I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 459? Sending a map, one place is missing

Chapter 459 Sending a map, one place is missing

"The Mao family is so sincere! I really admire it!"

Ye Qing is also welcome, carefully watch and write down this map!
"Since His Highness attaches great importance to it, I will send this picture to His Highness, and His Highness can go back and take a look at it slowly!"

After talking about the Patriarch of the Mao family, he raised his hand slightly, and the scroll rolled up by itself.

Then the Patriarch of the Mao family pushed it out with a light palm.

The picture scroll flew towards Ye Qing's forehead like an arrow flying off the string.

Li Yuanfang and Guo Xiang were shocked and wanted to make a move.

Zhang Sanfeng's half-closed eyes just flashed a strange light, and he didn't move.

As for the picture scroll, Ye Qing firmly grasped it the next moment.

However, the strong wind brought on his face made his clothes and hair blown up.

The foot also stepped back halfway slightly.

The hand holding it was still a little numb.

You must know that his strength is a third-rank military general.

Inherited two Xiang Yu military forces.

The physical defense is so strong that it is difficult for ordinary fifth-rank martial arts to hurt.

And this expert Patriarch only used a light move to make him take half a step back.

The corner of Yuan Tiangang's mouth twitched slightly, and reminded:

"My lord, this is Maojiabao. Everyone can use the power of the five elements. Just now there is the energy of the magic circle."

After speaking, Yuan Tiangang glanced left and right to observe the mystery of this hall.

Ye Qing suddenly realized.

It turned out that it borrowed the power of the formation.

That's right, that's what people play in the first place.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain the floating scroll just now.

People have been showing their abilities from the very beginning.

"Thank you for the picture!" Ye Qing handed the picture to Bu Xiaofan, and then he bowed and asked, "We have no connection with the Mao family, so the Mao family is a little bit ashamed to receive this great gift!"

The head of the Mao family laughed.

"Your Highness knows that there are changes in Shu, and Zhang Renhui will send troops to hunt him down. He didn't follow the large army to flee south, but came to the Maojiabao. It can be seen that he respects the invitation of the Maojia, and it can be seen, Your Highness. The importance attached to the teleportation array does not stem from curiosity, but from greater ambition."

"So Your Highness is fully qualified to obtain this picture. Don't be suspicious, Your Highness. My Mao family is not interested in military and political affairs. I have only studied magic circles. If Your Highness can help my Mao family complete this formation and fulfill the ancestor's grand wish, my Mao family will be up and down. Instead, I want to thank and remember His Highness’s kindness!”

Other core members of the Mao family also made a salute to Ye Qing.

Seeing that the Mao family has a sincere look.

Ye Qing was quite touched.

Some people, some families are indeed great.

There is only one thing to do in a lifetime or for generations.

Ye Qing paused for a while before saying, "I have two questions!"

"Please speak, Your Highness!"

Ye Qing pointed to the map and said: "Just now you said that there are eleven city names on this map. As far as I know, singular numbers except for nine characters and seven characters can be used alone in the five thousand gossip. middle.

Did you miss a place name? "

"Your Highness is indeed intelligent!" the head of the Mao family said:

"Originally there should be twelve cities on the map, but there is another place that is not in the southwest, but in the northwest. We don't know exactly where it is."

"You don't know either, can't that be deduced?" Bu Xiaofan asked.

According to the principle of the same distance in triangles, it can be calculated.

But the Mao family shook their heads lightly and said:

"You are Miss Bu from Qishan Pavilion, right? The situation you mentioned is only used to determine the azimuth distance between three points, not applicable to the relationship between all the special delivery arrays. If you don't believe me, look at the map and you will find , the equivalent distance between every three points is different from the equivalent distance constructed by the other three points.”

Bu Xiaofan, opened the painting scroll.

Taking a closer look, it turns out that the distances formed by each of the regular triangles above are different.

Related, but not fully related.

Therefore, it is impossible to deduce the location of the last special delivery array in the northwest region.

But this is not important, because the activated special delivery array will know which city in Dazhou it can be sent to.

