I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 466: Rumors of Chang'an

Chapter 466: Rumors of Chang'an

Great Zhou Empire!

The imperial capital Chang'an!

"Have you heard? The Happy King is dead!"

"What? Why did he die suddenly!"

"You just came from the countryside, don't you know that King Xiaoyao went to Hanzhong County?"

"Brother, I've cleared up the drink, so hurry up and tell me your gossip!"

A drunken man in the restaurant grinned with satisfaction and said:

"Your Majesty sent King Xiaoyao to Hanzhong to arrest the Fifth Highness, the Marquis of Hedong. As a result, he has been there for two months, and there has been no news. I only heard about a relative in Hanzhong who came here to do business. It turned out that ten days ago, King Xiaoyao was suddenly conspired and killed in Hanzhong!"

"What, he was really killed, did the Zhang family do it?"

"Yes, yes, is it the Nanzheng Palace?"

The man shook his head and said, "No, it is said that... the king of Chu did it!"

"What? King Xiaoyao killed by King Chu?"

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

But soon he showed a natural expression again.

The man said again: "It is said that he died at the hands of a Chuyue man named Zhang Sanfeng, and that Zhang Sanfeng is said to be about a hundred years old, with excellent martial arts skills, he not only killed King Xiaoyao and the mission, but also set fire to destroy the corpses and wipe out all traces. What's too much is that he also killed the Five Dou Rice Sect in Hanzhong, destroying a sect with one person.

The Zhang family began to issue Jianghu killing orders in Jianghu. Whoever can kill Zhang Sanfeng will be greatly thanked by the Zhang family. "

"It's so ruthless. After killing a person, the corpse will be destroyed. Doesn't this mean that His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wangji has no ashes left?"

"To kill the Five Dou Rice Sect by one person is fierce, this Chuyue people are too arrogant!"

Ye Qing's death spread wildly in Chang'an and surrounding counties.

And the popular version is not the only one.

After receiving the news, Liu Buren hurried into the palace.

"Bastard, check, find out who is spreading rumors and causing trouble!"

After hearing Liu Buren's report, Ye Zhen became furious.

Because none of the many versions is Ye Qing who was killed by the Zhang family.

On the contrary, there are rumors that he, the emperor Ye Zhen, sent people to kill Ye Qing, intending to frame the Zhang family in Hanzhong as an excuse to attack Hanzhong and take back the privileges of the Zhang family in Hanzhong.

"Your Majesty, rumors are spread from multiple channels, and it is difficult to verify them at once. Rather than expending energy to investigate these rumor spreaders, I think it is better to confirm whether His Highness the Sixth Highness was killed!" Liu Buren suggested.

Rumor checking is nothing more than catching unimportant little people.

This kind of little guy only needs to spend a little money, and he can easily find work.

So there's no point in catching them.

Ye Zhen closed his eyes, and hit the desk hard.

"Passive, let the Zhang family do it first."

"I'm afraid Qing'er would have been placed under house arrest if she didn't die. It's no different from death."

"Liu Buren, let your people carry out the Thunder plan. Since the Zhang family wants to stir up the muddy water, let's make it even more muddy. In the past two months, everyone has no security, so let's solve it together."

"Qing'er, it doesn't matter whether you die or not. Da Zhou needs to change. Your death is more meaningful than your life!"

Liu Buren's heart was also agitated.

Do you really want to implement the Thunder plan?

Da Zhou is finally going to unravel the clouds and mists, and completely wipe out all the ghosts and monsters!
After Liu Buren left.

Ye Zhen said: "Come here, order Qin Hu to take over Nancheng County, and mobilize 200 people from Qianniuwei to station in Minwufang."

"Come here, the general Han Zhan, the cavalry general Deng Tao, the Minister of the Ministry of War Cao Zhen and others will enter the palace to discuss matters..."

Guo Jia, Li Ru, Zhang Yi, Shang Yang, and Shen Wansan gathered in the meeting hall.

"Everyone has received the news, and it is still the words of the master, no matter how fierce the rumors are, or how true they are, they cannot be believed, they are all fake news!"

"That's right, we're still going step by step and doing our own thing well, just like when the lord was in Hedong, we have to keep the house in order!"

"Your Majesty may really take over Minwufang and Nancheng County this time. Please tell the people below not to resist. If His Majesty wants to install it, let him install it."

"What if he even wants to take over our chamber of commerce restaurant?" Shen Wansan asked.

Everything else can be tolerated temporarily

Only this property cannot be handed over.

Once he is familiar with the other party, all the lifelines of Xiaoyao Mansion will be suppressed.

"Here it is, anyway, it's just some accounts. You have transferred all the real money. In a short time, His Majesty's people will not be able to control the chamber of commerce." Guo Jia said.

The others nodded slightly.

The five people were having a meeting, and then Gu Yangyang said: "Your Majesty has an order, and all five of you are required to receive the order."

All five have a purpose.

Everyone looked at each other and felt that the situation was getting worse.

When they came to the hall of the front hall, Zhang Rang opened the imperial decree and said:
"Xiaoyao was harmed by others. In order to prevent Xiaoyao Mansion from being taken advantage of by thieves, Li Ru is now specially appointed as Xiaoyao Wang Lang Zhongling, the head of the mansion, and lead everyone in Xiaoyao Mansion to guard Xiaoyao Mansion to ensure the safety of the mansion."

"The minister accepts the order!"

This is no problem at all, so Li Ru accepted the appointment decisively.

Zhang Rang went on to say: "Zhang Yi's writing was promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Rites; Gongsun Yang's writing was promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Punishment; Guo Jia was awarded the title of Foreign Minister of the Ministry of Officials; Shen Wansan was awarded Yi Lang."

All were promoted.

Although Shen Wansan is only a small negotiator, he is qualified to enter the court and participate in state affairs.

The status suddenly rose.

This is a very generous treatment for him as a businessman.

"Everyone, please receive the decree!" Zhang Rang accepted the imperial decree and was an old acquaintance with everyone, and his friends who covered their faces pretended to wipe the corners of their eyes. There were no tears at all, but some tears came out by himself.

"His Royal Highness left suddenly. My condolences to all of you. This old slave is very sad, but for Xiaoyao Mansion, everyone still needs to cheer up. The palace is very peaceful, so I don't wish you a high promotion, I will go back first!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Rang turned around and left without being polite.

With Ye Qing's death, his affection in Xiaoyao Mansion will be like this.

As long as you don't provoke him, he won't be getting close to Xiaoyao Mansion.

However, he did not dare to offend Zhang Yi and the others.

Because these people's official positions are not low, before he has a new backer, he has to be a man with his tail between his legs.

After letting Zhang go, Shen Wansan cursed: "This bastard, the news of the Lord's death hasn't been confirmed yet, so he's in a hurry to get rid of us."

"Don't get angry with him, it's very easy to crush this bastard to death." Zhang Yi was the first to follow Ye Qing.

Back then, I had seen Zhang Rang's dog-like nature.

Still holding this guy's letter of allegiance in his hand, he can kill him at any time.

So I didn't take it seriously at all, but said to everyone:

"Sure enough, as expected, His Majesty wants to attack us at Xiaoyao Mansion, split us up with a big stick, and promote us with sweet dates. With such a method of winning over, it would be difficult for someone else to refuse!"

(End of this chapter)

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