I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 469? We can attack the city without bloodshed

Chapter 469 We Can Enter the City Without Bloodshed
"What you said makes it look like our navy is not infantry!"

Wang Ping stood up and said with a half face.

Han Xin was embarrassed when he heard this.

He hurriedly said again: "I mean, it would be nice to have more pawns like Wudang Feijun!"

"Hahaha, Han Xin, it's useless for you to explain, you have sinned General Wang!"

Wolong Zhuge Liang and the others laughed loudly.

Wudang Wujun is originally a mountain infantry, okay?

Zhou Yu said: "Although we don't have any extra pawns, I can spare [-] pawns for you to dispatch. If you can capture Thorn Road City, it will be more perfect. We can take a good rest here and replenish some pawns." Soldiers, I don't believe that all Shu people are dependent on the Zhang family, there must be many loyal ministers and good men."

"Thank you, then I will be disrespectful." Han Xin bowed to Zhou Yu, and then said to Wang Ping and Zhang Yi:

"The two generals are willing to follow me!"

Like Wang Ping, Zhang Ni, and Han Xin, their initial force was second-rate.

However, the three of them, like Zhou Yu, all obtained a Rising Dragon Pill from Ye Qing.

At this time, the four of them are all first-class generals.

Wang Ping and Zhang Yi are the army, so they are willing to give it a try.

They all said: "I would like to listen to the master's orders!"

1000 people attacked Thorn Road City, just thinking about it is exciting.

Zhang Fei murmured: "Mr. Han Xin, count me in, I will keep you safe."

Zhang Fei is also a general in land warfare, he can't play an advantage in the water and he doesn't want to stay on the boat.

Han Xin said happily: "In this way, there will be General Lao Zhang!"

"Haha, it's easy to say, let's see how I can win you the first place!" Zhang Fei laughed.

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang said: "Yide, didn't you promise to protect me? If you don't want me, I will be angry."

"Hey, Mr. Kong Ming, why are you so stingy today? You are a master of the first rank, and you have a magic circle composed of many warships, and it is a waste to dominate an infantry general."

Zhang Liang came over and said, "Kong Ming asks Kong Jian to guard you!"

Space is the guardian of Ye Qing's arrangement for Zhang Liang.

Wolong Zhuge Liang smiled slightly when he heard the words: "No need, just kidding, if my safety is threatened, it means that our navy has been defeated by the opponent in the past, and we have lost the water battle, and it is a shame to live It's better to die than to die with all your strength."

Soon Zhou Yu dispatched a thousand Wudang flying troops to Han Xin, let them set foot on the shore, and quietly approach Thorn Road City from the west along the mountains.

The Wudang Flying Army is originally a mountain jungle army.

Marching in the mountains without roads is also like walking on flat ground.

They followed Thorns Road City earlier than the navy's warships.


As soon as Han Xin stretched out his hand, some soldiers immediately took out the precious telescope from the box.

After taking the binoculars, Han Xin observed the defense situation of Thorn Road City, and then handed it over to Wang Ping.

"The generals of the Shu Kingdom's navy have the confidence to win this battle. The gates of the city are not closed, and people are allowed to come in and out. It is really arrogant. This is our opportunity, so we will come this time. correct."

Wang Ping handed the binoculars to Zhang Fei, nodded and said, "The Thorn Road City is different from other cities. It has only two gates, namely the West Gate and the East Gate. Enter.


"The west gate is a back door for chopping firewood. Have you seen it? Those who enter and leave the west gate are not Shu people, but a lot of minority tribes with different clothes." Han Xin analyzed:

"Behind this mountain is the Hengduan Mountain Range. It is said that it stretches for thousands of miles. There are some barbaric tribes in the mountain. They make a living by selling firewood and hunting, so the personnel are miscellaneous. This is our opportunity!"

"So, we can attack without bloodshed, without even climbing the wall?" Zhang Ni, who had never had a sense of presence, asked in surprise.

Han Xin patted him on the shoulder: "Go down and get ready, search the nearby mountain people, take as many as you can, change your clothes, and we will enter the city swaggeringly."

This is the first battle he commanded by Han Xin, so he must fight beautifully.


On the side of the Shu Kingdom's navy, the drivers were laid out and divided into three columns. The first column was 8000 people from the Nan'an City Navy.

The second column is [-] in Thorn Road City.

The third column of [-] troops directly lined up the warships to the river.

The whole is triangular awl shape.

The defender of Nan'an City did not attack immediately, but sent a search boat with a white flag to persuade them to surrender.

"Listen to the sailors of Xiaoyao Mansion, you are surrounded by scriptures. There are [-] sailors from our Shu Kingdom here. You have nowhere to go. Surrender immediately if you are sensible. Our general Zhennan cherishes talents the most. You just need to surrender." will be reused.”

Zhou Yu waved his hand and said, "Sign the flag, tell Gan Ning to sink this ship for me. This ship is here to find out the truth of our army."

Gan Ning received a reminder from Zhou Yu, the position in the Chinese army, and cursed angrily: "I said why the people of the Shu Kingdom are playing tricks first and then soldiers. It turns out that they are playing tricks. How stupid, 4 people still dare not take the initiative to attack!"

Speaking of which, Gan Ning jumped from the flagship of the general to the ship of Yisou Centipede.

"Let me kill them, I will kill them myself!"

The soldiers under him immediately took up the scull and paddle.

Like a shuttle, the centipede boat jumped out like flying.

It was originally going downstream, and the speed was even faster. The whole ship seemed to be floating above the mountain.

With a whoosh, they arrived near the warship of the Shu army flying the white flag.

The soldiers of the Shu army were all stunned.

When he reacted, Gan Ning had already raised his bow and shot an arrow, and shot down the official of the Shu Kingdom's navy standing in front.

The centipede boat continued to fly towards Su, and when it was about to collide, a dragon flicked its tail to avoid it.

Then a few hooks flew over, fixing the centipede ship and the enemy ship.

Then the Wudang flying army on the centipede ship quickly shot the three arrows in their hands.

The Shu soldiers on the pen boat will be shot with arrows one after another.


Gan Ning was the first to jump over to help.

Slash with a knife.

The Wudang Feijun who jumped over also slashed and stabbed with a short blade.

In less than ten breaths, the entire enemy ship was captured, and the Shu soldiers on it were either dead or captured.

"Sure enough, it is recording the size and formation of our navy's ships. Gong Jin's concerns are reasonable!"

Gan Ning took a look and saw that a young enemy general fell to the ground and kicked into the water.

"Set it on fire, burn it, go back!"

Cleanly dealt with the opponent's scout ship, Gan Ning returned to his own centipede ship with all the soldiers.

Before leaving, he pushed the enemy ship again, pushing the enemy ship that had been fired downstream, adding a little trouble to the Shu Kingdom's navy.

The officers and soldiers of the Shu Kingdom's navy in the lower reaches were also stunned.

Such a fast warship approached in an instant.

Even faster is the bravery of the opponent's sailors.

Such a short capture of our warships.

"It seems that Du Yan, Qi Bing and the others deserved their defeat. The opponent is a capable navy."

The general of the Nan'an Water Army drew his sword and pointed: "Get ready and fight with your best form. Our enemy is very strong and should not be underestimated. There will be no retreat in this battle. Beat the drums..."

(End of this chapter)

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