I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 471? Zhang Fei's Roar

Chapter 471 Zhang Fei's Roar
"what happened?"

"What's going on in the city?"

The guard of Thorn Road City was also a little dazed when he heard the shouts of killing coming from below the city.

Then the wind suddenly stopped.

Only then can everyone stand upright.

"The general is not well, someone has come in from the west gate, and the treasury and government office in the city have fallen!"

Word down!

I saw another ten arrows flying towards him.

The soldier who had just spoken was also shot and killed.

"Bastard, where did the rebels come from!"

The guard of Thorn Road City immediately cursed: "What are you still doing, go down and kill me, and wipe out the rebels!"

The battle started under the city, and a powerful army captured the city gate and closed it.

Attack on the city.

The guards of Thorn Road City and Jiangyang City brought their own guards and the original guards of the East Gate to block the stairs, and the two sides shot at each other.

In the city!

The people of Thorn Road City were also shocked.

Why did someone come to the city?

"Listen well, Zhang Ren's rebellion, killing the king and proclaiming the emperor is a big treason, all the guards and soldiers of the city are the accomplices of the Zhang family's thieves and bandits. Today we only avenge your majesty and kill the rebellious party. Everyone who has nothing to do with them will go home, otherwise they will all be treated Conspire against the rebels for the Zhang family."

Holding the long sword in his hand, Han Xin said as he walked:
"Loyal ministers and men of the Shu Kingdom, it's time for you to be loyal to the country and serve the country. Those who kill the rebels will be rewarded. Whoever can kill Zhang Ren's general can directly obtain his official title."

"Whoever can bring out five people to kill bandits with the army is the Corporal Leader, and whoever can bring out ten men to kill bandits will be Shichang.

Who can bring out 100 people, he is the centurion, King Qin's opportunity is in front of him, and the sword of loyalty is in my hand, I am still a man and I killed Zhang's rebels! "

Han Xin's words shocked the people of Thorn Road City and the scattered officers and soldiers who were secretly observing in the alleys on the corners and alleys.

"Your Majesty is dead? Did Zhang Ren kill the king?"

"Damn it, I just said that Zhang Ren is not a good guy, so they killed the king in the capital of Shu!"

"The Kingdom of Shu is over, it's over, the country has no king, and the king has no heir..."

"Rebels, how dare they, how dare they be so bold. Although your majesty is not benevolent, he is still your majesty. Although your majesty is fatuous, he is not to the point of cruelty. How dare you kill the king!"

No matter how much the upper class hates the emperor, but what is engraved in the bones of the people, the emperor cannot be offended.

Whoever kills the king is a great treason.

No matter which country you go to, you will be cast aside.

It is always taboo to commit the following offenses.

Always be shameless.

"King Qin! King Qin! I want to kill the traitors, and I want to be a general!"

"I can pull out a hundred, I am the centurion, do it!"

"I shouldn't be a soldier of the Zhennan General's Mansion anymore. I am a native of Dashu, not a private member of the Zhang family."

A soldier of Thorn Road City garrison tore off his robe, wrapped it around his arm and said, "Now I want to join the rebel army!"

These Shu people didn't know the identities of Han Xin and others, and thought they were the rebel army drawn by the loyal generals loyal to King Shang of Shu.

So they joined their battle to attack the city gate.

"Damn, why are there so many enemies, why can't they kill them all!"

The guard of Thorn Road City personally held a spear and stabbed the soldiers who rushed up on the stairs.

The guards of Jiangyang City were not idle either.

They are all experienced generals, and their martial arts are not bad.

Wang Pingping and his men attacked several times but failed to kill them.

Instead, many soldiers were lost.

"Look at me, I'll meet them."

Zhang Fei rushed forward holding the Zhangba Snake Spear with glaring eyes.

"General Yide be careful!" Wang Ping below was anxious.

Zhang Fei is only a rank one.

The above enemies will have several entry levels.

I'm afraid I won't be able to take advantage of it.

Sure enough, the Shu soldiers above shot more than a dozen arrows.

