down, Your Highness!"

An old man on the right spoke.

Ye Qing didn't sit down, but bowed and said:
"I originally planned to visit Maojiabao in a few days to answer my doubts.

But now something big has happened in the capital of Shu, and we have to rush up the mountain, so let's make a long story short, and hope that it won't bring big trouble to your castle! "

"A major event has happened in the capital of Shu!"

People in Maojiabao started discussing for a while.

The old patriarch of the Mao family asked: "I wonder if you can elaborate on the big event that Marquis Xiaoyao said, so that we can be prepared!"

"Zhang Ren and the eldest princess rebelled, attacked the palace, killed the king of Shu and plotted to seize the power of the Shu men. I have a grudge with that Zhang Ren. He will track down the Maojiabao, so I hope your castle can forgive me!"

As soon as Ye Qing finished speaking, the people in Maojiabao were also dumbfounded.

The Zhang family rebelled and conspired to seize power.

Killing the king and proclaiming the emperor.

It's really too big to be a big deal.

"Alas! The mourning of the Shu Kingdom." The old Patriarch of Maojiabao stood up, facing the Shu capital, and said:

"Although your majesty is stupid, it is not enough to end up like this."

"Come here, go down the mountain to set up the formation, activate the closure order, and from now on, no one from the outside world will be allowed to go up the mountain to enter the fort!"

"Follow the Patriarch's order and close the mountain now!"

The Mao family had no intention of going to court, so naturally they didn't want to get involved in those dirty things in the court.

So the mountain was closed decisively at the first time.

"Your Highness, since we are here, we also asked directly. You have used the teleportation array under the temple, right? How much do you know about the teleportation array? Do you believe that this array will work?" the head of the Mao family asked directly.

It's such a quick news, I actually know that the magic circle of the temple has been activated.

Ye Qing replied truthfully: "I believe it, because it can exist, we don't know much about the teleportation array, we only know that it was created by the ancestors of your Mao family, and it came from Qishan Pavilion.

The magic circle can be activated in three places, and the teleportation can be carried out, so that people can be sent to another coordinate area instantly in one coordinate area.

It is extremely difficult to build, and it is also very difficult to prove the feasibility through experiments! "

"Your Highness is really knowledgeable and talented. What you said is enough!" The head of the Mao family waved his hand, and saw a picture hanging on the hall and said:
"This is the location map of all magic circles in the southwest, Xicheng County of Hanzhong County, Jiameng of Neutral City, Shudu, the capital of Shu Kingdom, Jiangzhou City of Shuidao in Ba Kingdom, Zolo City of Yelang, Caiyun City of Baipuyun Kingdom, Nanyue Nanning City of Bangguo, Huadu City of Nanyue Bangguo, Hengzhou City of Zhongman Kingdom, Wuxi City of Ximan Kingdom, and Jingzhou City of Chuyue Kingdom."

(End of this chapter)

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