I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 473 Ba Huang I Come to Save You and Ba Guo

Chapter 473 Ba Huang I Come to Save You and Ba Guo

"We are not here to attack Pakistan, but we can cooperate with Pakistan."

Zhang Liangdao: "My lord, the Ba Kingdom has always been under the pressure of the Shu Kingdom. Now that the Shu Kingdom's navy has been basically wiped out, it is a good time for the Ba Kingdom to go west. If the Ba Kingdom knows this good news, it will definitely be happy."

"I'm afraid that Pakistan will be greedy and wipe us out too." Ye Qing said worriedly.

Zhang Liangdao: "My lord, I am willing to go to Ba to share my worries."

"Okay, then you go to find out the situation in Ba Kingdom first, and I will ask Jun Bao to accompany you. If Ba Kingdom wants to use force, he will be able to retreat unscathed." Ye Qing thought for a while and finally agreed.

If Jiangzhou City didn't have that special delivery formation, he might have just rushed in.

But now you need to borrow that special delivery array, so you have to plan carefully.

After receiving the information from the west, the Ba Guo post got nervous for a while, thinking that the Shu Kingdom's navy was coming.

However, it was soon discovered that the navy had stopped on the water twenty miles away and did not continue southward.

Instead, an ordinary merchant ship was sent south.

The Pakistani navy let it in.

Cross-examination: "Who are you? What is the purpose of coming to Jiangzhou?"

Zhang Liang boarded the pier, bowed and said with a smile: "We are the envoys of the Great Zhou Kingdom, and we are here to meet Emperor Ba at the order of our lord, King Xiaoyao, and to present a great gift."

"The envoy of the Great Zhou Kingdom!"

The Pakistani general raised his eyebrows slightly.

Zhou and Ba Guo had no friendship.

How did the Zhou people run away? They came from Baguo.

But he didn't make things difficult for Zhang Liang, and took Zhang Liang to the island and entered Shicheng.

Zhang Liang followed this step by step and walked up the stone steps.

While walking, I lamented the steepness and difficulty of this road.

After entering Shicheng, I realized that there is a hole in the sky above, and most of the houses above are built with stones. Trees are planted in front of and behind the houses, and there are a lot of greening on the streets.

Except for the bluestone paved road.

Most of the other places are soil.

There is also a river in the stone city, and the water does not know where it comes from.

Zhang Liang secretly guessed that there are large springs on the island.

Yes, Shicheng is not short of water.

Soon Zhang Liang was taken to the palace.

The imperial officials of the Ba Kingdom are poorer than those of the Shu Kingdom.

But also spectacular.

It is all built of bluestone strips, tall and strong, and the building is to use the space upwards. The buildings are all multi-storey, which is very different from the original land and the Shu Kingdom.

It is quite similar to the taste of Jiameng City.

"Da Zhou envoy Zhang Liang from Xiaoyao Mansion pays a visit to Emperor Ba."

Bahuang looked at Zhang Liang, and after a while he said: "Excuse me, I don't know why you are here?"

Zhang Liang straightened his body and said, "At the order of my lord, King Xiaoyao, come here to give Ba a great gift!"

"Da Li, where is your big gift? Come out and show us." A civil servant on the right sneered:

"You are empty-handed, where did the ceremony come from? Could it be that you want to deceive me, Pakistan."

Zhang Liang raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked back, "Your Excellency!"

"This is Zhang Qiang, Director of the Rites Department of Baguo." A civil official introduced proudly.

The Division of Rites is equivalent to the Ministry of Rites of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The director is equivalent to the Minister of Rites.

The existence of the three princes and nine ministers shows that Zhang Qiong's status is quite high.

But Zhang Liang sneered.

"It turned out to be the director of the Ba Guoli Department. If I remember correctly, the director should be the Zhang family in Hanzhong!"

Zhang Qiong's face showed displeasure.

In Pakistan, he hates others talking about his old background.

He snorted and said, "So what, Zhang Liang, it's useless to change the subject. You came here empty-handed. You're deceiving the emperor, and the crime is like a car!"

