I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 467? Ye Wei went to the Huashan School

Chapter 467 Ye Wei Goes to the Huashan School
"The lord is not here, we can't refuse, can't we?"

Zhang Yi laughed.

Others also smiled wryly.

Ye Zhen's actions quickly alarmed all parties.

Fufeng Palace!

"Father! You really wanted the life of the sixth child. Now you have an excuse. Now that you have swallowed Xiaoyao Mansion, the next step is to take back the military and political power in Hedong, and then you have to clean up the entire Chang'an! "

"We won't sit around like this, your sons are not stupid!"

Chu Palace!
Empress Xiongyue came to Chu Palace on the grounds of going out of the palace to enjoy the spring.

"Mother, the matter is becoming clearer and clearer, and the father has taken action."

Ye Cai was both happy and worried at the moment.

Ye Qing died, and this heart disease went away.

But correspondingly, Ye Zhen was about to amplify his moves.

One by one of them will be cleared out to make way for the king of Xiliang to return to the capital.

The Chuyue kingdom is the biggest obstacle.

It is also the first and most direct object.

"It wasn't your father who did it, but the Zhang family did it." Empress Xiongyue walked on the path beside the lotus pond in the back garden of Prince Chu's mansion, and said as she walked:

"It is impossible to confirm whether Ye Qing is dead or not, but the Zhang family has made a choice based on scriptures, which is forcing your father to do something.

Now the Zhang family has two cards in their hands. They can advance, attack, retreat, or defend. It is far more difficult than your father and us expected. "

If Ye Qing didn't die, the Zhang family could attack with Ye Jin, Marquis of Hedong, or defend with Ye Qing. Then Ye Zhen would have no excuse to attack Hanzhong County.

This is the benefit of the Zhang family's initiative.

"Shouldn't we do nothing after the mother? Hanzhong is blocked, who knows what's going on inside?" Ye Cai was a little anxious.

Ye Qing, this is a thorn.

Ye Qing is not dead, he is uneasy.

Empress Xiongyue shook her head and said: "How is it possible? The game starts with scriptures. Your father has his way of playing, and we have ours. When to attack Hedong is the time to end all this. His father's body But it’s getting worse day by day, all we need is an opportunity..."


Hongnong County!
Ye Wei who was demoted from Chang'an!

After arriving in Hongnong, I was idle.

Keep recruiting and training soldiers.

"Come on, drive to the Huashan School, I want to have a good chat with the head of Yue Buqun!"

It turned out that Ye Wei had not only been wooing civil and military officials in the county.

He didn't stop at wooing the Huashan faction.

Not long after hearing the news of Ye Qing's death, he jumped up almost ten feet high.

Soon Ye Wei and others arrived at Huashan School.

Yue Buqun didn't reject the door either, and let him go up the mountain.

"I don't know why Hongnong Hou came here!"

Although Yue Buqun had a smile on his face, his attitude was a bit cold.

Ye Wei himself is a smiling tiger.

Not annoyed, he cupped his hands at Yue Buqun and said:

"The Huashan faction has two things to do here, one is to save the head of Yue, and the other is to avenge the head of Yue!"

"Hahaha, Hongnonghou is really good at joking. My Huashan faction has no enmity with the world, and I, Yue, don't even have any grudges against others. Where is the enmity? Where is the danger of my Huashan faction? Hongnonghou is here to scare people. Something is wrong!"

His attitude was cold, but he didn't chase people away.

This is the signal.

Ye Wei said: "Master Yue, let's get straight to the point. Your Huashan sect was established with the support of the sixth brother. On the surface, you are a cooperative relationship, but in fact, you came out of the Xiaoyao Mansion of the sixth brother."

Yue Buqun remained silent.

Ye Wei went on to say: "Your Majesty has great ambitions. He took over the Xiaoyao Mansion just after the sixth brother died. Ordinary people will think that this is the same as the last time in Hedong. Your Majesty is protecting Xiaoyao Mansion.

In fact, it is not, because this time His Majesty wants to annex the Xiaoyao Mansion, not only the Xiaoyao Mansion in Chang'an, but also the Hongnong County in Hedong. "

"What exactly did Lord Hou want to say?" Yue Buqun's face darkened, showing displeasure.

Ye Weidao: "Father doesn't simply want to solve the problems of the court and the place, but also wants to solve the problems of the rivers and lakes. The front part of the father's body is restrained, and he wants to accumulate strength. Now he has shown his fangs through the scriptures." , I dare say that the first knife in Jianghu will definitely be cut on the Huashan faction. With you, the Huashan faction will not be able to further annex Xiaoyao Mansion arbitrarily. He can really feel at ease."

"Hahaha Marquis, you really know how to joke. You say that His Majesty is very talented, so why can't my Huashan faction serve him? We are originally from Xiaoyao Mansion. Since he has received Xiaoyao Mansion, it is not a bad idea to accept us. .” Yue Buqun’s eyes flashed brightly, and he stared at Ye Wei firmly.

As if to say, we are not worthless garbage.

If you want to win over, won't the emperor be gentle?

Ye Wei seemed to have guessed that Yue Buqun would say so, and said with a smile: "Unfortunately, even if he wants to accept the Huashan School, he will definitely not have a few core members headed by your head, Yue Buqun.

Moreover, the Huashan School will not exist in the future, because His Majesty does not want the existence of the six major schools, and as a new school, you can imagine the ending. "

Yue Buqun fell into silence again.

Ye Wei didn't say much.

Waiting quietly.

After a long time, Yue Buqun said: "Then what is Hou Ye doing here? My Huashan faction, death and life have nothing to do with Hou Ye. Hou Ye came here to sneer and sneer. Don't be afraid that I will kill you now!"

"Hahaha, if you want to achieve great things, why care about life and death." Ye Wei stood up and said:
"I'm here to discuss cooperation with Yue Changzhang. Now Zhou will usher in unprecedented changes. We are all on the cusp of the storm. Unite together to tide over the difficulties. Win-win cooperation is the best policy!"

Yue Buqun had a hint of hesitation on his face, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "What kind of cooperation does Hou Ye want!"

Ye Wei smiled, this time a little brightly, and stepped forward slowly.


The Kingdom of Shu thousands of miles away!
The basic route of Meng Ying and others leaving Shu Kingdom is similar to that of Ye Qing and others, that is, going south along the Shu River to reach Jidao, then Ye Qing and others follow the river to the east, while she goes against the current and enters the Jinsha River to go to one of Baipu. cloud country.

With Meimen's help, they got a large number of war horses and headed south quickly.

Suddenly, Ye Qing reined in his horse and stopped.

Bu Xiaofan, Guo Xiang and the others also reined in sharply. "Brother Ye, what's the matter?"

The two girls asked, blinking their eyes left and right.

Ye Qing smiled and said: "It's nothing, I suddenly thought of something, slow down, and go for a while!"

The second daughter does not doubt that she has it.

"System, report to me again, what kind of information can be sold just now!"

"Good host."

The next moment, the system reported again:
"Ding! Master, Emperor Ye Zhen of the Great Zhou wants to know whether King Xiaoyao of the Great Zhou died in order to carry out the Thunder plan. He is willing to spend 1 taels of silver as a reward, whether to sell it or not!"

"Ding! Master, Emperor Ye Zhen of the Great Zhou Dynasty wants to know the layout of King Xiaoyao of the Great Zhou Dynasty in Hedong. Fortunately, after annexing Xiaoyao Mansion, he will annex Ye Qing's civil, military and military forces in Hedong to realize the centralization of military and horse power across the country. He is willing to spend 1 yuan Will the two silver be sold as a reward?"

(End of this chapter)

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