I really don't want to lose the country

第463章 1树开5花,5花8叶扶

Chapter 463 A Tree Blooms Five Flowers, Five Flowers and Eight Leaves Support
"Forty thousand! The mob is like a chicken and a dog in front of our army."

Gan Ning snorted coldly, raised his knife and glared at the two of them.

Zhou Yu waved his hand, but his subordinates took the two of them down and imprisoned them.

"Everyone, it seems that we need to speed up and go south, and attack the Thorny Road very early." Zhou Yu explained:

"The Shu River is a little smaller, which is not conducive to our large ships. If the Shu River is blocked by [-] Shu Kingdom navy troops, it will be easily attacked by rockets from both sides."

Han Dao said: "It is necessary to go south quickly, but the Lord and the others have not caught up, if something unexpected happens, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"My lord, there are Zhang Sanfeng, Li Yuanfang, Miss Guo, and Miss Bu by my side. Although the number is small, their combat power is enough to equal an army of ten thousand. There shouldn't be any major problems." Zhang Liang said:

"We can attack the thorny road first, and wait for the lord there!"

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang dozed off and asked, "Have you guys forgotten me?"


Everyone looked at Wolong Zhuge Liang in puzzlement.

Wolong Zhuge Liang laughed and said: "Marching along the way is so boring, why don't you let me make a magic circle for the navy, as long as you give me enough materials, the power will be beyond your imagination, let alone [-] sailors, that is [-] It can also beat them out of their wits."

"What materials do you need?" Zhou Yu asked.

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang said: "What is the boat most afraid of?"



after dark!
Ye Qing and others were unable to fly.

I had no choice but to take advantage of the last twilight and forcefully land on the ground.

"Who? How dare you break into my eyebrow door!"

After Ye Qing and the others landed, countless people in yellow brocade clothes suddenly appeared around them.

Each of them had a weapon in their hand.

Vigilantly surrounded Ye Qing and the others.

"Brow door?"

Ye Qing looked puzzled!

The sect of Shu Kingdom?
Doesn't sound like it.

There are five major sects in Shu, and Ye Qing knows this.

They are the Qingniu Sect in Fengdu, the Tiefo Sect in Tongjiang, the Huangling Sect in Kaixian County, the Dianyi Sect in Fuling, and the Qingcheng Sect in Guanxian County.

In addition to the five factions, there are also eight major gangs!

Only this Meimen has never heard of it.

The leading man of the Mao family quickly explained to Ye Qing: "Your Highness, we may have flown to Mount Emei, which is the place of Meimen. Although this Meimen is not handed down to the world, it is indeed the first gate of the Shu Kingdom, even the gate of the Southwest. The land is also the existence of the leader!"

"It's so strong, why haven't I heard of it when I entered the Kingdom of Shu!" Ye Qing raised his eyebrows slightly.

This random forced landing on a mountain turned out to be the number one sect hidden in the Kingdom of Shu.

This beam is a bit hasty.

The leading man of the Mao family swallowed and said, "Your Highness, have you ever heard the saying 'A tree blooms with five flowers, and five flowers and eight leaves support it'."

"Isn't this about the five major sects and eight major gangs of Shu?" Ye Qing seemed to understand a little bit.

The leading man in the expert smiled wryly: "Your Highness, this tree is the Meimen Gate, and the five major factions and the eight major gangs are actually branches of the Meimen Gate."

The Five Great Sects and Eight Great Gangs are branches of Meimen!

Another superpower!
In conversion, it is stronger than the six major factions in the counties of the Great Zhou.

After all, the big Saturday faction can't control more than half of the arena in the big week.

And Meimen controlled more than half of the rivers and lakes of Shu Kingdom.

A veritable gangster.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, let's communicate!" The leading Mao family man clasped his fists at the Meimen disciple who spoke:

"Dongdong Mao is polite in Xia Maojiabao!"

