Chapter 474
Zhang Qiong was sweating profusely on his forehead.

"Your Majesty, I don't know about this matter!"

Zhang Wei tremblingly said: "The capital of Shu is thousands of miles away from here. I just want to know and report to His Majesty, but I can't get the news at the first time."


Bahuang turned around and sat down, looking at Zhang Liang with a softer gaze.

Said: "Mr. Lao Lao continue to chat!"

"Ba Huang, if the Shu Emperor can be murdered by his courtiers today, it will be difficult for His Majesty to be... murdered tomorrow. Your Majesty should be vigilant." Zhang Liang glanced at Zhang Qiang, and then said:

"The reason why the Zhang family's murder of the king of Shu was so successful is because the Zhang family has great power in the country of Shu, and they also secretly made friends with all the civil and military officials of the country, so they were able to overthrow the royal family of the Meng family. for worry."

"Zhang Liang, don't aim for nothing!"

Zhang Liang punished his heart with every sentence, and every word pointed to himself.

How could Zhang Qi not be angry, how could he not be afraid.

Zhang Ren's methods are not kind.

It is not yet time to kill the King of Shu.

Why kill him.

Even if you want to kill, please remind me in advance.

He is also good at operating in Pakistan.

It is estimated that this time is Zhang Ren's temporary uprising.

The eldest nephew in Hanzhong doesn't even know about it.

"Shut up, I didn't say anything, when will it be your turn to reprimand the foreign envoy!"

Ba Huang was aroused by Zhang Liang.

That's right, Emperor Shu could be killed by Zhang Ren today.

Tomorrow he might be killed by Zhang Qiong too.

Zhang Ren and Zhang Qiang are both from the Zhang family in Hanzhong.

"Your Majesty is wise, so it seems that His Majesty is safe, so I don't need to worry about safety." Zhang Liang continued:
"Your Majesty, once the Emperor of Shu died, all the military affairs of the Shu Kingdom fell into the hands of the Zhang family. In this way, the relationship between Hanzhong, Shu, and Ba was broken.

Zhang's heart to swallow the three lands is clear, Ba Kingdom will face the simultaneous attack of Hanzhong and Shu Kingdom next, Ba Kingdom is worrying! "

Listen to Zhang Liang's analysis.

Bahuang and the civil and military personnel of Ba Kingdom realized this problem.

Once the balance is broken, the Kingdom of Shu and Hanzhong will inevitably jointly attack the Kingdom of Ba.

Pakistan may not be able to resist it.

The situation is extremely unfavorable to Pakistan.

"This is how to do?"

The officials of the Ba Kingdom began to turn around in a hurry.

Bahuang's complexion also became darker and darker.

"Zhang Liang, you said just now that you can save my country of Ba. What's your plan?"

There was no other way, so Ba Huang had to ask Zhang Liang for help.

Since Zhang Liang is here, there must be a solution.

Zhang Liangdao: "Your Majesty, the Zhang clan has not been a minister to me for a long time, and lived in Hanzhong for a hundred years. He has always been a minister in front of his face but not in his heart. He is a disrespectful traitor who wants to divide the territory.

My Da Zhou can form an alliance with Pakistan to deal with the Zhang family together, and then my Da Zhou will take back Hanzhong.

The Kingdom of Ba gained the Kingdom of Shu. Since then, the two countries have shared peace with Bashan as the boundary. At the same time, they can look east to Chuyue and expand eastward.Grow together. "

"Your Majesty, you must not, Zhang Liang's gossip is confusing everyone. My Zhang family has no intention of seeking the Ba Kingdom. My Zhang family has always lived in harmony with the Ba Kingdom. Your Majesty, please think twice!" Zhang Qiang kowtowed on the ground and begged.

Ba Huang hesitated a bit.

Hundreds of officials also whispered.

Cooperate with Da Zhou to attack Zhang family.

The breeding body is large.

"His Majesty Bahuang, I have a second big gift. I believe His Majesty will make a decision after listening to it!" Seeing that Bahuang hesitated, Zhang Liang guessed that he was not courageous enough, and it wasn't that he was unmoved, so he said again:

"This gift is for the navy of the Ba Kingdom. When everyone in my Xiaoyao Mansion went south, I basically wiped out the Shu Kingdom's navy on the Shu River and the Great River.

