I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 460 The beauty of flying, the first battle in the south

Chapter 460 The beauty of flying, the first battle in the south

"Does Mao Gong know about the divine bird?"

Ye Qing smiled mysteriously.

The head of the Mao family's eyes shone brightly, and his face showed a sudden realization.

However, he quickly added: "But Your Highness, you only have one divine bird. From this point of view, we Maojiabao people cannot go to Jiangzhou City with Your Highness!"

"Who said I only have one divine bird!"

Ye Qingdao: "Mr. Mao took me to the ground of the ancestral hall, and we will borrow the wind to go down the mountain later!"

Everyone came to the ground of the ancestral hall.

Ye Qing said to everyone: "It's time for everyone to witness the miracle!"

After speaking, Ye Qing pointed to the ground.

Suddenly, a large wooden box appeared at the point it pointed to.

Then tapped four times in a row.

Four large wooden boxes popped out.

This move shocked everyone in Maojiabao.


"If you didn't see it with your own eyes, then there must be a ghost!"

"How did Xiaoyao Wang do it? Create things out of thin air!"

The head of the Mao family looked at Ye Qing and was speechless for a long time.

The heart is turbulent.

His eyes became more eager.

"Your Highness has this ability, and the special delivery array will definitely be activated. Your Highness is the man of destiny. Our thousand-year dream in Maojiabao can finally be fulfilled!"

Speaking of this, the head of the Mao family couldn't help feeling a little bit.

Ye Qingdao: "Everyone help, first release the divine bird, and I will teach you how to use and control it!"

"It's Your Highness!"

People from Maojiabao went up to help one after another, and carefully dismantled the wooden box outside.

Ye Qing activated and unfolded each Mohist mechanism bird.

Then in groups of three or four, use the force to slide and fly down the mountain from the flat ground of the ancestral hall.

With the power of diving and gliding, it controls the Mohist mechanism bird to fly far away.

"Flying, really flying!"

"Divine bird! It really is miraculous!"

"It's so beautiful, it must be a great feeling to fly down!"

The people in Maojiabao watched the divine birds fly away, amazed and envious at the same time.

Yuan Tiangang, Li Yuanfang, Zhang Sanfeng and others flew away first, Ye Qing, Bu Xiaofan and Guo Xiang were last.

"Mao Gong is destined to see you, everyone take care!"

Ye Qing and the two people held the control lever of the Mohist mechanism bird and nodded to the head of the Mao family and others.

The head of the Mao family and others said one after another: "Your Highness, take care!"


After finishing speaking, the three of them ran with all their strength, reached the platform near the canyon on the edge of the flat ground, and kicked off.

Sliding for a while, using strength to rise, it turned into a black spot in the direction of Dongyang, and disappeared in front of everyone in Maojiabao.


down the mountain!

Zhang Ren's subordinate Zhang Bo received a reply from Maojiabao.

Angrily, he drew his sword and pointed at the Mao family who turned back to the mountain.

I really want to rush up and kill him in a fit of rage.

"Damn it, Maojiabao is waiting, one day it will take your tortoise shell!"

"General, what shall we do now?"

Zhang Bo put his sword back into its sheath, and said coldly: "Continue to surround, I don't believe that King Xiaoyao will never go down the mountain!"

"If they don't go down the mountain for a day, we don't retreat for a day, and see who can afford it."

Soon Zhang Bo's [-]-strong army began to cut down wood, make horses, and build barracks at the same time, intending to encircle them for a long time.

After working for a long time, someone pointed to the southwest and said, "Look, general, what is that?"

"It seems to be a divine bird!"

Someone exclaimed.

Zhang Bo got up from the resting place and looked up to the southeast.

"One, two, three...five! How is this possible, how can there be so many divine birds."

Zhang Bo grabbed the soldier who reported first: "Where did these divine birds come from!"

"Mountain... on the mountain, it flew out from the mountain of Maojiabao!"

