I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 465 The Strange Dream of Three Princesses Meng Ying and Guo Xiang

Chapter 465 The Strange Dream of the Three Princesses Meng Ying and Guo Xiang
If you know what to do but act accordingly, why do you still ask?


Ye Qingdao did not conceal the truth and said: "Because of the rebellion in the capital of Shu, Zhang Ren, the former general of Zhennan, rebelled with the elder princess Meng Jiang, killed the king and proclaimed himself emperor, and seized the military and political power in the capital of Shu.

We happened to be guests in Maojiabao, but Zhang Ren sent an army to surround Maojiabao. I didn’t want to kill more, let alone cause trouble in Shu, so I used the bird to leave. I hurried to Meimen, and it was getting dark, so I made an emergency landing down. "

Everyone in the eyebrows was shocked.

The head of the eyebrow sect frowned slightly.

The woman with the blue logo embroidered on her chest staggered.

"What did you say? How is this possible, father... Father is dead?"

It turns out that this woman is Meng Ying, the third daughter of King Shang of Shu, the third princess of Shu.

Meng Ying was a little absent-minded, her eyes were slightly red, and she took off her veil, revealing a beautiful face like a peach blossom, and walked towards Ye Qing step by step:

"What I said is false, it is false, you say it is false!"

"It turns out to be Your Highness the Third Princess." Ye Qing didn't think that the other daughter was the daughter of King Shang of Shu, but he replied without changing his expression:
"His Royal Highness Shu was murdered by Zhang Ren, and now the power of the capital of Shu is under his control. No matter whether His Royal Highness Three Princesses believe it or not, the news will spread here soon. If the Eldest Princess is able to do things well, there should be an army arriving tomorrow. At the foot of Mount Emei."

"No! This is impossible! Impossible!" Meng Ying roared, turned around and ran up the mountain, leaving the sighing crowd behind.

The head of the Meimen Sect sighed heavily: "The Emperor of Shu loves Ying'er the most. For her safety, she was sent to my Meimen Sect when she was one year old, and handed over to the old Taoist to raise her. He will come twice a day, and the relationship between father and daughter is the best.

It is human nature for Yinger to find it hard to accept for a while. "


Ye Qing just replied lightly.

His affairs with Shu have nothing to do with him.

On the contrary, I have no friendship with the king of Shu, and I have never had any contact with Meng Ying.

So don't express any attitude on this matter.

"Your Highness, it's getting late and it's not convenient for the inner gate to keep guests. That's it for today. If you want to go down the mountain, I will arrange for disciples from the outer gate to take you down the mountain. If you want to spend the night on the mountain, you can also rest in the outer room!" The head of the eyebrow sect nodded slightly, then turned and returned.

Ye Qing said: "It's time to work!"

After the head of the eyebrow sect and others left, Ye Qing returned to the main hall with the underground passage from the past.

Running around during the day, so tired, Ye Qing and the others naturally spent the night on the mountain.


Guo Xiang had a dream, in which she saw the owner of the stone statue in the hall during the day.

When this person lifted the veil, Guo Xiang was stunned.

Because this person looks exactly like himself.

"who are you?"

"I am you!"

"Who am I?"

"you are me!"

"No! I'm Guo Xiang, who the hell are you? Why do you have to look like me!"


Guo Xiang opened his eyes.

It was dark.

The light from the two lanterns allowed Guo Xiang to see clearly the person who was staring down at her.

"You... eyebrow... the head of the sect, you..."

Guo Xiang shook her head, trying to get up.

At this time, the head of the eyebrow sect asked softly: "You are awake, how do you feel?"

"Why am I here?" Guo Xiang looked around alertly.

Isn't this the flat ground in front of the small hall of the inner gate that I visited during the day?

The same pavilions and pavilions also have lotus ponds and bamboos.

But the temperature is lower at night.

I feel cool all over.

My mind suddenly cleared up.

"Have you met our founder of the Lichuang sect, the yellow-shirted saint?" the head of the eyebrow sect asked lovingly.

