I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 468 Bridge Tunnel Technology and Li Chun

Chapter 468 Bridge Tunnel Technology and Li Chun
Annex my Xiaoyaofu!
The emperor, the emperor!

Can't wait so much?

"Ding! Master, the Great Zhou Empress Xiong Yue wants to know all the trump cards of the Great Zhou Emperor Ye Zhen, so that she can make the final preparations for the poisoned death and then help her cotyledon Cai ascend the throne. She is willing to spend 10 taels of silver as a reward, whether to sell it or not! "

"Ding! Master, Xiong Wan, the emperor of the Chuyue Kingdom, wants to know the defense map of Wuguan, so as to prepare for supporting Xiong Yue in seeking the central power of the Great Zhou Kingdom. He is willing to spend 1 taels of silver as a reward. Do you want to sell it?"

And intelligence!

Empress Xiongyue is about to make a move.

Poison Ye Zhen to death!

Ye Qing was somewhat shocked by this news.

At the same time, it also made him unnaturally exude killing intent.

The death of King Shang of Shu is still vivid.

Ye Qing couldn't help being afraid.

Xiong Wan, Emperor of Chuyue Kingdom, wanted to know the defense map of Wuguan?

The horror is that Ye Qingxin arranged for the generals to redeploy the Wuguan pass.

"However, with the Lantian Valley here, and the cooperation of the inside and the outside, I am afraid that even a hundred thousand troops will lose their defense."

Want to sell?
Ye Qing pondered for a while, then glanced at Mao Dongdong and the others.

Gritting his teeth, he said, "System, it's sold! It's all sold."

"I hope I can succeed, so I can catch up, otherwise... I also have enough strength to retake Chang'an."

"Ding! The transaction was successful!"

"After deducting 20% ​​of the handling fee, master, you still have XXXXXX taels of silver and 4 lucky draw opportunities!"

Ye Qing said directly: "The system draws prizes!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a general card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing an item card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a data card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a craftsman card!"

This time there are many categories.

All kinds of one!
Ye Qing said: "System, use cards!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the general card and obtaining the Three Kingdoms Jiang Qin (first class)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the owner for using the item card and getting [-] boxes of sanitary napkins ([-] boxes for each of the top ten brands)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the data card and obtaining the technical data of the bridge and tunnel!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the artisan card and obtaining Li Chun from the Sui Dynasty!"

Jiang Qin!

One of the famous generals of Soochow Wu in the Three Kingdoms and one of the Twelve Tiger Ministers of Jiangbiao.

Zhou Tai and Zhou Tai are a good couple.

He is also a master of water warfare.

The navy team has grown again.

One hundred thousand boxes of sanitary napkins.

Ye Qing was stunned.

A little embarrassing.

This thing... wait.

Ye Qing glanced at Bu Xiaofan and Guo Xiang on the left and right.

It appears to be for them.

Bridge Tunnel Technical Information This is a very important practical technology.

Li Chun!

Ye Qing couldn't remember for a while, which big guy this is!

"System, introduce Li Chun!"

Li Yuchun knew that Li Chun was still a little confused.

"Master, Li Chun, a bridge builder in the Sui Dynasty. The Zhaozhou Bridge (Anji Bridge) was built from the 15th year of Emperor Kaihuang to the beginning of Daye (595-605).

The Jiaohe Stone Bridge in Zhaozhou was built by Sui craftsman Li Chun. This bridge embodies Li Chun's sweat and painstaking efforts.

Li Chun is the first bridge expert in the history of architecture in China and even in the world. "

"It turned out to be the builder of the Zhaozhou Bridge. No wonder he seems to have known each other, but he can't remember too clearly!"

"Li Chun is good, he has a bright future in the future!"

If you want to be rich, you must first build bridges, and you cannot cross without bridges and roads.

It can be said that rivers, large and small, will invisibly hinder the communication between various places on the earth.

With the bridge, travel is convenient, and dispatching soldiers can reach their destination faster.

This is very important.


City of Thorns!
The [-] Shu Kingdom's navy gathered here!
The number of large and small warships reached [-].

Not to mention the Shu River, even the big rivers can be densely packed.

Looking down from the air, countless black spots sealed off the river for ten miles.

"Du Yan, Qi Bing and others are useless. They can't even defeat the hastily prepared Xiaoyaofu navy, so that the entire army was wiped out, and we had to force us to go north."

