Chapter 461
Until hundreds of large and small warships appeared.

The soldiers of the Shu Kingdom's navy in Wuyang City woke up from the shock.

It turned out that the warships of Gan Ning and others were too large.

It is more than double that of the Shu State Navy.

This is a warship they have never seen before.

Large in size and numerous in quantity.

Although there are only a hundred ships, the aura they pull out is stronger than their three or four hundred ships.

"Where did this navy come from? Why did we not have such a good ship before!"

"Do you want to fight? The opponent's number of warships is not as good as ours, but I dare say that the number of sailors is about the same as mine!"

Shu's naval division and generals began to talk about it.

Deputy General Qi Bing said: "General, is this a secret army loyal to His Majesty in the capital of Shu?"

The chief general Du Yan said: "I don't know, I haven't heard General Zhennan mention it, I think it should be!"

"Then shall we fight the general?" The lieutenant hesitated.

The navy on the opposite side is not weak.

Look at the momentum is very strong.

"As long as it is not the army of General Zhennan's Mansion, no matter who it is, they will all be wiped out."

In order to be a general loyal to Zhang Ren, Du Yan said very affirmatively.

Aside from that, Gan Ning and the others also noticed the situation downstream, put down the binoculars and said:
"Gongjin, the other side opened up their posture, and it seems that they don't intend to let us pass."

"Then let's sink them and kill a bloody road. Use them to sharpen our navy and wipe out the power of our five warships!" Zhou Yu said confidently and affirmatively.

Our warships are large and strong, with both fast and slow offensive and defensive capabilities. It can be said to be very perfect.

In terms of equipment, it is far superior to the warships of the Shu Kingdom.

The only thing missing is actual combat.

This group of water soldiers is composed of infantry, and they are also mountain troops.

"Beat the drum, get ready to go to war!"

"Beat the drums and break the enemy formation!"

The distance of two miles on the water surface is almost the standard distance for the navy to start a war.

The generals of both sides issued combat orders.

The flag was hoisted.

The flag will not be lowered, the order will not be retreated, and the battle will continue.

"Do you need my help, sir?"

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang walked over gracefully shaking his feather fan and asked.

Zhou Yu originally wanted to say that there was no need, because this was a practice session.

But when he saw the black eagle on Zhuge Liang's shoulder in Crouching Dragon, he changed his words again: "Kong Ming helped me find out the location of the enemy ship. The size of the enemy ship is all the same. Where the commander is, he needs real-time monitoring."

"Okay, no problem! Leave this to me!"

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang felt a little regretful that there was no need to set up a magic circle, but he still touched his little black eagle and said, "Xiaobai, let's go!"

The black eagle was psychic, spread its wings and flew high, circled above its head, made a sharp sound, and then flew to the top of the Shu Kingdom's navy.

Use its piercing eyes to find the enemy commander.


Zhou Yu and the others twitched slightly.

It's all black like this, and it's still called Xiaobai.

"I found it! On the fourth warship to the left in the ninth row, the opponent didn't put the flagship in the middle, so it seems a little unconfident!" Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang reminded.

Zhou Yu sneered and said, "Seeing our warships, I feel sorry for the commander. I'm afraid they have the idea of ​​dying together."

"Come here, let me know all the ships, and pay close attention to this ship as soon as possible. There is no need for prisoners in this battle!"

On the top deck of the ship, the flag bearers waved various flags.

A thousand steps!

Eight hundred steps!
Six hundred steps!
Five hundred steps!
Getting closer and closer.

Four hundred steps!
"Fire arrows!"

The captains of the warships in the front row of both sides gave orders at the same time, ordering their soldiers to start shooting.

Countless arrows flew towards each other.

But most of it landed on the water.

Three hundred steps!
Two hundred steps!
Each played another round.

"Accelerate over and smash the enemy ship!"

"Keep shooting arrows!"

Zhou Yu and Gan Ning sent several orders in succession from the warships of the navy.

The speed of the warship was suddenly faster, and the fire from the height of the big ship was more powerful.