At this time, the Shu Kingdom's navy is no match for the Ba Kingdom. His Majesty can easily take down Jiangyang, Mourning Thorn Road and other cities, enter the southern part of the Kingdom of Shu, seize the city and occupy the people. ""

"What? Shu's navy was wiped out by you?"

Ba Huang couldn't calm down anymore, he stood up again abruptly.

The eyes of those generals of the Pakistani navy were even more bright.

I was so excited that I almost jumped out.

Zhang Liang replied affirmatively: "Shu's naval force was 4, more than [-] people were wiped out by our army, more than two-thirds of the warships were destroyed, and a city of thorny roads was captured by our army. Come and seize [-] warships of the Shu Kingdom, and recruit [-] of its people as a trilogy, Bahuang can go and inspect them."

Zhang Liang just finished speaking.

The generals of the Ba Kingdom Navy stood up one after another and said, "Your Majesty, I invite you to attack Jiangyang and Thorn Road!"

"Your Majesty, we agree to form an alliance with the Great Zhou Kingdom, attack the Zhang family together, take Shu as the frontier, and create a prosperous world!"

Other military generals of the Ba Kingdom also stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Shu is in chaos and there is no water army. God blesses the Kingdom of Ba. God has given us a good opportunity. Take it when you cut it down!"

"Hahaha, good! You have some lofty ambitions, so I have no reason not to." Ba Huang looked at the ministers below asking for a fight, and he himself was full of pride and ambition.

Finally made up his mind, he shook his dragon robe, and pointed with his big hand: "Lianzhou will destroy Zhang, and the navy will prepare to send troops to the west to attack the Kingdom of Shu."

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

All the ministers of the Ba Kingdom praised it one after another.

Zhang Liangdao: "Your Majesty, that Director Zhang..."

Zhang Liang prolongs the syllable on purpose.

Hearing this, Emperor Ba waved his sleeves angrily and said: "Come here, drag Zhang Qiang out and behead him, arrest all the rebels of the Zhang family in our Ba Kingdom, find out who is related to him, and kill them together. "

Since you want to do it, it should be thorough.

Bahuang didn't want to put this kind of threat on his pillow.

He didn't want to follow in the footsteps of King Shang of Shu.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Your Majesty, I, Mrs. Zhang, are innocent...Ah!"

Soon someone held Zhang Qiang's head and said: "Your Majesty, the traitor is the head!"

"Take it down, take it down!" Ba Huang waved his hand like chasing flies away.

"Zhang Liang, now that Ba Kingdom wants to form an alliance with Da Zhou, King Xiaoyao can enter Jiangzhou City, and I will entertain him with a banquet!" Ba Huang said earnestly to Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liangdao: "Your Majesty, I will go out and inform His Highness, His Highness will be delighted and excited to learn that His Majesty is so heroic."


Zhang Liang took Zhang Sanfeng out of Shicheng, boarded the boat and returned to Ye Qing's side, and explained the situation.

Ye Qing and the others laughed and said: "Zifang's move is really different, not only allowed us to enter Jiangzhou City, but also broke Zhang's arm, and gained an ally for Da Zhou.

Be a big reward! "

"My lord, it's amazing. It's thanks to the bravery of our soldiers that they were able to wipe out the Shu army. Without this support, the Ba people might not be willing to form an alliance." Zhang Liang said very modestly.

"Okay, don't be humble anymore, we all know your talent and can see it." Ye Qing patted him on the shoulder, and then said to everyone:

"Sail into Jiangzhou."

When the Xiaoyao Fushui army arrived, Bahuang went out of the city to meet him, and went straight down to the pier.

So are the officials of Pakistan
They wanted to see what kind of Xiaoyao Mansion army could wipe out the Shu Kingdom's navy.

When I saw the black spots of hundreds of warships, I was still a little suspicious and disdainful.

Such a small number of troops can also wipe out the navy of Shu.

What a joke.

But as the warship got closer and closer until it approached the pier.

All the officials of the Ba Kingdom gasped.

"What a big warship!"

"Twenty ships, it seems to have four floors, like a building, how many people can be accommodated!"

"Look at the shapes of these ships, they are extremely weird..."

"It's like an imposing manner, like a hundred thousand troops entering the arena, it's not wrong for the Shu Kingdom to lose to them!"

"I don't know if my navy is the opponent!"

(End of this chapter)

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