I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 472? Set sail for the next stop in Jiangzhou

Chapter 472 Set sail for the next stop, Jiangzhou


Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang spat out a mouthful of blood.

The whole person suddenly became sluggish.

"Mr. Kong Ming, how are you?"

Kong Jian hurriedly helped Zhuge Liang, the crouching dragon.

Zhang Liang still gave the guard Ye Qing left to him to Wolong Zhuge Liang.

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang's already fair face became even paler.

"I'm fine, just take a rest and leave the rest to Gongjin and Zifang."

After finishing speaking, Wolong Zhuge Liang passed out directly.

Kong Jian yelled a few times, put it flat and said, "Row the boat and go to the flagship of the commander's building."


Needless to say, all warships are traveling upstream.

Try to stay as far away from the downstream fireboats as possible.

These warships will burn for at least several hours.

Moreover, the wreckage sank into the river, and it was inseparable for a short time.

"In this battle, Kong Ming will take the lead!"

Zhou Yu put down the binoculars, feeling a burst of emotion.

We are lucky to have such a team.

If it is an enemy, it will be troublesome.

Zhang Liang did not put down the binoculars, but aimed at the Thorny Road City Road:

"The city was taken down by Han Xin and the others, Double Happiness!"

"The city was captured so quickly!"

Zhou Yu raised the binoculars and observed Thorn Road City again.

I saw a flag of Xiaoyao Mansion erected on the city.

"Excellent, this guy Han Xin did it."

Just as the two were paying attention to Thorn Road City, the sound of drums came from behind.

The soldiers who received the semaphore immediately came to report:

"Great governor, my lord and the others have caught up, and they are on the shore!"

"The lord is here!"

Zhou Yu and Zhang Liang were taken aback.

Immediately overjoyed.

Take the binoculars and look towards the left rear wing.

Sure enough, they saw Ye Qing and the others.

"Three joys at the door!"

"There are a lot of people around the lord, and there are nine women, could it be..."

"Don't guess, be careful... Hehe!"

Soon Ye Qing and others were picked up on the ship.

Zhou Yu and Zhang Liang carefully reported the battle along the way.

At this time, Kong Ming was also sent up.

"Kong Ming vomits blood every time he sets fire, so try to make him play less with fire attacks in the future!"

Ye Qing waved someone to send him down to take care of Wolong Zhuge Liang.

Then he said to Meng Ying: "Third Princess, it's getting late, today I can only go to Thorn Road City to rest."

"Alright, let's go to Thorn Road City. Tomorrow I will go west to Yunguo, and you will follow the river to Baguo!" Meng Ying didn't have any objections.

So everyone landed from the west bank, and along the long and narrow bank, they came to the city of Thorns.

After entering the city and meeting Han Xin, only then did he understand how he captured the city.

Then he smiled and said to Meng Ying:

"Third Princess, do you want to meet those loyal ministers and men of the Shu Kingdom?"

Meng Ying wanted to refuse.

She is about to leave, what are these things doing.

However, Ye Qing persuaded: "The third princess has been in Meimen for a long time, and there may be fewer human accidents. If you want to deal with Zhang Ren in the future, win support, and establish your own banner, you still need a group of supporters.

In this way, even if the third princess leaves the Kingdom of Shu, there will be people in the country quietly accumulating strength for the third princess. "

Meng Ying thought for a while and said, "Okay! Let's meet then!"

Seeing that he agreed, Ye Qing asked Han Xin to hand over all the Shu people he gathered to Meng Ying.

Hearing that the three princesses had arrived, the Shu people who were still a little skeptical completely believed what Xiaoyao Mansion said.

Rest overnight.

The next day!

Ye Qing said goodbye to Meng Ying and others.

Before leaving, Meng Ying said, "Your Majesty Xiaoyao, I will entrust these people in the Kingdom of Shu to you for the time being. Your orders are my orders, and they will obey them."

"You don't take it away, or let them lurk all over the country!" Ye Qing didn't expect that Meng Ying would hand over all the three thousand soldiers Han Xin tricked from Thorn Road City to himself.

