I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 470?? This fire can help our army win a complete victory

Chapter 470 This fire can help our army win a great victory
"Dong dong dong..."

The drums on both sides sounded.

Both sides are poised to go.

I saw an awl array set up in the direction of Shu.

Zhou Yu also changed his formation, waving the battle flag and saying:
"Change the formation, strengthen the middle, arrange the buildings and ships side by side, put more large-winged warships and thousand-mile ships on the two wings, and move forward.

The transverse compartment ship is centered. "

The order was passed forward.

Gan Ning and others immediately changed their formation.

Instead, the entire offensive formation has two wings protruding, forming a scorpion formation.

The scorpion head is iron, and the two pliers are powerful. It is a killer move.

The general of the Nan'an Water Army in the Kingdom of Shu was overjoyed to see him.

Waving his long sword, he said, "Chong Chong! Take the initiative to meet up, break through the enemy fleet, and empty the enemy's formation for me!"

This side is the awl array, which is good for piercing.

I didn't expect the opponent to put up such a formation.

Exactly what he wanted.

So he also ordered the onslaught.

But he was in the rear, so he couldn't see the battleship in front very clearly.

The soldiers of our side who rushed to the front saw the huge building boat rushing towards them.

Each has a different expression.

Most are shocked!
"so big!"

"So high!"

"Can we hit each other?"

Many soldiers moved their throats.

Feel suspicious.

"What are you looking at, let me charge, the enemy fleet is rushing over, do you want to die?"

A general of the Shu Kingdom's navy gave a loud shout.

Only then did the sailors of Shu come to their senses.

Then he bravely rushed forward with the warship.

"Fire arrows!"

Condescending, the flying army fired in echelons on all decks.

In front of the building boats in Xiaoyao Mansion, the Shu Kingdom's navy is the little brother who has no secrets.

Wanted to fight back, but ended up shooting against the advantage of not fighting

Only passively beaten.

Or passive defense.


Finally, the warships of the two sides collided together.


The battleship of the Shu Kingdom shook for a while, and then the bow of the ship was slammed into flowers.

There was a creaking sound, and the ship was crushed and torn apart.

The side to side shaking of the hull is even greater.

The soldiers of the Shu Kingdom's navy fell into the water one after another.

Before they surfaced, rows of closely packed building boats pushed past.

They didn't even have a place to surface to breathe.

"This...how could this be!"

The general of the Nan'an water army in the Kingdom of Shu was a little dumbfounded.

This is the opposite of what was expected.

His awl array is useless at all.

The sharp lordotic awl is vulnerable.

Discounted at the touch of a button.

This is the largest and strongest ship in the Nan'an Navy.

In the end, it turned out to be so different from the warship of Xiaoyao Mansion.

Are the opponent's warships all monsters?
Zhou Yu formed a scorpion formation, so when the middle head was fighting the Shu Kingdom's navy, the two big pincers were also fighting the Shu Kingdom's navy at the same time.

These warships are faster and their hulls are mainly conical.

When it collides, the tearing force is stronger.

Moreover, the two wings of the Shu Kingdom's navy are weak, and the size of the warships is also smaller than that of the large-winged warships.

They were easily defeated by the large-winged warships Twenty and Thousand Miles of the Xiaoyao Mansion.

Two kinds of main battle, one kind of main attack.

The fighters wiped out the enemy.

The attackers use their speed to rush in, disrupting the enemy's deployment and communication.

Realize the rapid outflanking of the two wings.

"General, our two wings are also rapidly breaching defenses, unable to block the enemy ship!"

The Xiaoyao Mansion in the middle advances slowly, crushing forward, and there is no enemy left behind.

At this time, he was completely killed by Xiaoyao Mansion.

The general of the Nan'an water army was so anxious that cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

If it is another time, the retreat order can be issued.

But not now.

Because there is still the water army of Thorn Road City behind.

I have nowhere to retreat.

Moreover, if they retreated boldly, even the deployment of Thorn City's water army would be disrupted, causing a chain reaction.

