Chapter 462 Breaking through the enemy's water village and capturing the coach alive

The coach has escaped!

They couldn't fight the warship, and at this time, the Shu army was leaderless.

Fight each other.

Warships were either wrecked or sunk.

The battle took less than half an hour from start to finish.

The [-] Shu army was either wiped out, or swam ashore and fled.

Gan Ning was the vanguard, and he was not addicted. With a dozen warships, he directly chased and killed the fleeing enemy warships to the water army Dazhai in Wuyang City!
"Attack the stronghold, smash it for me!"

Gan Ning, holding a long gun, stood on the deck, staring at him, not paying attention to the enemy's water fortress at all.

The soldiers below were yelling.

The big ship opened the way and smashed through the water gate with a bang.

The ships entered successively.

The left-behind Shu army came out to fight!

"Too much bullying, you foolish thief, die!"

Suddenly, a fast boat rushed out of the Shu Kingdom's navy, and there were several navy generals on board. With a roar, they kicked off and flew onto the deck of the big ship.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time! Die!"

Gan Ning flicked the spear in his hand and shot it out.

A first-class water general from the Shu Kingdom couldn't dodge in mid-air, and was directly pierced by a spear through his chest, and then fell into the water.


The enemies flying on the deck attacked Gan Ning with their swords.

Neither did Gan Ning.

The long chain around the waist is untied.

Block left and right.

Mars radiates.

The enemy attacks left and right.

Gan Ning fought one against two, blocking from the left and receiving from the right.

Swinging the long chain from time to time, the two small scimitars at the end of the chain repeatedly attacked the opponent's vital points.

The two opponents fought fiercely for a long time, unable to attack for a long time, their hearts became more and more impatient.

Because most of the water village was captured by Gan Ning's troops.

The fire is tormenting and burning fiercely.

Black smoke filled the air, the smell of fire in the air, and the carbonized silk objects floating down also stained their respective roofs.

"Happy, happy, come on!"

Gan Ning flicked the black iron chain to repel the two of them, the whole water village laughed out of the corner of his eye.

"You are not the dog legs of the faint king at all, who are you?"

The opposing general looked at Gan Ning and the others' clothes, weapons, and the special features of the warship, and felt suspicious.

"I am Gan Ning of the Xiaoyao Mansion of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Now that you know it, I can spare you if you surrender!"

"Xiaoyao Mansion, how is this possible? You think this is the Great Zhou, and this is our Great Shu Kingdom. Where did you get the warships and navy from? It's just nonsense!"

"That's right, don't try to deceive us, you'd better catch yourself without a fight, we can plead with General Zhennan and pardon your capital crime!"

Gan Ning spit out a mouthful of phlegm on the deck.

"Hey, what is Zhang Ren? He is not worthy of carrying shoes for my Highness. If we didn't have the intention to occupy your Shu Kingdom, he would be a corpse now, and your Shu capital would belong to my Great Zhou!"

"Arrogance, you really deceive me that there is no one in Dashu!"


The words are not speculative, half a sentence is too much.

Both the enemy and the enemy, fighting is the theme.

The three caught and killed again.

You come and go on the deck, constantly making killing moves towards each other

After another five or six rounds of fighting, Gan Ning looked for an opportunity and wrapped an enemy general with black iron chains.

Then he stretched out his hand and took out a short halberd from his waist, and killed the other one.

The man was startled and hastily resisted.

Not wanting to be cut, he quickly backed away.But Gan Ning is so easy to get along with.

I saw him lodging and approaching.

Hand speed is fast.

Go around behind him, and attack quickly with a halberd!

The enemy general hastily blocked it twice, he didn't expect Gan Ning to be proficient in short weapons, he was beaten back steadily.


Suddenly, without paying attention, he was stabbed by Gan Ning again.

But this time there was no such luck.

He fell down on the deck on his back, with more air intake and less air output.

"Bastard, die!"

Another enemy general broke free from the chains and charged forward.