"Hahaha, Director Zhang wears such a big hat. He wants to kill me so eagerly. Could it be that he is guilty of fear." Zhang Liang laughed loudly, waved his sleeves, and said to Ba Huang:
"Zhang Liang is here to present two big gifts. The first big gift is to save the Ba Emperor and the Ba Kingdom!"


Bahuang and all the officials of the Ba Kingdom were taken aback for a moment, and then each of them showed strange expressions and eyes.

What nonsense is this talking about.

You have to save our Emperor, His Majesty.

You want to save my Pakistani country.

Both our emperor and Pakistan are fine.

"Hahaha, Zhang Liangxiu is talking nonsense here, talking nonsense."

Others might think that Zhang Liang was talking nonsense, but Zhang Qiong felt something bad, stood up and pointed at Zhang Liang:
"Come here, take this official down and cut him down!"

Zhang Sanfeng glared suddenly, and stretched out his arms.

Three air waves surged towards Sifeng.

The strong wind rushed over.

All the officials of the Shu Kingdom on both wings were knocked down.

All of them showed horror in their eyes.

"Seventh Rank Supreme!"

Bahuang showed embarrassment on his face.

Zhang Qiang is not much better.

The seventh rank is supreme, who dares to use force.

A small envoy was actually accompanied by a seventh-rank supreme being.

What does this Xiaoyao Wang want to do?
Even our Emperor, His Majesty, cannot order such a strong man.

People are really mad at people.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty. I am the most loyal guard, and I don't like someone who surpasses the courtesy of the emperor and his ministers. A minister is a minister, and a king is a king. If a minister commits a crime, it is a crime to destroy the nine clans!" Zhang Liang bowed to Bahuang again, looking Looking at Zhang Qiong burningly.

"Director Zhang is actually able to order the court of the Ba Kingdom to make a decision for His Majesty Ba Huang. Zhang Haosheng is really envious."

"You!" Zhang Qi was so angry that his hands were trembling, and seeing Bahuang's displeasure look over his face, he quickly knelt down and said:
"Your Majesty, the old minister was just impatient and did not intend to offend. Please forgive me!"

"Yeah, you can command palms in a moment of impatience. If you do this intentionally, tsk tsk, Bahuang...you are in danger." Zhang Liang interjected to remind.

The person Ba Huang was trying to comfort suddenly tensed up even more.

The expressions of the officials of the other Pakistani kingdoms were also different.

"Zhang Liang, please explain what you just said."

After all, Zhang Qiang was an important minister of the Ba Kingdom. Ba Huang did not deal with this matter, but asked Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liangdao: "Your Majesty Ba Huang, do you know that the Shu Emperor is dead!"

The emperor of Shu is dead!
Ba Huang's eyes widened, and he stood up abruptly.

The other hundred officials also seemed to be fried.

"The king of Shu is dead! Why did he die suddenly?"

"Really, how did that guy die?"

"Zhang Liang, tell me in detail how the King of Shu died." Ba Huang was a little excited, clenched his hands into fists, and became a little excited.

Once King Shang of Shu died, the Kingdom of Shu would inevitably be in turmoil.

The Ba Kingdom can take the opportunity to send troops, not to mention defeating the Shu Kingdom, but it is still possible to eat some places.

Expansion of territory is just around the corner.

"He was killed by his officials and subordinates." Zhang Liang spit out one word at a time:

"Zhang Ren... Hanzhong... Zhang Ren!"

"That's Director Zhang's nephew!"

Zhang Liang fixed his eyes on Zhang Qiang.

Zhang Qiong's heart skipped a beat.

Finally, I know what Zhang Liang is here for.

Bahuang and the officials of the Ba Kingdom were stunned for a while.

Zhang Ren!

General of Zhennan in the Kingdom of Shu.

And he's still a prince.

He killed King Shang of Shu.

how can that be.

"Is this true?"

A military general from the Ba Kingdom stood up and asked.

Zhang Liangdao: "This matter is serious, if you don't believe me, you can ask Director Zhang, he should know more than me!"

He knows better!

Learn more!
Why more?

All the officials of the Ba Kingdom focused their attention on Zhang Qiang.

(End of this chapter)

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