Just when he hesitated.

Zhou Yu on the opposite side put down the binoculars.

The corner of the mouth is slightly raised.

"The flag ship slows down, the transverse compartment ship and the centipede ship press up, and the two-winged warship shoots rockets. Let's watch Kong Ming's performance."

Go down with a semaphore.

The building boat slowed down and separated the situation.Charge forward from the transverse compartment ship and centipede ship!

"Launch the rocket, furl the sail and paddle!"

Han Shizhong and Zhou Tai were in charge of the two wings. After receiving Zhou Yu's order, they also decisively issued a new order.

With the sound of drums and flags, all ships fired rockets at the Shu army.

At the same time, he collected his sails and oars.

"Gather together and press the boat!"

At the same time, on a transverse compartment ship at the forefront.

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang, standing on the highest deck.

The eight cards in his hand were thrown into the air.

With a pinch of Jujue, he muttered words.

"The wind is coming!"

Word down!

The sky was cloudy.

The wind blows from north to south.

The sails and flags of the ship fluttered.

The clothes on his body are also full of wind, trying to blow people into the sky.

The small boat swayed from side to side, and people fell into the water one after another.

The warships of the Shu Kingdom's navy uncontrollably descended downstream.

"The yellow dragon soars into the sky, and Li Huo destroys the world! The sky fire is raging, burning up your body! Attack!"

Right here, Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang, standing firmly on the deck, waved his feather fan.

The warships on the two wings of the Nan'an Navy of the Shu State were on fire, and the flames ignited, and they used the wind to burn down the ships downstream, one by one.

"Burn! This fire will help our army win a big victory."

Then Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang waved his lupine sideways again.

The flames on both wings rushed towards Zhongyang's warship.

In an instant, all the warships in the middle were also ignited.

All the warships of the Nan'an Navy were set on fire at this moment. It was really a battalion of beacon fires. There was a sea of ​​fire in the water, which was very spectacular.

"It's over, it's over!"

"Quickly retreat, quickly retreat! Withdraw from the Shu River!"

Seeing that Nan'an Shui Shuai was finished, the deputy general of Thorny Road City yelled for a second and wanted to withdraw.

But it was too late at this time.

The wind blew wildly, and the ships of his team collided one after another.

Not to mention controlling the battle, it is difficult to stabilize it.


The sail pole was blown off in an instant and fell hard.

The guard of Thorn Road City was in no hurry to dodge, and was directly thrown into the water.

Hundreds of ships collided with each other, and there was a lot of wailing and screaming.

Many warships were directly damaged and unable to move.

Not to mention avoiding the flames of friendly warships coming from above.


After a search, the fire boat rushed down, and with the help of the wind, the flames blew over in an instant, spreading the fire over.

"It's over, how could this happen."

In Thorn Road City, the guard's face was ashen, and he leaned on the wall with a miserable expression.

His eyes were full of bitterness.

The guard of Jiangyang City kept muttering: "Hurry up! Hurry up, hurry up!"

It turned out that the water army warships in Thorn Road City were also blown down by the wind. Although the Jiangyang City water army was at the junction of the two rivers, the entire battle formation was really huge, and the ships were equally numerous and small.

They were also knocked together one after another in the strong wind, and it was difficult to control them all to evacuate.

"It's over, it's on fire!"

Soon the fire on the water army warship in Thorn Road City also spread to the water army warship in Jiangyang City, and one burned and the other spread southward.

However, Jiangyang City was lucky. Many boats entered the Jinsha River against the current, but they were not in the big river.

This part of the warships on the Jinsha River was spared, and was not affected by the strong wind and fire.

"Fortunately, one-fifth of the warships have been preserved."

The Jiangyang city guard let out a long sigh of relief.

His navy was finally not wiped out.


But just when he was rejoicing, the sound of killing suddenly came from the city.

An arrow flew up to the city and was nailed to the beam overhead.

(End of this chapter)

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