Guo Xiang looked puzzled: "You mean me?"

"It seems to be true. You are the reincarnation of the old ancestor, the saint in yellow clothes. You look exactly like her, especially the eyes." The head of the eyebrow sect stretched out his hand to gently stroke Guo Xiang's hair and said:

"Don't worry, my child. I have no ill intentions. You came here because of destiny. Whether you accept it or not, it is a fact. You will be the next saint in yellow shirts. The important task of maintaining the orthodoxy of the Meimen Gate and maintaining the stability of the Southwest will be entrusted to you." Here you go!"

Guo Xiang wanted to say something, but her eyes sank again, and she passed out from a dizzy head.

When she opened her eyes again, Ye Qing's voice of concern came from her ear.

"Xiang'er, Xiang'er, what's wrong with you?"

Guo Xiang saw Ye Qingzhengfu holding her hand and shouting against his face.

The outside was already bright with sky light, but the dazzling light was blocked by Ye Qing.

"Sister Guo, why do you have such a bad complexion? Are you sick?"

Bu Xiaofan also asked with a little worry.

Ye Qing put his hand on Guo Xiang's forehead.

"I don't have a fever, maybe I got a cold from the sky yesterday."

Ye Qingdao: "I'll go and borrow some ginger for them to make a bowl of ginger soup."

"Brother Ye, you don't need it, I..." Guo Xiangla held Ye Qing's hand, shook her head slightly, and said with some embarrassment:
"It's Yue... Yue... Yue, it's okay, I can get up!"

"Yue! Yue what?" Ye Qing was confused for a while, patted her little hand and said:
"Don't worry, soon, lie down!"

Guo Xiang looked aside in embarrassment, Bu Xiaofan tried to say something, but in the end he didn't stop Ye Qing, and when he left, he said:

"Stupid, don't you know that girls come here once a month?"

"He's not a girl, how would he know, sister Bu, don't poke him." Guo Xiang chuckled lightly, her face turning around.

In the end, Ye Qing still cooked Wan Jiang soup, and Guo Xiang looked even better after drinking it.

After breakfast, Ye Qing and others went down the mountain.

"Happy King, wait a minute!"

Just when everyone got up, Meng Ying came with eight disciples.

The nine carried a long-distance package behind them.

Meng Ying was still holding a flat wooden box in her hand.

"The master asked me to give this to Miss Guo. I hope Miss Guo will take it and open it when I leave Shu. I believe it will be of great use in the future!"

Ye Qing and the others were a little surprised.

The head of the eyebrow sect actually gave something to Guo Xiang, what does that mean!
Guo Xiang wanted to refuse, but Ye Qing reached out and took it.

"The elders can't deny it."

"Thank you, head of your family, for us."

After speaking, Ye Qing handed the things to Guo Xiang, Guo Xiang took the box, and the scene from last night's dream suddenly appeared in his mind, as well as the words of the head of the eyebrow sect.

"If you want to thank me, I don't need to pass it on for you. Your Highness is going down the mountain too. We happen to be on the way, so let me lead you all down the mountain together!"

Meng Ying blinked, then walked down the mountain.

The eight girls behind him walked down the mountain.

The outer disciples gave way respectfully one by one.

He showed a bright smile at the nine people who did not dare to offend.

Ye Qing motioned for everyone to follow.

When he reached halfway up the mountain, he asked:

"His Royal Highness the Third Princess, this is planning to return to the capital of Shu to pay homage to the Emperor of Shu!"

Meng Ying shook her head lightly and said, "No! I can't go back to Shu Capital. It's the Zhang family's Shu Capital now. Going back will only bring turmoil to Shu Capital and bring more killings!"

"Father has passed away, and there is nothing worth caring about in the capital of Shu. I want to leave the kingdom of Shu and travel around the world. When I really have the ability to change the kingdom of Shu, I will come back."

"Father will not die unjustly, Zhang Ren and Meng Jiang will be punished!"

(End of this chapter)

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