The soldiers of the Shu Kingdom's navy were not in a hurry to evade, and were shot one after another.

"Damn it, evade enemy ships, penetrate the gaps between enemy ships, and jump into melee!"

Compared with shooting with bows and arrows, the naval officers and soldiers of the Shu Kingdom are no match for Wudang Feijun at all.

So Du Yan issued a new order.

After each ship received it, it took the initiative to avoid the large ship that hit it.

In any case, the opponent's warship was more than double the size of his own.

A head-on collision will definitely suffer, this is the common sense of the navy.

No one is going to knock an egg against a rock.

But when they wanted to move the warship, they found that the opponent's warship was not only bigger, but also faster than theirs.

Accelerated suddenly, far exceeding their expectations.

Don't wait for their evasion to complete.

The big ship was in a menacing manner, like a runaway wild horse, and it was in front of you in an instant.

Then... with a bang, the big ship crashed into it.


The big ship crashed into it, and the small navy boat of the Shu Kingdom was smashed to pieces in an instant.


The officers and soldiers of the Shu Kingdom's navy on board screamed in terror, some fell into the water, and some grabbed broken logs.

At this time, the big ship's momentum continued unabated, and it ran over directly from above, pressing the disabled enemy ship to the bottom of the ship and sinking into the water.

"General, it's over, our warship can't stop it at all."

Lieutenant General Qi Bing's scalp felt a little numb.

Commander Du Yan felt a little cold at the moment,

The opponent's warship was not only bigger, but also faster than theirs.

It accelerated too hard, and the bow was too strong, I don't know how it was made.

I can see that he is both envious and regretful.

"If you can't stop it, you have to block it. Know the ships and avoid them on both sides. Their ships can only be arrogant in the middle of the river, put them in their pockets, and surround and kill them on both sides!"

On the Shu River, there is no such a wide range to escape. Since it is close combat, there is no possibility of retreating.

We can only fight to the end.

So the main general Du Yan changed his style of play, trying to turn the tide of the battle.

After receiving the news, the warships of the Shu Kingdom's navy rowed to both sides of the bank one after another.

But there are too many of them.

How can the narrow two sides bear so many ships, and the dense team can't avoid them all in a short time.

The big ship that was rammed by Mo Chong was rammed and sank and passed through.

There are countless wrecked ships on the ground and soldiers who fell into the water.

The condescending Wudang flying army officers and soldiers kept shooting at the enemy ships on both sides of the ship without stopping the bow in their hands.

Or shoot the enemy soldiers who fell into the water.

There is no mercy on the battlefield, and there is no such thing as drowning or not killing.

If the navy falls into the water, it is still an elite soldier.

The undead are the enemy.

"The general is not good, the enemy ship is coming towards us."


Lieutenant General Qi Bing pointed at a large ship that turned its rudder and bumped into it, with a frightened expression on his face.

Accompanying this large ship were several medium-sized warships and a centipede-shaped clipper.

Several warships of our own side wanted to run, but were overtaken by the flying speed of the opponent.

Then he was shot, and a fire burned the prisoner's warship.

Whether it is a prisoner of the Shu navy or a warship, it is a burden to Zhou Yu, Gan Ning and others.

It's useless to keep it.

"Damn it! Abandon the ship and go ashore!"

Du Yan, the chief general of the Shu Kingdom's navy, no longer had the heart to fight, and decisively gave the order to jump off the ship.

Everyone jumped off the warship together, and then swam towards the shore.

Just jumping off the ship, their flagship was hit the next moment.

The entire flagship disintegrated in an instant, turning into broken planks, and even the two nearby escort warships were not spared.

"Respectfully, the enemy's flagship was crashed, but the commander jumped into the water and escaped, swimming towards the shore!"

Wolong Zhuge Liang saw the news from Black Eagle Xiaobai, and told Zhou Yu in time.

Zhou Yu said: "Issue the flag order to let Wang Ping go ashore to pursue. We must capture the enemy's commander. We need information about the deployment of the downstream!"

(End of this chapter)

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