Meng Ying shook her head and said: "No, they can't follow me now, if they are alone in Shu Kingdom, they are not Zhang Ren's opponents, they will be wiped out one by one.

Only after you are guaranteed, you and your generals will teach them how to fight and survive.

These are more important to them. "

"You really trust me, aren't you afraid that I will abduct them to Dazhou?" Ye Qing suddenly felt that this girl was a little cute.

The three princesses are not stupid, on the contrary they are very smart.

Meng Ying smiled wryly, "It's not that I trust you, but that I can't find anyone I can trust."

These words seem to be contradictory.

But Meng Ying didn't explain, turned around and took the eight Meimen disciples out of the city, then took a boat across the Jinsha River to the south bank, and gradually disappeared at the opposite pier.

"Sail! Set sail!"

At the pier north of the east gate of Thorn Road City, Ye Qing and others boarded the warship, sailed down the river, and soon entered the river, and then disappeared from the sight of Thorn Road City.

"What will we do in the future of Shu?"

"The navy is almost completely wiped out, will the Pakistani navy go west?"

"Xiaoyao Mansion's army is really well-disciplined. They didn't commit any crimes. If only our army in Shu Kingdom was so strong!"

"Shu Kingdom, hmph, I don't know if there will be another Shu Kingdom in the future, I think it will be changed to Nanzheng Kingdom or Zheng Kingdom!"

The water army in Jiangyang City was almost completely wiped out, and the remnants who survived the catastrophe were still shivering in the Jinsha River.

Therefore, the largest naval force in the Kingdom of Shu is the most important defense line in Jiangyang.

In front of the water army of Xiaoyao Mansion, there is no defense.

When the water army from Xiaoyao Mansion arrived, the city was closed and no one dared to intercept them.

There is not even a living person in the navy Dazhai.

There are only some warships left behind.

"I've taken it, I've taken it all, I'll take away all the boats that can go." Gan Ning was like a bandit, he could do whatever he saw, and he added:
"Fire it up for me and let Zhang Ren allocate funds to rebuild it, haha..."



It is about the same size as the Shu Kingdom.

The national strength is weak.

A big river runs through nearly half of the country.

The border has three main rivers.

There are many mountains and mountains, and there is almost no way to reach them by land.

All the cities are built near the river.

The transportation of goods depends on ships.

Leaving the Kingdom of Shu, the first stop is Jiangzhou, the capital of the Kingdom of Ba.

Here is the strongest navy in Pakistan.

The capital is the outpost.

It's quite like the country is dead and the country is dead, and the king guards the country.

Jiangzhou City is located on Jiangzhong Island on the Dajiang River, surrounded by water, with Shidao as the city.

The stone island is tens of feet higher than the river.

Even during floods, when the river swelled, it would not be able to flood the island, let alone the city.

The Ba people built thick stone walls along the perimeter of Shidao.

Outsiders cannot climb rocks to sneak in.

There are three gates in Jiangzhou City, namely east, north and south.

Three gates correspond to three piers.

Next to the three piers are three navy villages.

If you want to capture Jiangzhou City, you must first destroy Ba Guoshuiguo, take the wharf, and then attack Jiangzhou Shicheng.

Yes, Jiangzhou City is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is known as an unsinkable warship.

With Jiangzhou City in place, the Shu Kingdom's navy was unable to advance eastward.

Therefore, Pakistan has never set up any outposts in the west.

A direct fight is the main decisive battle.

During the expedition of the Kingdom of Shu, there were no supplies and bridgeheads after leaving Jiangyang City.

So he didn't dare to go south easily, even if he went south, he couldn't stay in Jiangzhou for long, and he collapsed without a fight, and ran back to Shu Kingdom in despair.

"Jiangzhou City, Ba Kingdom, is really a strange city."

Ye Qing rubbed his chin and stared at the sketch: "The problems faced by the Shu Kingdom's navy are also problems we have to face, we can't spend too long outside Jiangzhou Island.

It is also very difficult to capture Jiangzhou City with a strong attack. It seems that we need to think of a different method! "

(End of this chapter)

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