Gan Ning was quick-eyed, and moved over lightly.

Then he kicked that person's body, and then shot the general with a short halberd.

The general screamed in pain and jumped into the water.

Gan Ning picked up his black iron chain, and threw himself into the water.

After a while, countless big blisters appeared in the water, and the boat got farther and farther away.

Just when his subordinates were worried about Gan Ning's safety, Gan Ning got out of the water.

He touched his face, still holding the black iron chain in his hand.

Gan Ning swam forward, and gradually a corpse emerged from behind him.

"Xingba! Xingba, are you dead? I'm here to collect your body!"

Outside the water stronghold, Zhou Tai hurriedly arrived in a warship.

Gan Ning jumped onto the deck of the ship with his strength, shook off the water on his body, and shouted outside: "

Zhou Tai, you son of a bitch, even if you die, I will not die! "


When Zhou Yu arrived with his army, Gan Ning lost the scriptures of Shuizhai, and nothing was left for him.

Instead, he eagerly pointed at Wu Chengyang and said:

"Do you want to shoot Gongjin down!"

Zhou Yu shook his head and said, "There's no need, we're not here to attack cities and land."

After speaking, Zhou Yu ordered the warship to return to the main river, removed all the water fences on the river, and pulled out the hidden piles below.

During this period, Wang Ping returned with his men and escorted two generals, the main and deputy generals of the enemy army.

Qi Bing and Du Yan were in a state of distress.

There are blood stains on the body.

His face paled even more when he was brought on board.

Looking at the warships of Xiaoyao Mansion from a distance, they are big enough.

Only when you come up do you know.

This is a big ship with four decks.

Shipbuilding technology is much stronger than their Shu country.

It's not wrong to lose.


Zhou Yu asked.

The two looked at each other and said:

"If you want to kill or cut casually, we will not be loyal to the faint king."

"Hahaha, do you still think this is a ship from your Shu kingdom?" Gan Ning said coldly:

"Your faint king Yijing is dead, and your Shu army's navy will follow in this way. Don't say that I hang you into the river to kill you!"

"This is not our Shu ship, where did it come from?"

Qi Bing and Du Yan were shocked, this is the Kingdom of Shu, not the Kingdom of Shu, where did the army come from?

There are no big rivers in the upper reaches, let alone a decent country.

Where did the warship come from.

Zhang Liangdao: "Now we are the ones to interrogate you. If you don't know anything, it's useless to keep it. General Gan will take you down and kill you!"

"Wait, let's talk, let's talk, I am the coach Du Yan, and this is my deputy general Qi Bing." Du Yan said hurriedly.

No matter what, let's save my life first.

Zhang Liang glanced at Zhou Yu, and Zhou Yu asked, "How many naval troops and warships are there in your Shu Kingdom downstream? Let me tell you the specific situation of each important riverside town!"

"You still want to go downstream?" Qi Bing said:

"I advise you to give up. We still have an important town on the Shu River, Shinan'an, with 320 sailors and [-] warships;
We have two important towns in Dajiang, namely Jidao and Yangjiang.

There are [-] sailors in Thorn Road, and [-] sailors in Yangjiang.It is impossible for you to go all the way south and try to break through continuously. "

"Hehe, I thought how many there were, but it was only 8000 people." Gan Ning said:

"If we join forces together, we really need to think about it. Divide into three important towns, and the troops will be scattered. It's just hard-boiled eggs, peeled one by one!"

Du Yan closed his eyes and said: "You are from Xiaoyao Mansion, although I don't know where you got the warship, but since you went south, you must be avoiding the pursuit of General Zhennan.

With the means of General Zhennan, the order must have been sent downstream. The water armies of the three important towns in the downstream of our Shu Kingdom may converge on the Thorn Road and join forces to intercept you. At that time, it will not be eggs, but boulders in the river. "

"We have a navy of [-]! Even if you have great abilities, you can never break through!"

(End of this chapter)

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