"Bastard, you still said that there is no Xiaoyao Wang. It is obvious that the Mao family hid Ye Qing!" Zhang Bo glanced at the Maojiabao mountain bitterly, then drew his sword and said:
"The divine bird can't fly very far, chase it to the southwest!"



When Zhang Ren's subordinate Zhang Bo led the army to pursue, Ye Qing and the others really soared in the sky this time.

Maojiabao has a high terrain, flying down from above, the starting point itself is high.

"Wow, it feels so good to fly in the sky, my lord!"

It was the first time for Guo Xiang, so she couldn't help crying.

Even if it was Bu Xiaofan, the experience this time was different.

Higher flight altitude.

And only Ye Qing was a man.

Flying in the sky with your sweetheart is even more exciting.

"Come on!"

Suddenly Guo Xiang boldly kissed Ye Qing.

Ye Qing was stunned for a moment.

Guo Xiang actually kissed him.

Seeing this, Bu Xiaofan became jealous and kissed Ye Mian on the other side of the face.

After kissing, she turned her face away, most of her face turned red.

"Hey hey, why don't you two kiss again! It's more enjoyable to fly like this!"

Ye Qing grinned.

"You have a good idea! Pooh!"

Bu Xiaofan spat.

But Guo Xiang secretly babbled twice.

"Hahaha, Xiang'er is better!"

After speaking, Ye Qing also kissed Guo Xiang's pink face.

Guo Xiang showed a sweet smile.

Bu Xiaofan turned around, looked at Ye Qing, then snorted coldly, and turned away again.

"Little Fanfan is really angry!"

After speaking, Ye Qing sneakily attacked Bu Xiaofan's face.

"Bah, Dengzizi!"

Bu Xiaofan spat again.


Ye Qing laughed wantonly.

At this moment in the air, Bu Xiaofan has nowhere to hide if he wants to, so he can let Ye Qing play some charming moves.


Wuyang City!
This is an important town by the river, one of the four major towns on the Shu River.

There are 6000 elite sailors stationed in Shu!
Responsible for guarding waterways and land transportation.

At the same time, it is also the prefecture of Qianwei County of Shu State.

"Report! Lord Prefect, there are warships heading south from upstream!"

Suddenly a soldier ran into the prefect's mansion.

The prefect's mansion has just cleared out those who were loyal to Shu Guoshang.

The new prefect is Zhang Ren's man.

He asked, "But the navy from the capital of Shu escaped?"

The navy in the capital of Shu was loyal to King Shang of Shu, and the new prefect thought they had escaped from the capital south.

The soldier who reported said: "It's not like the navy in the capital of Shu, because their warships are a bit special!"

"Special? What's so special?"

"It's very big, there are so many, the team is neat, and it's murderous..."

The new prefect was taken aback when he heard this, and the general Guan Jun laughed out loud when he heard this.

"Get out of the way, where can you go if you are so big." The general clasped his fists and said:

"At this time, General Zhennan should have obtained the scriptures, and the capital of Shu is in the hands of the general. I don't care who is running down from the upper reaches, as long as there is no warrant from the general of the Zhenjun, I will sink and destroy them all!"

After saying this, he took the people away.

When they arrived at the water village, the deputy general used the scriptures to set up a card, put a water fence on the river, and pulled out a few old boats in the middle of the river.

"The whole army obeys the order. All the sailors will board the ship, drive out of the water stronghold, and intercept the enemy ships going south. If they don't obey the order, they will approach the water two or two miles away from our naval warships. They will be regarded as enemies. The whole army will attack and destroy them. .”

"It's the general!"

Soon the [-] Shu army in Wuyang City drove the water army warships out of the water village.

The 6000-man navy has two or three hundred warships alone.

Densely arranged on the river.

Pull out a long formation, as if to occupy the entire river!



At the turn of the river, a building search boat appeared, followed by two, three, four...

(End of this chapter)

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