Zhang Fei knocked out most of them, and was shot with an arrow in the arm without a sound.

But Zhang Fei didn't care at all, and rushed to the top with a few leaps.

A spear hit the past, blasting off the soldiers of Shu who were holding shields.

"The thief will die!"

The guard of Thorn Road City stabbed at him with a spear, Zhang Fei hastily blocked it.

Backhanded.Attack the past.

"Clang clang!" Twice.

The two fought fiercely with each spear and gun.

The soldiers of the Shu Kingdom who were nearby were all stabbed and killed by Zhang Fei intentionally or unintentionally.

This annoyed the Thorn Road City guard very much.

He hurriedly said: "Let's go together!"

On his own, he can only draw with Zhang Fei, and cannot kill Zhang Fei at all.

I had no choice but to put down my face and call a few generals to besiege together.

Zhang Fei took the opportunity to jump into a group of Shu soldiers again, stabbing left and right, and killed a gap at the top of the stairs.

Wang Ping's eyes lit up when he saw the opportunity, and he shouted: "Kill!"

As he said that, Wang Ping rushed up first.

"Kill this black-faced general!"

The guard of Jiangyang City also swung his sword over.

Zhang Fei received a stab and almost hit the general, but quickly retracted it, because the guard of Thorn Road City, who was also a first-rank strength, also stabbed horizontally.

Zhang Fei blocked, then retreated to the other side, stabbed with a spear, beheaded the other young general, and blocked one of them in front of him.

Several enemy generals slashed over and were blocked by the corpses of their companions.

Immediately more annoyed, the weapon in his hand twisted.

With a tear, the young general's body was torn into countless pieces.

All weapons move forward.


Zhang Fei turned around and avoided it.

The hand hit by the arrow was still stabbed by the spear.

Zhang Fei roared in pain.


This sound of rolling threatened a huge power, within a hundred steps it could shake people's hearts.

Within ten steps, it is even more dizzy, and the mind is a little blank.

Zhang Fei stabbed with a spear, lifted the man who had assassinated him high, and then pushed in with a long pole.

Directly pierced the person's body.

When Zhang Fei let go of his hand, he was about to land heavily.

It hit the two generals who attacked Zhang Fei with him.



Zhang Fei drew his spear.

With a pop, the man's body convulsed, out of breath.

The two below hurriedly hid.

The others did not dare to step forward, and looked at Zhang Fei in horror.

What kind of person is this? Howling can actually hurt people!

Wang Ping brought people up to kill them, and headed towards the opposite side to kill them.

Zhang Fei even stared and chased after him.

Below the city, more shouts of killing came.

Han Xin rushed up with other Wudang flying troops and a group of passionate men from Shu.


"This is……"

On the official road beside the Shu River, about twenty riders were running from north to south.

All of a sudden, they all slowed down, and one by one watched the battlefield on the Shu River turn into a sea of ​​flames. This was a spectacular scene.

There are different emotions in my heart.

"Our navy has won!"

Mao Dongdong looked at the warships upstream, and knew without guessing that this was the navy that Ye Qing temporarily formed in Shu.

"Yes, our navy won. It was a beautiful battle. The sea of ​​fire didn't even know where it went downstream!"

"There are so many navy troops in Shu, but it's over!"

Meng Ying, who was traveling with her, also had mixed feelings in her heart.

On the one hand, these are troops loyal to Zhang Ren, they are rebels.

On the one hand, they are also from Shu.

These warships are all the military forces of the Shu Kingdom.

Just like that, the fire burned it all.

"Why isn't your navy on fire?"

Meng Ying is a military rookie.

So it's a bit silly to ask.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "When we went south just now, there were dark clouds gathering here. I guess it was my people who attracted the strong wind. The fire took advantage of the wind and burned to the downstream. This has no effect on the upstream."

Wolong Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu successfully tested the magic circle in the water.

It seems that the two are really a pair of CP.

The art of setting fire is so tacit that it doesn't even need to be practiced,
Really... cool!

(End of this chapter)

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