Ye Qing asked again: "Second question, why did you only build the special delivery array, but never put it into use?"

Asking this is a sore spot for Maojiabao.

Including the head of the Mao family, their complexions were dark.

There is a hint of shame.

Ye Qing was not in a hurry, and after a while, the head of the Mao family replied: "Because our Mao family castle has not produced a genius like our ancestors in 1000 years, let alone a person with sixth-level strength, so we only Can inherit some of the abilities of the ancestors, build a special delivery formation, and keep hiding in the southwestern land, waiting for the destiny to appear."


Hear this answer.

Ye Qing and the others could only sigh in return!
A real genius is indeed rare in a thousand years.

The father is a hero, but the son may not be.

1000 years may be the fate of the Mao family.

"Destiny, so now you've waited?" Bu Xiaofan asked suspiciously.

It would be too difficult to find someone with the strength of the sixth rank to activate the special delivery formation.

The key is that this person has to master the five thousand and five hexagrams, the Yijing mental method, and the formation method.

This is not one in a million, this is one in ten thousand.

Qishan Pavilion is a person with the strength of the sixth rank.

But the concept conflicts with it, and they will not come to help the Mao family.

The Mao family will not invite people from Qishan Pavilion to help them verify this thing that only exists in theory.

After all, this is a slap in the face, this is a contest.

"No, but I saw a glimmer of light!" The head of the Mao family pointed at Ye Qing and said:
"We have seen the dawn in His Highness, so we are willing to take a look. Miss Bu is a disciple of Qishan Pavilion. You can choose to help or not. We will not blame Miss Bu!"

The Mao family needed technical support from Qishan Pavilion.

But will not force.

"We waited for 1000 years, and we don't care about waiting for 1000 years, but we still want to gamble if there is hope!" The head of the Mao family stood up slowly and said:
"We will send ten members of the Mao family to accompany His Royal Highness to Jiangzhou City, Jiangzhong Island, Baguo. As for whether it can be activated, it all depends on God's will.

Your Highness can set off now, so as not to be blocked by Zhang Ren's army at the foot of the mountain! "

"No rush! As long as Zhang Ren's people can't go up the mountain, we can get rid of them at any time!" Ye Qing said:

"Mr. Mao can show us around Maojiabao. Let's get to know each other and share knowledge and experience about the special delivery array or this."

"It seems that His Highness has some confidence in launching the special delivery formation. It's better to be respectful than obedient. I will take His Highness around and continue chatting!" The smile on the face of the Patriarch of the Mao family became even brighter.

So he led Ye Qing and others to visit Maojiabao.

Yuan Tiangang and the Mao family shared their experiences and learned from each other.

The Mao family was amazed by Yuan Tiangang's rich knowledge, and even more amazed by his unique insights that do not belong to this world.

Even Bu Xiaofan realized that Yuan Tiangang was far from that simple.

In the end, he was also infected, and shared the not-most-secret things of Qishan Pavilion with the Mao family.

The Mao family did not hide their love for others, and they also knew everything.

"The head of the family is not good. Zhang Ren's subordinate Zhang Bo led an army of [-] to seal the foot of the mountain and threatened to let us hand over the Xiaoyao King!"

Suddenly someone came to report.

The Patriarch of the Mao family poked the ground three times fiercely with a crutch made of red sandalwood:

"Tell them, my Maojiabao has never been to Xiaoyaowang. My Maojiabao has closed the mountain long ago. If he doesn't believe that he can attack the mountain, he can wipe away the anger of my Maojiabao!"

"Yes!" The messenger glanced at Ye Qing, and then went on to pass on the truth.

Ye Qingdao: "Mr. Mao, it seems that it is time for us to say goodbye. If we are destined, we hope to come to Maojiabao again!"

"Your Highness, you are welcome. The gate of my Maojiabao is open to you at any time, no matter when, regardless of your Highness's identity." Mao Jiajia's eyes were full of worry:
"Now that Zhang Ren's army is at the foot of the mountain, how will His Highness leave?"

(End of this chapter)

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