"It's only a hundred warships, and it's the same in Dadu. When you get to the Thorn Road, you'll die!"

"Okay, everyone, General Zhennan ordered that you don't need to live, and wiped out the water army in Xiaoyao Mansion cleanly and beautifully. As long as you can catch or kill Ye Qing, it will be a great achievement. At that time, you will be granted the title of Marquis and Prime Minister." No problem!"

"If 4 people can't wipe out just 5000 people, then we don't have to report to General Zhennan, we wipe our necks and commit suicide first."

The generals of the Shu Kingdom's navy began to discuss.

"Report! Generals, the Xiaoyao Mansion Navy has arrived!"

Suddenly a soldier came to report back.

The convenience of the Shu Kingdom's navy immediately came to life.

They boarded the top of the city one after another, looking to the north.

Jidao City is in the south of the Shu River, in the north of Jinsha, and in the west of the Great River.

It is close to the Hengduan Mountains in the north and faces water on three sides, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack.

One city controls three rivers, the geographical location is extremely superior and important.

Without going out of the city, you can overlook the upper reaches of the north, and the view is excellent.

"Looking at it from a distance, their boat has some characteristics, but it's not necessarily bigger than ours!"

"It's a bit late, it's more than a day behind the prediction, and it seems that the speed is not fast!"

"I'm afraid it's technically impossible. After all, the strength of the newly formed navy is limited. The wider the river is, the more ferocious the water will be."

"I'm afraid they will be timid and go south tremblingly!"

The guard of Thorn Road City said: "No matter what, the opponent is an army after all, not a civilian. We can despise him strategically, but we still need to pay attention to tactics. Although our army has a large number of warships, the command is not enough. Unification, I don’t know which general is willing to take on the post of commander-in-chief and cooperate with the various ministries to fight!”

The qualified ones are Thorn Road City Guard, Jiangyang Guard and Nan'an Guard.

"Jiangyang Shoujiang said, I am not familiar with Shu generals, and I prefer to set up formations in the big river, gather together and annihilate them as a technique of encirclement, I will not compete with the two of you, my Jiangyang navy is willing to suppress for you .”

The guard of Thorn Road City looked at the guard of Nan'an.

The Nan'an guard said: "Then let me come. Our Nan'an navy was supposed to fight the enemy in Nan'an. In order to be safe, we must not go south to join you in Thorny Road City. Although our army is only [-], it does not mean that we The Ministry can't afford the Xiaoyao Mansion Navy, and it's just for the overall situation, so it's more appropriate for our Ministry to be the vanguard."

Said to be the commander, or the military power is in their own hands.

No one can mobilize and point to the other.

The guard of Nan'an City is still self-aware of this.

The other two also had no opinion.

So the Nan'an guard took his team out of the city and boarded the warship to fight.

However, the guards of Thorn Road City and Jiangyang City just sent a lieutenant aboard. The Nan'an City Navy was fighting anxiously, and they stepped forward to help, otherwise it would be a good show.

So the two of them did not leave the city with many generals.

Instead, they watched the battle in the city.

Five thousand against forty thousand.

One to eight combat power ratio.

There is no doubt that the water army of Xiaoyao Mansion will be defeated.

On the upstairs boat, Zhou Yu and others put down the binoculars.

"The Thorn Road City is surrounded by water on three sides, and is surrounded by mountains on one side. It is a very strategically important place. It not only restrains the three waterways, but also controls the north and south shores, protecting the southern barrier of the Kingdom of Shu. In this way, regardless of the barbarian countries or tribes in the south No matter how powerful they are, they will not be able to jump into the hinterland of Shu."

"So, as long as the Kingdom of Shu has the ambition to expand southward, it can push the country's territory south by a thousand or eight hundred miles. It really is a city that prospers the country."

Zhang Liangdao: "It's a pity that the people of Shu are happy in An, such a uniquely blessed place, where the wind of pleasure is very strong, and it is impossible to achieve the situation of the Great Zhou Dynasty, which started at the end of the year and became stronger with each passing day. "

"Don't lament for the Kingdom of Shu, Mr. B. After this battle, we will have a future. Otherwise, we will be the sinners of Xiaoyao Mansion." Han Xin added his lips and said:

"If only I had another infantry, I would take advantage of the opportunity of the water battle and attack Thorn Road City along the west bank. I dare say that Thorn Road City would never have thought of this."

(End of this chapter)

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