"Maojiabao, you are from Maojiabao!" The person from Meimen was very surprised and asked:

"Why do you people from Maojiabao suddenly appear at my door.

I heard that your Maojiabao usually does not leave the castle and does not cause trouble, so it is a bit rude to come here today! "

When they heard that they were from Maojiabao, the people from Meimen let down a lot of hostility.

Maojiabao's reputation is there, and it has no military or political connections, nor does it grab territory in the rivers and lakes to develop power.

On the contrary, many sects of the mountain sect will ask the Mao family for help in building the secret room of the mountain gate hall and the like.

Mao Dongdong pointed to the sky with a wry smile and said, "We were traveling in the sky. Unfortunately, it was getting dark and we made an emergency landing. We didn't know that this place was Mount Emei, so we didn't intend to offend."

"Heaven...forced landing!"

The eyebrow man couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Your Excellency, your joke insults my wisdom!"

"How could this person walk in the sky, you might as well say that he was blown over by the strong wind from the mountain of Maojiabao, so you can barely justify it.

Mao Dongdong blushed.

"You haven't seen it before, how do you know that people can't fly in the sky." Guo Xiang is a bold woman, she stepped forward and said:

"Have you ever heard of the divine bird?"

"Divine bird?"

The people of Meimen look at each other.

The person who spoke said again: "Could it be that you are from Shudu, you are not from Xiaoyao Mansion!"

"No! Isn't the divine bird given to His Majesty?"

Ye Qing stood up and said: "Please take us to meet someone who can take charge of your eyebrows. This matter cannot be finished in a few words."

"Alright, everyone please!"

Everyone followed the people from Meimen to the main hall of the mountain gate, during which Ye Qingbu Mao Dongdong said:

"What is the relationship between Meimen and the Zhang family?"

When Mao Dongdong was asked, he stopped and thought for a while before replying: "It seems that it is not very good, the purpose of the Zhang family is the military and political circles, and the Zhang family's five-dou rice religion is not ashamed by the five major sects of Shu.

The most important thing is that the third princess was sent by His Majesty to Meimen to learn art.

These three princesses are not of the same mother as the eldest princess, so the relationship is not good! "

Hearing this news, Ye Qing's eyes were the same.

That's it.

There will be no conflict with Meimen.

On the contrary, it can provide one more help.

Soon Ye Qing and others were taken outside the hall.

The man who brought them said: "Go in, we can't enter the temple!"

Ye Qing let the Mao family, except Mao Dongdong, stay outside, and brought Bu Xiaofan, Guo Xiang, Li Yuanfang, Yuan Tiangang, and Zhang Sanfeng into the palace.

The main hall is extremely high and has a large three-dimensional space.

The interior is also dominated by yellow tones.

Directly opposite is a huge statue of a fairy in yellow.

The statue is covered with a veil, so the face cannot be seen clearly.

However, it can still be seen in the eyes that the owner of the statue is a smart girl.

Just looking at those eyes, there is a sense of deja vu.

The main hall was deserted and deserted, and there was no one there.

Until everyone reached the center of the hall.

Only then did nine women walk out from behind the fairy statue of Huang Yi on the opposite side.

The nine girls also wear yellow clothes, with their faces covered with gauze scarves.

One of the clothes had blue eyebrows embroidered on it.

This woman sits at the top of the main seat, and the other eight women stand on the left and right.

"Come here, but the Happy King!"

asked the woman who sat down.

Ye Qingdao: "No talent, it's true, I took the liberty to break in without any malice, please forgive me!"

"I heard that you have a divine bird, can you take a look!" the woman said again.

The cold voice is very cold, without a trace of emotion.

At the same time, there is a kind of irrefutable.

Zhang Sanfeng said in a low voice: "My lord, this woman's fourth-rank strength is not actually at the helm of Meimen!"

It turned out not to be the rightful owner.

Ye Qing took a step forward and shook his head, "If it's the head of the Meimen sect who wants to see it, then of course it's fine, but if it's someone else, no!"

(End of this chapter)

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